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2023-2024 CTE Course Catalog
Career and Technical Education
With Texas Student Data System PEIMS Codes and Descriptions
College, Career and Military Preparation Division
Texas Education Agency
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Career Development .............................................................................................................. 4
Middle School ................................................................................................................ 5
High School ................................................................................................................... 6
Career and Technical Education .............................................................................................. 9
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources ............................................................................ 10
Architecture & Construction ........................................................................................... 25
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications ........................................................................ 42
Business Management & Administration .......................................................................... 63
Education & Training ..................................................................................................... 71
Energy ......................................................................................................................... 77
Finance ........................................................................................................................ 82
Government & Public Administration ............................................................................... 87
Health Science ............................................................................................................. 92
Hospitality & Tourism .................................................................................................. 111
Human Services .......................................................................................................... 119
Information Technology .............................................................................................. 132
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security ..................................................................... 146
Manufacturing ............................................................................................................ 155
Marketing .................................................................................................................. 168
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics .......................................................... 175
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics ......................................................................... 195
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Table of Contents
Middle School
Career and College Exploration
High School
Project-Based Research
Applied Mathematics for Technical Professionals
Student to Industry Connection
General Employability Skills
Career Preparation l
Career Preparation l/Extended Career Preparation
Career Preparation ll
Career Preparation ll/Extended Career Preparation
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Middle School
Career and College Exploration
12700110 (First Time Taken)
12700120 (Second Time Taken)
Grade Placement: 7–8
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
The goal of Career and College Exploration is to help students build career awareness and
engage in deep exploration and study of the Texas CTE career clusters to create a foundation for
success in high school, possible postsecondary studies, and careers. The career development
process is unique to every person and evolves throughout one's life. In Career and College
Exploration, students use decision-making and problem-solving skills for individual career and
academic planning. Students explore valid, reliable educational and career information to learn
more about themselves and their interests and abilities. Students integrate skills from academic
subjects, information technology, and interpersonal communication to make informed decisions.
This course is designed to guide students through the process of investigating and developing a
college and career readiness plan. Students use aptitude and interest inventory assessments,
labor market information, software, or other tools available to explore a variety of career paths,
especially those in demand. Students will begin mapping their anticipated secondary coursework
and potential postsecondary experiences that are in alignment with their goals.
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High School
Project-Based Research
12701500 (First Time Taken) (PROBS1)
12701510 (Second Time Taken) (PROBS2)
12701520 (Third Time Taken) (PROBS3)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Project-Based Research is a course for students to research a real-world problem. Students are
matched with a mentor from the business or professional community to develop an original
project on a topic related to career interests. Students use scientific methods of investigation to
conduct in-depth research, compile findings, and present their findings to an audience that
includes experts in the field. To attain academic success, students must have opportunities to
learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills in a variety of settings.
Applied Mathematics for Technical Professionals
TSDS PEIMS Code: 12701410 (APMATHTP)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1 Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Algebra 1 and Geometry.
The process standards describe ways in which students are expected to engage in the content.
The placement of the process standards at the beginning of the knowledge and skills listed for
each grade and course is intentional. The process standards weave the other knowledge and skills
together so that students may be successful problem solvers and use mathematics efficiently and
effectively in daily life. The process standards are integrated at every grade level and course.
When possible, students will apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and
the workplace. Students will use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given
information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and
evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution. Students will
select appropriate tools such as real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology and
techniques such as mental math, estimation, and number sense to solve problems. Students will
effectively communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple
representations such as symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language. Students will use mathematical
relationships to generate solutions and make connections and predictions. Students will analyze
mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas. Students will
display, explain, or justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical
language in written or oral communication.
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Student to Industry Connection
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1270154 (ST2INDCN)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: successful completion of two career and technical education courses.
