Florida Department of Education
Division of Career and Adult Education
325 West Gaines Street, Suite 701
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Phone: 850-245-9020
Fax: 850-245-9019
CTE Basic Skills Assessment
Revised March 2020
Table of Contents
SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE ....................................................................... 2
SECTION 2: BASIC SKILLS EXIT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 2
Exceptions and Exemptions from the Basic Skills Examination ................................................ 3
Basic Skills Remediation ............................................................................................................. 4
Students with Disabilities ............................................................................................................ 5
Student Counseling and Advising ............................................................................................... 6
Occupational Completion Points ................................................................................................. 7
SECTION 3: TEST PROCEDURES AND TEST SECURITY .................................................... 7
Recommendations for Testing Best Practices ............................................................................. 7
Testing Personnel ..................................................................................................................... 7
Testing Procedures ................................................................................................................... 7
Test Guidelines ............................................................................................................................ 9
Calculator ................................................................................................................................. 9
Post-Testing .............................................................................................................................. 9
Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) ..................................................................................... 9
Locator Test ............................................................................................................................... 10
Retesting Time ........................................................................................................................... 10
CASAS GOALS (Greater Opportunities for Adult Learning Success) 900 Series ................... 10
SECTION 4: TEST ACCOMMODATIONS PROCEDURES ................................................... 10
Students with Disabilities .......................................................................................................... 10
Frequently Asked Questions related to Basic Skills Exit Requirements ................................... 14
Basic Skills Exemptions ......................................................................................................... 14
Revised March 2020
Throughout the years, career and technical education (CTE) has focused on teaching technical
competencies and related academic skills that prepare students to enter and advance in a variety
of career fields and postsecondary education. Program and course descriptions are reviewed on a
regular basis to ensure that the technical and academic skills identified for each program or
course meet industry standards as well as requirements established by regulatory boards.
Each CTE career certificate program, 450 clock hours or longer, has identified associated basic
academic skills (reading, mathematics and language) that are required for completion from each
CTE program. For the purpose of CTE and basic skills requirements, completion is
accomplished when a student has demonstrated mastery of the entire program’s standards and
benchmarks and receives a Career Certificate of Completion. Please note that this in an exit
requirement. The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) does not have basic skills entry
requirements associated with CTE programs.
The purpose of this paper is to provide information on the following:
Legal basis for basic skills assessment in CTE;
Procedures to be followed throughout the assessment process;
Counseling of students who do not meet the basic skills exit requirements;
Exemptions or waivers of basic skills requirements;
Accommodations for students with disabilities; and
Legislative changes.
Section 1004.91, Florida Statutes (F.S.), Career-Preparatory Instruction and State Board of
Education Rule 6A-10.040 Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) requires students who enroll in
a career certificate or applied technology diploma program offered for career credit of 450 clock
hours or more to complete an entry-level examination within the first six weeks after admission
into the program.
The purpose of assessment is to determine whether or not the student has the basic skills
necessary to be successful in the chosen CTE program. Assessment instruments meeting this
requirement are annually adopted in Rule 6A-10.040, F.A.C. and include:
Any common placement test where a minimum score has been achieved pursuant to Rule
6A-10.0315, F.A.C.;
Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS), GOALS 900 Series
Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) 11&12; and
2014 GED® Tests: Reasoning through Language Arts and Mathematics Reasoning where
a minimum score (145), as required in Rule 6A-.6.0201, F.A.C., has been achieved, on
each test.
If a student successfully completes his or her coursework, does not meet the basic skills
requirements for completion from the program utilizing an approved assessment instrument,
takes and passes a related licensure exam identified by the Florida Department of Education
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(FDOE), Division of Career and Adult Education (DCAE), and posted on the website at
http://fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/5652/urlt/2019-20-basicskills.rtf, the student shall be counted
as a completer and does not have to be retested on one of the basic skills examinations. This
provision includes career dual enrollment students .