The Student to Industry Connection course provides students with the opportunity to develop
professional relationships with experienced individuals within the student’s chosen program of
study and to demonstrate necessary skills for an online virtual workplace. Students will learn
acceptable virtual etiquette and professionalism for a teleworking environment. The central focus
of this course is to prepare students to be 21st century career ready through interaction with a
seasoned workplace mentor. The course may include a work-based learning component.
Instruction will support students with marketable skills attainment. The course is recommended
for students 16 years of age or older.
General Employability Skills
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1270153 (GEMPLS)
Grade Placement: 9-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None.
This course provides students with knowledge of the prerequisite skills for general employment as
well as the means of obtaining those skills. Employability skills include fundamentals of
maintenance of personal appearance and grooming. The course also includes the knowledge,
skills, and attitudes that allow employees to get along with their co-workers, make important
work-related decisions, and become strong members of the work team. Discovering job
possibilities that link skills, abilities, interests, values, needs, and work environment preferences is
a part of the process of obtaining employability skills and abilities and is experiential learning that
takes place over time.
Career Preparation l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 12701300 (CAREERP1)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Career Preparation I provides opportunities for students to participate in a work-based learning
experience that combines classroom instruction with business and industry employment
experiences. The goal is to prepare students with a variety of skills for a changing workplace.
Career preparation is relevant and rigorous, supports student attainment of academic standards,
and effectively prepares students for college and career success.
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Career Preparation l/Extended Career Preparation
TSDS PEIMS Code: 12701305 (EXCAREE1)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Successful completion of one or more advanced career and technical education
courses that are part of a coherent sequence of courses in a Career Cluster related to the field in
which the student will be employed.
Corequisites: Career Preparation I.
Extended Career Preparation provides opportunities for students to participate in a work-based
learning experience that combines classroom instruction with business and industry employment
experiences. The goal is to prepare students with a variety of skills for a changing workplace.
Career preparation is relevant and rigorous, supports student attainment of academic standards,
and effectively prepares students for college and career success.
Career Preparation ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 12701400 (CAREERP2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Career Preparation l.
Career Preparation II develops essential knowledge and skills through advanced classroom
instruction with business and industry employment experiences. Career Preparation II maintains
relevance and rigor, supports student attainment of academic standards, and effectively prepares
students for college and career success.
Career Preparation ll/Extended Career Preparation
TSDS PEIMS Code: 12701405 (EXCAREE2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Successful completion of one or more advanced career and technical education
courses that are part of a coherent sequence of courses in a Career Cluster related to the field in
which the student will be employed.
Corequisites: Career Preparation II.
Extended Career Preparation provides opportunities for students to participate in a work-based
learning experience that combines classroom instruction with business and industry employment
experiences. The goal is to prepare students with a variety of skills for a changing workplace.
Career preparation is relevant and rigorous, supports student attainment of academic standards,
and effectively prepares students for college and career success.
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TAC Chapter 130. Career and Technical Education
Career and Technical Education .............................................................................................. 9
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources .................................................................................... 10
Architecture & Construction ................................................................................................... 25
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications ................................................................................ 42
Business Management & Administration .................................................................................. 63
Education & Training ............................................................................................................. 71
Energy ................................................................................................................................. 77
Finance ................................................................................................................................ 82
Government & Public Administration ....................................................................................... 87
Health Science ..................................................................................................................... 92
Hospitality & Tourism .......................................................................................................... 112
Human Services ................................................................................................................. 120
Information Technology ...................................................................................................... 133
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security ............................................................................. 146
Manufacturing .................................................................................................................... 156
Marketing .......................................................................................................................... 169
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics .................................................................. 176
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics ................................................................................. 199
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Table of Contents
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Professional Standards in Agribusiness
Agricultural Leadership, Research, and Communications
Agribusiness Management and Marketing
Mathematical Applications in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Equine Science
Livestock Production
Small Animal Management
Veterinary Medical Applications
Advanced Animal Science
Energy and Natural Resources Technology
Advanced Energy and Natural Resource Technology
Food Technology and Safety
Food Processing
Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Management
Forestry and Woodland Ecosystems
Range Ecology and Management
Floral Design
Advanced Floral Design
Landscape Design and Management
Turf Grass Management
Horticulture Science
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Greenhouse Operation and Production
Advanced Plant and Soil Science
Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Technologies
Agricultural Structures Design and Fabrication
Agricultural Equipment Design and Fabrication
Agricultural Power Systems
Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources/Extended Practicum in Agriculture, Food,
and Natural Resources
Geographic Information Systems for Agriculture
Beekeeping and Honey Processing
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Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13000200 (PRINAFNR)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources will allow students to develop knowledge
and skills regarding career and educational opportunities, personal development, globalization,
industry standards, details, practices, and expectations.
Professional Standards in Agribusiness
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13000800 (PROSAFNR)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: .5 Prerequisite: None.
Professional Standards in Agribusiness primarily focuses on leadership, communication, employer-
employee relations, and problem solving as they relate to agribusiness.
Agricultural Leadership, Research, and Communications
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1300266 (AGLRC)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: one credit from courses in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career
Agricultural Leadership, Research and Communications will focus on challenging Agriculture, Food,
and Natural Resources (AFNR) students to use higher level thinking skills, develop leadership
abilities, employ standard research principles, and communicate agricultural positions effectively
with all stakeholders.
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Agribusiness Management and Marketing
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13000900, 13000910 (LAB) (AGRBUSMM, AGRBUSLAB)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1, 2
Prerequisite: None.
Agribusiness Management and Marketing is designed to provide a foundation to agribusiness
management and the free enterprise system. Instruction includes the use of economic principles
such as supply and demand, budgeting, record keeping, finance, risk management, business law,
marketing, and careers in agribusiness.
Mathematical Applications in Agriculture, Food, and Natural
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001000 (MATHAFNR)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Algebra l.
Recommended Prerequisites: One credit from the courses in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural
Resources Career Cluster.
In Mathematical Applications in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, students will apply
knowledge and skills related to mathematics, including algebra, geometry, and data analysis in
the context of agriculture, food, and natural resources.
Equine Science
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13000500 (EQUINSCI)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: .5
Prerequisite: None.
In Equine Science, students will acquire knowledge and skills related to equine animal systems
and the equine industry. Equine Science may address topics related to horses, donkeys, and
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Livestock Production
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13000300, 13000310 (LAB) (LIVEPROD, LIVEPROLAB)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1, 2
Prerequisite: None.
In Livestock Production, students will acquire knowledge and skills related to livestock and the
livestock production industry. Livestock Production may address topics related to beef cattle, dairy
cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and poultry.
Small Animal Management
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13000400 (SMANIMGT)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: .5
Prerequisite: None.
In Small Animal Management, students will acquire knowledge and skills related to small animals
and the small animal management industry. Small Animal Management may address topics
related to small mammals such as dogs and cats, amphibians, reptiles, and birds.
Veterinary Medical Applications
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13000600. 13000610 (LAB) (VETMEDAP, VETMEDLAB)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1, 2
Prerequisites: Equine Science, Small Animal Management, or Livestock Production.
Veterinary Medical Applications covers topics relating to veterinary practices, including practices
for large and small animal species.
Advanced Animal Science
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13000700 (ADVANSCI)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry or Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC); Algebra l and
Geometry; and either Small Animal Management, Equine Science, or Livestock Production.
Recommended Prerequisite: Veterinary Medical Applications.
Advanced Animal Science examines the interrelatedness of human, scientific, and technological
dimensions of livestock production. Instruction is designed to allow for the application of scientific
and technological aspects of animal science through field and laboratory experiences.
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Energy and Natural Resources Technology
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001100, 13001110 (LAB) (ENGNRT, ENGNRTLAB)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1,2
Prerequisite: None
Recommended Prerequisites: Minimum one credit from the courses in Agriculture, Food, and
Natural Resources Career Cluster.