The Local Education Agency (LEA) is required to maintain documentation that the student
passed licensure certification in order to report the student as a full program completer. The
student should be post-tested to determine whether or not they meet or exceed the exit
requirements before they take the related professional licensure examination or certification.
(Rule 6A-10.040, F.A.C.)
A student enrolled in a CTE program who does not meet the basic skills requirements, but passes
an identified licensure examination or certification after program completion, should be recorded
as “incomplete” until the LEA receives documentation of the licensure and then may report the
student as a completer from the CTE program. The student must be allowed to sit for an industry
examination if he or she has successfully completed the CTE program in which the student is
enrolled. The basic skills exit requirement is not a requirement of the licensing agencies.
If the student does not meet the basic skills requirements for completion, is not exempt, or does
not pass an identified licensure examination or certification, the student cannot be reported as a
full program completer from the program and cannot earn a local Career Certificate of
Exceptions and Exemptions from the Basic Skills Examination
Adult students with disabilities may be exempted from meeting the basic skills level
required to earn a Career Certificate of Completion and be reported as a completer.
Students who are exempt from basic skills exit requirements include those who:
o Possess a college degree at the associate in applied science (AAS) level or higher;
o Demonstrate readiness for public postsecondary education pursuant to s. 1008.30,
F.S. and applicable rules adopted by the State Board of Education. A student who
entered 9th grade in a Florida public school in the 2003-2004 school year, or any
year thereafter, and earned a Florida standard high school diploma or a student
who is serving as an active duty member of any branch of the United States
Armed Services shall not be required to take the common placement test and shall
not be required to enroll in developmental education instruction in a Florida
College System institution. However, a student who is not required to take the
common placement test and is not required to enroll in developmental education
under this paragraph may opt to be assessed and to enroll in developmental
education instruction, and the college shall provide such assessment and
instruction upon the student’s request.
o Pass a state or national industry certification or licensure examination that is
identified in State Board of Education rules and aligned to the CTE program in
which the student is enrolled; or
o Is enrolled in an apprenticeship program that is registered with FDOE in
accordance with Chapter 446.
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If a student has met or exceeded standard scores in one area of one test, another test may
be used to meet the additional skill area requirements. It is acceptable to combine test
scores from more than one test. (Rule 6A-10.315, F.A.C.)
A student who was previously tested and referred to developmental education at a Florida
College System (FCS) institution college may be reported as meeting basic skills
requirements once they successfully complete the required developmental education and
will not need to be retested.
Students enrolled in school district or FCS institution law enforcement training academies
are not subject to basic skills exit requirements in s. 1004.91 F.S. or Rule 6A-10.040
F.A.C. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) has designated the Florida
Basic Abilities Test (FBAT) for use with these students; please refer to s. 943.17(6), F.S.,
for more information.
A student who has taken the 2014 GED® and attained the minimum achievement scores on both
the Reasoning through Language Arts (RLA) and Mathematic Reasoning, does not need to be
tested. A student who takes the 2014 GED® and does not attain the minimum score on the initial
test, but then subsequently attains the minimum score on each test after admission into the CTE
program, may be counted as a full completer from the program once the student successfully
demonstrates mastery of program content as determined locally. Earning the achievement scores
on both the 2014 GED® RLA and Mathematical Reasoning subtests must occur before or within
the reporting year that the student completes the CTE program. All requirements for full program
completion would need to be earned by the end of the reporting year for the year in which there
was enrollment. Once WDIS has closed for the reporting year, there is no longer an opportunity
to update records and indicate the student was a full program completer. School districts and
FCS institutions may still update local system records, it just would not be transmitted to the
state and the student would not be included in Perkins calculations as a full program completer.
Dual enrolled students who have not met the basic skills requirements, may complete the
program prior to high school graduation and then be counted as a completer once they have
received their high school diploma. All of the requirements for full program completion would
need to be earned by the end of the reporting year for the year in which there was enrollment.