Energy and Natural Resource Technology examines the interrelatedness of environmental issues
and production agriculture. Students will evaluate the environmental benefits provided by
sustainable resources and green technologies. Instruction is designed to allow for the application
of science and technology to measure environmental impacts resulting from production
agriculture through field and laboratory experiences.
Advanced Energy and Natural Resource Technology
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001200, 13001110 (LAB) (ADENRT, ADENRTLAB)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1,2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: A minimum of one credit from the courses in Agriculture, Food, and
Natural Resource Career Cluster and Energy and Natural Resource Technology.
Advanced Energy and Natural Resource Technology is designed to explore the interdependency of
the public and natural resource systems related to energy production. In addition, renewable,
sustainable, and environmentally friendly practices will be explored.
Food Technology and Safety
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001300, 13001310 (LAB) (FOODTS, FOODTLAB)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1,2
Prerequisite: None.
Food Technology and Safety examines the food technology industry as it relates to food
production, handling, and safety. To prepare for careers in value-added and food processing
systems, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and
skills related to value-added and food processing and the workplace, and develop knowledge and
skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations.
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Food Processing
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001400, 13001410 (LAB) (FOODPRO, FOODPRLAB)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1,2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite Wildlife, Fisheries and Ecology Management
Prerequisite: Food Technology and Safety.
Food Processing focuses on the food processing industry with special emphasis on the handling,
processing, and marketing of food products. To prepare for careers in food products and
processing systems, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical
knowledge and skills related to natural resources and the workplace, and develop knowledge and
skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare
for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge
and skills in a variety of settings.
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.
This course is designed to introduce students to the concepts and practices of grape production
and the aspects of environmental science that relate to successful management of grapevines.
Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Management
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001500, 13001510 (LAB) (WFECGT, WFECGTLAB)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Management examines the management of game and non-game
wildlife species, fish, and aqua crops and their ecological needs as related to current agricultural
practices. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and
transfer their knowledge and skills in a variety of settings.
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Forestry and Woodland Ecosystems
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001700. 13001710 (LAB) (FWECO, FWECOLAB)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1,2
Prerequisite: None.
Forestry and Woodland Ecosystems examines current management practices for forestry and
woodlands. Special emphasis is given to management as it relates to ecological requirements and
how these practices impact the environment.
Range Ecology and Management
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001600, 13001610 (LAB) (RECOMGLA, RECOMGLAB)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1,2
Prerequisite: None.
Range Ecology and Management is designed to develop students' understanding of rangeland
ecosystems and sustainable forage production. To prepare for careers in environmental and natural
resource systems, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical
knowledge and skills related to environmental and natural resources, and develop knowledge and
skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations.
Floral Design
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001800, 13001810 (LAB) (FLORAL, FLORALAB)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1,2
Prerequisite: None.
Floral Design is designed to develop students' ability to identify and demonstrate the principles
and techniques related to floral design as well as develop an understanding of the management of
floral enterprises. Through the analysis of artistic floral styles and historical periods, students will
develop respect for the traditions and contributions of diverse cultures. Students will respond to
and analyze floral designs, thus contributing to the development of lifelong skills of making
informed judgments and evaluations.
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Advanced Floral Design
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Floral Design.
In this course, students build on the knowledge from the Floral Design course and are introduced
to more advanced floral design concepts, with an emphasis on specialty designs and specific
occasion planning. This course focuses on building skills in advanced floral design and providing
students with a thorough understanding of the design elements and planning techniques used to
produce unique specialty floral designs that support the goals and objectives of a specific occasion
or event. Through the analysis and evaluation of various occasion and event types, students
explore the design needs and expectations of clients and propose and evaluate appropriate
creations. From conception to evaluation, students are challenged to create and design
appropriate specialty floral designs that meet the needs of the client. Furthermore, an emphasis
on budgetary adherence and entrepreneurship equips students with many of the necessary skills
needed for success in floral enterprises.
Landscape Design and Management
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001900 (LNDMGT)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: .5
Prerequisite: None.