Once WDIS has closed for the reporting year, there is no longer an opportunity to update your
records and indicate the student was a full program completer. School districts and FCS
institutions may can still update local system records, it just would not be transmitted to the state
and the student would not be included in Perkins calculations as a full program completer.
Basic Skills Remediation
Following admission to a program, if a student is unable to demonstrate the basic skills exit
requirements, remediation should be provided. After remediation, the student has the opportunity
to test again using the same assessment instrument before the completion of the program. A
student only needs to meet the basic skills requirements for exit from the program.
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Remediation must be available to assist students in attaining the required basic skills levels and
may be provided concurrently with enrollment in the CTE program, or, in certain cases (i.e.,
programs with waiting lists), prior to entry into the CTE program.
A student functioning at the 9
grade level or above, but not meeting a program’s basic skills
exit requirements as identified in the curriculum framework, should be referred to Applied
Academics for Adult Education (AAAE) or for those functioning below the 9
grade level, to
Adult Basic Education (ABE). Visit the Adult Education website to access the AAAE or ABE
curriculum frameworks. In order to be placed in ABE for instructional purposes the student will
need to be tested with one of the approved tests in Rule 6A-6.014 FAC.
Some programs are limited access and have a “wait” list for admission. It is permissible for a
student to choose to test and remediate during this “wait” time. The student would be enrolled in
either ABE, if their basic skills levels are less than 9
grade level or in AAAE if their basic skills
levels are above 9
grade level.
After remediation, if the student’s basic skills scores do not meet program exit requirements, the
student may:
Remediate further and retest;
Pass a related state, national or industry licensure examination or certification defined by
the FDOE and posted on the website
exempt.rtf ; or
Be exempt from meeting the basic skills requirements of the program if they are a student
with a disability and provide appropriate documentation and request an exemption based
upon the disability. Rule 6A-10.040, F.A.C., requires all LEAs to have a policy
addressing exemptions for students with disabilities. Many LEAs require the student to
test, remediate and post-test. If the student doesn’t meet the basic skills exit requirement,
but has successfully completed the CTE program, they may be reported as exempt from
meeting basic skills requirements based on local policy and counted as a program
Federal Office of Civil Rights (OCR) legislation prohibits denying entry into any CTE program
on the basis of criteria that have the effect of disproportionately excluding persons of a particular
race, color, national origin, sex or handicap. In order to use such criteria, the recipient must
demonstrate that such criteria have been validated as essential to participation in a given
program. http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/vocre.html.
Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities must be provided opportunities for remediation when needed and to
avoid penalizing a student who may not be able to meet the basic skills exit requirements due to
a documented disability. A student with a disability who has demonstrated proficiency of the
student performance standards for the CTE program, but has not attained the appropriate basic
skills levels required for completion from that program, the LEA, based on local policy, may use
Revised March 2020
the exemption, report the student as a completer to FDOE and award a local Career Certificate of
The recommended guidelines for exempting a student with a documented disability are as
Assess within the first six weeks of admission to determine the student’s strengths and
Provide instruction;
Assess again to determine if basic skills exit requirements were achieved; and
Should the student still not meet the exit requirements after the second assessment due to
their disability, but has met the requirements of his or her CTE program, exempt the
student from the basic skills requirements in accordance with local policy and report
them as a completer to FDOE.
FDOE Rule 6A-10.040(4), F.A.C. includes permissive language that allows LEAs to exempt
adults with disabilities from meeting the required basic skills level to earn a Career Certificate of
Completion. Since application of the exemption is permissible and not mandatory, each LEA
must develop a local written policy describing the procedures to be followed and documentation
to be maintained throughout the testing, remediation, certification, reporting and audit process.
This policy should not deny anyone access or opportunities because of a disability.
Student Counseling and Advising
Counseling and advising is an essential element in career preparation to assist students in
identifying career goals and selecting appropriate training programs. Explaining the demands of
the academics involved in the CTE program is an important part of the counseling process. A
clear understanding of expectations will better prepare the student for making sound decisions
and successfully completing the program. It is important for students to understand the
relationship between basic skills and success in his or her chosen CTE program, and that
improving his or her skills will help foster success in the program and in future employment.
34 C.F.R. 104.47(b), implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 states that the
recipient shall ensure that qualified students with disabilities are not counseled toward more
restrictive career objectives than are students without disabilities with similar interests and
abilities. This requirement does not preclude a recipient from providing factual information
about licensing, certification and employment requirements of particular careers. (34 C.F.R.
104.3(f) - Recipient means any state or its political subdivision, any instrumentality of a state or
its political subdivision, any public or private agency, institution, organization, or other entity, or
any person to which federal financial assistance is extended directly or through another recipient,
including any successor, assignee or transferee of a recipient, but excluding the ultimate
beneficiary of the assistance.)
All students who are referred to adult education programs require ongoing counseling and
monitoring to ensure that: (1) progress is being made, (2) support services are being provided if
needed and (3) progression toward completion of program goals is occurring.
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Occupational Completion Points
Awarding of Occupational Completion Points (OCP) is not dependent upon meeting the basic
skills requirements of a program. Once a student has completed the courses associated with an
OCP, then the OCP may be awarded. However, if the student has not yet met the basic skills
requirements, or received an exemption, they would not be marked as a full program completer.
All requirements for full program completion status would need to be earned by the end of the
reporting year for the year in which there was enrollment. Once Workforce Development
Information System (WDIS) has closed for the reporting year, there is no longer an opportunity
to update records and indicate the student was a full program completer. School districts and
Florida College Systems (FCS) may still update local system records, it just would not be
transmitted to the state and the student would not be included in Perkins calculations as a full
program completer.
Test security is an essential component of standardized testing. The importance of test security
cannot be stressed enough. If test security is compromised, data is not accurate. All test booklets,
computer passwords, answer sheets, answer keys, scratch paper, etc., must be maintained in a
secure manner. Test questions and answers are not to be revealed to students prior to, during or
after testing. To do otherwise would give some students an unfair advantage. Moreover, the test
would no longer examine achievements, but would merely assess recall of answers.
Tests or individual test questions shall not be revealed or otherwise reproduced by persons who
are involved in the administration, proctoring or scoring of any test. Again, this would give an
unfair advantage to certain teachers and students when the test is next administered. Only those
staff members who have been certified to administer the current test should have access to the
test. It is unlawful for anyone to knowingly and willingly violate test security rules adopted by
the State Board of Education for mandatory tests (s. 1008.24, F.S. and Rule 6A-10.042, F.A.C.).
Recommendations for Testing Best Practices
Testing Personnel
Training of personnel administering and accessing tests is critical to ensure the maintenance of
test security and appropriate testing procedures, including accommodations for students with
Every effort should be made for FDOE-approved tests (assessments) to be administered by
personnel not directly involved with the instructional process of the same group of examinees.
Testing Procedures
Recommended testing procedures established by test publishers should be followed for proper
test administration including, but not limited to, the following:
Preparing the testing room, including seating plans;
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o The room should be comfortable, well lit, with sufficient workspace
o The room should be arranged to discourage cheating
o A “Do Not Disturb” sign should be posted on the door
o Cell phones, electronic devices and other personal belongings are not allowed in
the testing area
Securing and storing test materials;
Verifying student identification;
Admitting examinees to the testing room, including recommended identification
Distributing and collecting materials;
Documenting irregularities;
Reading test instructions and directions to examinees;
Following testing time guidelines;
Providing accommodations for students with disabilities;
Handling unexpected interruptions;
Monitoring test-taking to prevent the opportunity for cheating; and
Documenting and reporting problems with materials, disruptive student behavior,
cheating or any other unexpected or irregular incident.
Every standardized assessment has a standardized protocol that must be followed to ensure
accurate test results. All test administrators must familiarize themselves with the test
administrator’s manual for each test they administer.