Landscape Design and Management is designed to develop an understanding of landscape design
and management techniques and practices. To prepare for careers in horticultural systems,
students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills
related to horticultural systems and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding
career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations.
Turf Grass Management
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001950 (TGMGT)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: .5
Prerequisite: None.
Turf Grass Management is designed to develop an understanding of turf grass management
techniques and practices. To prepare for careers in horticultural systems, students must attain
academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to horticultural
systems and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry
requirements, and industry expectations.
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Horticulture Science
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13002000, 13002010 (LAB) (HORTISCI, HORSCILAB)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1,2
Prerequisite: None.
Horticultural Science is designed to develop an understanding of common horticultural
management practices as they relate to food and ornamental plant production. To prepare for
careers in horticultural systems, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire
technical knowledge and skills related to horticulture and the workplace, and develop knowledge
and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations.
Greenhouse Operation and Production
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13002050, 13002060 (LAB) (GREOP, GREOPLAB)
Grade Placement: 1012
Prerequisite: None.
Greenhouse Operation and Production is designed to develop an understanding of greenhouse
production techniques and practices. To prepare for careers in horticultural systems, students
must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to
horticultural systems and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career
opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations.
Advanced Plant and Soil Science
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13002100 (ADVPSSCI)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Biology, Integrated Physics and Chemistry, Chemistry, or Physics
and a minimum of one credit from the courses in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Cluster.
Advanced Plant and Soil Science provides a way of learning about the natural world. Students
should know how plant and soil science has influenced a vast body of knowledge, that there are
still applications to be discovered, and that plant and soil science is the basis for many other fields
of science. To prepare for careers in plant and soil science, students must attain academic skills
and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to plant and soil science and the
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Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Technologies
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13002200, 13002210 (LAB) (AGMECHMT, AGMECMTLAB)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1,2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources.
Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Technologies is designed to develop an understanding of
agricultural mechanics as it relates to safety and skills in tool operation, electrical wiring,
plumbing, carpentry, fencing, concrete, and metal working techniques. To prepare for careers in
agricultural power, structural, and technical systems, students must attain academic skills and
knowledge; acquire technical knowledge and skills related to power, structural, and technical
agricultural systems and the industry; and develop knowledge and skills regarding career
opportunities, entry requirements, industry certifications, and industry expectations.
Agricultural Structures Design and Fabrication
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13002300 (AGSDF)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Technologies.
In Agricultural Structures Design and Fabrication, students will explore career opportunities, entry
requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for careers in mechanized agriculture and
technical systems, students must attain knowledge and skills related to agricultural structures
design and fabrication.
Agricultural Equipment Design and Fabrication
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13002350, 13002360 (LAB) (AGEQDF, AGEQDFLAB)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1,2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Technologies.
In Agricultural Equipment Design and Fabrication, students will acquire knowledge and skills
related to the design and fabrication of agricultural equipment.
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Agricultural Power Systems
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13002400, 13002410 (LAB) (AGPOWSYS, AGPOWSYSLAB)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources.
Agricultural Power Systems is designed to develop an understanding of power and control
systems as related to energy sources, small and large power systems, and agricultural machinery.
To prepare for careers in agricultural power, structural, and technical systems, students must
attain academic skills and knowledge; acquire technical knowledge and skills related to power,
structural, and technical agricultural systems and the workplace; and develop knowledge and
skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, industry certifications, and industry
Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
TSDS PEIMS Code: see table below
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Corequisite: any course in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster, excluding
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources.
Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience is designed to provide students a laboratory and/or
field experience opportunity. To prepare for careers in agriculture, food, and natural resources,
students must acquire knowledge and skills that meet entry requirements and industry
expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and
transfer academic knowledge and technical skills in a variety of settings.