The quality of a program depends on the accuracy of assessment and reporting. Proper test
procedures allow the state and the U.S. Department of Education to compare programs.
All test administrators must adhere to the following guidelines:
Florida educators shall adhere to The Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional
Conduct of The Education Profession in Florida, in the implementation of student
assessment testing programs. Rule 6B-1.006, F.A.C.;
Florida educators who are responsible for the administration of state and district
assessment tests shall abide by policies established in statute and rule regarding test
Florida educators responsible for administering district and statewide assessment tests
shall adhere to the instructions found in the administration manual for each test;
Personnel with test administration and test proctoring responsibilities will be
appropriately trained, and where appropriate, have certification from the test publisher;
Students will be prepared for the testing activities prior to the day of testing;
Test administrators will provide adequate test administration conditions;
Students with disabilities will be provided appropriate test accommodations;
Test results will be communicated only to appropriate audiences.
Revised March 2020
Test Guidelines
Programs should have a local assessment policy in place that includes procedures to ensure the
Students are informed of the reason they are being tested, prior to the test administration;
Students are informed as to how the test results will be used;
An appropriate test environment is used;
Proper test procedures are followed when administering the tests;
Appropriate amount of instruction is provided between pre- and post-testing;
Appropriate pre- and post-test are administered;
Test is accurately scored;
All test materials are kept secure;
All test scores and dates of testing are entered into the local education agency’s (LEA)
Management Information System (MIS); and
Test scores are kept confidential.
Some tests allow the option of using calculators on some portions of the mathematics test. If this
is allowable, the site must provide calculators and instruction on the use of those calculators for
the testing procedure to ensure equity for all students.
A student should be post-tested on the alternate form of the same level of the test used in pre-
testing, or either form of a higher level of the test. Rule 6A-10.040, F.A.C. The publisher’s
guidelines must be followed when post-testing with any FDOE-approved test.
Test scores may be accepted from one public institution to another; however, they must be
transmitted electronically (or mailed in a sealed envelope) from the institution that administered
the test.
Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
TABE is a group of tests that measure reading, mathematics and language grade levels; basic
skills commonly found in adult basic education curricula taught in high school and adult
instructional programs. The test is based on statistically sound measurement models and
extensive research and development and is based on the National College and Career Readiness
TABE is available in paper and pencil and online versions. Online versions are scored by the
publisher, Data Recognition Corporation (DRC), automatically, and paper-based forms may be
scored by hand or by the publisher.
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The state requires that all persons who administer, interpret or have access the TABE test to be
certified. FDOE offers free TABE certification, recertification and interpreting results training
on-line at http://www.floridaipdae.org/.
Locator Test
The locator test is not required for CTE students. However, the appropriate level of TABE must
be administered, so that the required scale score is in the range for the level of test administered.
Retesting Time
TABE 11&12:
50-60 hours of instruction is recommended when testing with same level and different
form (e.g. 11D to 12D).
For students at a higher level (ninth grade and above), 30-59 hours of instruction is
If the student has no documented instructional time, they must wait three months to retest
using alternate form.
60-80 hours of instruction is recommended when testing with the same level and same
form (e.g. 11D to 11D).
If the student has no documented instructional time, they must wait six months to retest
using the same level and same form.
For more information, please access this link: https://tabetest.com/
CASAS GOALS (Greater Opportunities for Adult Learning Success) 900 Series
The CASAS GOALS 900 Series is an approved assessment for CTE and ABE. The series tests
both reading and math skills. Computer-based and paper-based administration are available. The
series covers a balance of life skills and employment-related content of interest to adults.
Reading tests measure academic language aligned to college and career readiness standards:
higher-order reading skills (Depth of Knowledge), complex informational text and vocabulary.
Math tests measure academic math skills aligned to college and career readiness standards,
number sense, algebra, geometry, measurement and statistical reasoning.
This series tests rigorous academic skills to help identify the reading and math skills students
need as they prepare to function successfully in today's society, to transition to postsecondary
education and training and to achieve success in the workplace.
Students with Disabilities
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Some students with disabilities may require testing procedure accommodations. Students with
disabilities should have every opportunity to discuss such needs with appropriate staff early,
during the counseling process, when the student participates in planning his or her program.
However, adult students are not required to reveal his or her disability and may elect to
participate in the program without special assistance. Students must self-identify, provide
documentation and request accommodation services if they wish to receive testing
accommodations. Documentation of the need for specific testing procedure accommodations
should be maintained in the student's confidential records and revealed only on a “need to
know” basis. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which is incorporated
into state law under s. 1002.221 and s.1002.225, F.S., is designed to protect the privacy of a
student’s education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable
program from the U.S. Department of Education. Generally, schools must have written
permission from the parent or guardian or eligible student in order to release any information
from a student's education record.
Rule 6A-1.0943, F.A.C., Statewide Assessment for Students with Disabilities, provides the basis
for accommodations to Florida's statewide assessment system for students with disabilities and
provides examples of allowable testing accommodations. Consideration must be given to
providing accommodations that will allow the student with a disability to demonstrate the skills
and knowledge the test is designed to measure, rather than a score that reflects the student’s
disability. Accommodations are not to provide the student with an unfair advantage or interfere
with the validity of the test; they are required to allow the student an equal opportunity to
demonstrate the underlying skills that are being measured by the test. Students are unique and
may require different accommodations, even if they have the same disability. When specifying
test accommodations for an individual student, consideration should be given to the option
requested by the student. Test accommodations are based on accommodations used by the
student during classroom instruction. All accommodations should be documented on the
student’s Individual Educational Plan (IEP), Adult Individual Educational Plan (AIEP), 504 Plan
or other educational plan.
Students with documented disabilities, who self-identify, must be provided with
accommodations in the testing procedure as needed on an individual basis. Rule 6A-1.0943,
F.A.C., Statewide Assessment for Students with Disabilities, provides examples of allowable
testing procedure accommodations.
Testing accommodations may include, but are not limited to:
Flexible scheduling: The student may be administered a test during several brief sessions
allowing frequent breaks during the testing sessions, within specifications of the test
administration manual. Students may be provided additional time for the administration
of the test;
Flexible setting: The student may be administered a test individually or in a small group
setting. The student may be provided with adaptive or special furniture and special
lighting or acoustics;
Flexible responding: The student may use varied methods to respond to the test, including
written, signed and verbal response. Written responses may include the use of mechanical
and electronic devices. A test administrator or proctor may transcribe student responses
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to the format required by the test. Transcribed responses must accurately reflect the
response of the student, without addition or edification by the test administrator or
Flexible presentation: The student may use mechanical aids, revised formats such as
Braille, large print, or signed or oral presentations for directions and items other than
reading items;
Assistive devices: The student may use the following assistive devices typically used in
classroom instruction:
o If the purpose of the assessment requires complex computation, calculators may
be used as authorized in the test administration manual.
o Visual magnification and auditory amplification devices may be used. For
students with visual impairments, an abacus may be used.
o Technology may be used without accessing spelling or grammar-checking
applications for writing assessments and without using speech output programs
for reading items assessed. Other assistive technology typically used by the
student in classroom instruction may be used provided the purpose of the testing
is not violated. Implementation of assistive devices must assure that test responses
are the independent work of the student. (Rule 6A-1.0943, F.A.C.)
The following pages show comparison charts for the norm-referenced tests. The scale scores
given are the minimum scale scores for each grade level equivalency.
TABE Information - Scale Score to Grade Equivalent Charts
This chart shows the minimum scale score to grade equivalent.
TABE 11&12 Minimum Scale Score
For Frequently Asked Questions concerning TABE, go to https://tabetest.com/.
Revised March 2020
Grade Level Equivalents
Level Names
Scale Score Ranges
Beginning Literacy
178 - 193
0.0 - 1.9
Beginning Basic
194 - 203
2.0 - 3.9
Low Intermediate
204 - 214
4.0 - 5.9
Middle Intermediate
215 - 225
6.0 - 8.9
High Intermediate
226 - 235
9.0 - 10.9
Adult Secondary
236 - 249
11.0 - 12.9
Reading GOALS
Grade Level Equivalents
Level Names
Reading GOALS
Scale Score Ranges
Beginning Literacy
165 - 203
0.0 - 1.9
Beginning Basic
204 - 216
2.0 - 3.9
3 Low Intermediate 217 - 227 4.0 - 5.9
Middle Intermediate
228 - 238
6.0 - 8.9
5 High Intermediate 239 – 248 9.0 - 10.9
Adult Secondary
249 - 262
11.0 - 12.9
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Frequently Asked Questions related to Basic Skills Exit Requirements
Basic Skills Exemptions
1. Where can I find the documentation for basic skills exemptions specifically the one
concerning a Florida Standard High School Diploma?
Section 1004.91, F.S. refers to s. 1008.30, F.S. and the accompanying Rule 6A-10.0315,
F.A.C., lists the exemptions which can be found at:
2. Section 1004.91, F.S. states that students that are exempt from college testing as per s.
1008.30, F.S., are exempt from basic skills testing: “A student who demonstrates
readiness for public postsecondary education pursuant to s. 1008.30, F.S. and applicable
rules adopted by the State Board of Education.”
Does s. 1008.30, F.S. indicate that a student who meets the criteria for exemption from
testing and developmental education is exempt from the required basic skills testing and
exit requirements for CTE programs? Does this mean that Postsecondary Adult
Vocational (PSAV) students can no longer be tested on the "front-end" of their program?
Does this mean that these students no longer need the basic skills as an exit requirement
or will they still need to take the TABE before receiving a certificate?
Yes, as with prior exemptions in Rule 6A-10.0315, F.A.C. and s. 1004.91, F.S., the new
exemption is for students who demonstrate readiness for public postsecondary education
pursuant to s. 1008.30 F.S. and applicable rules adopted by the State Board of Education.
This applies to career certificateprograms and students are no longer required to be
tested if they meet one of the exemptions in Rule.
Please see questions 9 & 10 concerning certain regulated programs.
3. Does Rule 6A-10.0315, F.A.C., Common Placement Testing and Instruction, apply to all
postsecondary education including technical centers?
Section 1004.91, F.S., exempts any student who demonstrates readiness for public
postsecondary education pursuant to s. 1008.30, F.S. and applicable rules adopted by the
State Board of Education. Therefore, Rule 6A-10.0315 F.A.C., applies to all public
postsecondary institutions (technical centers and Florida colleges) offering career
certificate programs.
4. Does scoring satisfactory levels on the TABE remain a requirement for completion from
the CTE program?
If the basic skills requirements are waived based upon one of the exemptions, students
do not have to be tested to show they meet basic skills levels for completion purposes.
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5. What are the high school withdrawal codes that are applicable to the exemption from
common placement testing and developmental education pursuant to Rule 6A-10.0315,
F.A.C. and s. 1008.30, F.S.?
Standard Diploma (Passed FCAT)
Adult Standard High School Diploma
Adult Standard High School Diploma (Alternate Assessment)
Adult Standard High School Diploma ((ACCEL) 18-Credit Option)
Adult Standard High School Diploma ((ACCEL) alternate assessment, 18-Credit
Adult Standard High School Diploma (ACCEL)
Adult Standard High School Diploma
Adult Standard High School Diploma (Any student who graduated from school and
met all of the requirements to receive a standard diploma and was exempted from
being required to use assessments to earn a standard high school diploma due to
cancellation of the 2019-2020 statewide assessments per DOE Order No. 2020-EO-
Adult Standard High School Diploma (Career and Technical (CTE) Pathway
Adult Standard High School Diploma ((CTE Pathway Option), Concordant and/or
Comparative Score)
Adult Standard High School Diploma ((CTE Pathway Option), Statewide
assessment waiver)
Any student who graduated from school and met all of the requirements to receive a
standard diploma and was exempted from required assessments due to cancellation
of the 2019-2020 statewide assessments
Standard Diploma (Deferred Receipt)
Standard Diploma (Accelerated, Alternate Assessment)
Standard High School Diploma (FCAT Waiver)
Standard High School Diploma (FCAT Waiver and Statewide Standardized
Assessment Results Waiver) for any student with disabilities.
Standard High School Diploma ((Career and Technical (CTE) Pathway Option)
Revised March 2020
Standard High School Diploma ((CTE Pathway Option), Concordant and/or
Comparative Score)
Standard High School Diploma ((CTE Pathway Option), Statewide assessment
results waiver)
Standard High School Diploma (Academically Challenging Curriculum to enhance
Learning (ACCEL) options)
Standard High School Diploma (Academically Challenging Curriculum to enhance
Learning (ACCEL) options with state alternative assessment score)
Standard High School Diploma (Academically Challenging Curriculum to enhance
Learning (ACCEL) options w)an approved statewide assessment waiver)
6. Is a high school diploma from a charter school considered the same as one from a public
Yes. All charters in Florida are public schools within the district system and students
in those charters are required to meet the same graduation requirements as all other
public school students.
7. How does this change affect dual-enrolled students who have yet to earn their high school
diploma but are on track to graduate at the end of their senior year?
The only requirement for CTE dual enrolled student admission is a 2.0 GPA.
8. Could you clarify if the language in Rule 6A-10.0315, FAC, applies to Criminal Justice
Basic Abilities Test?
Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test is required under s. 943.17, F.S. for entry into
Criminal Justice programs. The Criminal Justice Training Commission sets the standards
for their training programs.
9. We use the TABE in conjunction with other measures to select students for limited access
programs. Can we require these students to take the TABE? If not, how should they be
treated in a formula that uses the TABE?
Each Florida College Board of Trustees has the authority to establish criteria for
admission to limited access programs as per s. 1007.263(3), F.S.
10. I have a student that holds a cosmetology certification from the State of Florida. This
student wants to enroll in a culinary program, are they exempt?
No, the certification must be earned in the program in which the student is enrolled and is
typically earned near the end of the program or after completion.
Revised March 2020
11. Do students with disabilities have to complete 120 hours of remediation before a TABE
Waiver can be issued?
This would be a district policy. A student with a disability who is exempt from the Basic
Skills Assessment is not required to complete remediation. A district may require a
student with a disability who is not exempt to complete remediation. The state does not
set a number of required hours of remediation.
12. Where can I find the cut scores for the SAT, ACT, etc.?
Cut scores for all college ready tests are listed in Rule 6A-10.0315 F.A.C.
13. We know that we can't require AAAE or TABE scores prior to enrollment. Is there any
time that we can require a student to enroll in AAAE?
That would be a district decision. State Board Rule 6A-10.040 requires you to provide
remediation if needed. https://www.flrules.org/gateway/ruleNo.asp?id=6A-10.040.
14. Are the basic skills scores for the program required for dual enrolled students prior to
enrollment? What about programs that are fewer than 450 hours and do not have basic
skills scores associated with them such as Patient Care Assisting?
The student must reach the required basic skills levels to be a completer from the
program. If the program is less than 450 clock hours, there are no basic skills exit
15. Would a student who wants to dual enroll in a CTE program who has a 2.0 GPA also be
required to meet the minimum score on a common placement test adopted by the State
Board of Education which indicates that the student is ready for college-level
The CTE student only has to meet the 2.0 GPA requirement to dual enroll.
16. If a student received a WFT graduation code by taking an alternate assessment within a
year after they completed a CTE program, can they be counted as a program completer?
The length of time after program completion a district will accept proof of completion
should be part of the district’s local assessment plan.