Note: Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience may be paired with the courses from the
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster. The TSDS PEIMS information in this table
is to be used when the course shown is paired with the Agricultural Laboratory and Field
Energy and Natural Resource Technology/Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
Advanced Energy and Natural Resource Technology/Agricultural Laboratory and
Field Experience
Food Technology and
Safety/Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
Food Processing/Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
Wildlife, Fisheries and Ecology Management/ Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
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Range Ecology and Management/Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
Forestry and Woodland Ecosystems/Agricultural Laboratory and Field
Floral Design/Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
Horticultural Science/Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
Greenhouse Operation and Production/Agricultural Laboratory and
Field Experience
Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Technologies/Agricultural
Laboratory and Field Experience
Agricultural Structures Design and Fabrication
/Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
Agricultural Equipment Design and Fabrication/Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
Agricultural Power Systems/Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
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Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
13002500 (First Time Taken) (PRACAFNR1)
13002510 (Second Time Taken) (PRACAFNR2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: A minimum of one credit from the courses in the Agriculture, Food,
and Natural Resources Career Cluster.
Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources is designed to give students supervised
practical application of knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of
locations appropriate to the nature and level of experiences such as employment, independent
study, internships, assistantships, mentorships, or laboratories. The practicum course is a paid or
unpaid capstone experience for students participating in a coherent sequence of career and
technical education courses in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster.
Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural
Resources/Extended Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and
Natural Resources
13002505 (First Time Taken) (EXPRAFNR1)
13002515 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRAFNR2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: A minimum of one credit from the courses in the Agriculture, Food,
and Natural Resources Career Cluster.
Corequisites: Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources.
Extended Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources is designed to give students
supervised practical application of knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a
variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experiences such as employment,
independent study, internships, assistantships, mentorships, or laboratories. The practicum course
is a paid or unpaid capstone experience for students participating in a coherent sequence of
career and technical education courses in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career
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Geographic Information Systems for Agriculture
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1300280 (GIS4AG)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources.
Geographic Information systems (GIS) for Agriculture is a comprehensive overview of technology
available for implementation in precision agriculture. Students will be introduced to basic
terminology and concepts of GIS and Remote Sensing (RS) software programs and participate in
applying those concepts and programs as they pertain to the agricultural industry. Students will
learn Global Positioning Systems (GPS), remote sensors, satellite data, soil sampling, Unmanned
Aerial Support (UAS) and yield monitoring for crop planning, chemical applications, and
harvesting. Students will also use GIS/RS software to help mitigate challenges in
economics/supply chains, natural resource management, and wildlife conservation using spatial
Beekeeping and Honey Processing
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1300273 (BEEKHP)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: None.
The course is designed to introduce students to the concepts and practices of beekeeping, honey
production, and the learning experiences of on-campus and community apiary with actively
managed hives. Beekeeping and Honey Processing examines the management of apiaries,
honeybees, and their ecological needs related to current agricultural practices. The student
outcomes outlined in this course are for students to gain an understanding of honey processing
and entrepreneurship. Students will understand the knowledge and skills needed to become an
entrepreneur through the product and services of honey processing. Students in Beekeeping and
Honey Processing develop an understanding of honey production techniques and practices while
emphasizing environmental science related to production decisions. The students will learn about
personal protective equipment and how to avoid common hazards associated with beekeeping.
To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, experience, apply, and
transfer their knowledge and skills in a variety of settings.
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Table of Contents
Principles of Architecture
Principles of Construction
Topographical Drafting
Building Maintenance Technology l
Building Maintenance Technology ll
Construction Management l
Construction Management ll
Construction Technology l
Construction Technology ll
Mill and Cabinetmaking Technology
Masonry Technology l
Masonry Technology ll
Sheet Metal Technology
Architectural Design l
Architectural Design ll
Computer Aided Drafting for Architecture
Interior Design l
Interior Design ll
Electrical Technology l
Electrical Technology ll
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and Refrigeration Technology l
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and Refrigeration Technology ll
Plumbing Technology l
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Plumbing Technology ll
Pipefitting Technology I
Pipefitting Technology I Lab
Pipefitting Technology II
Pipefitting Technology II Lab
Practicum in Construction Management
Practicum in Construction Technology
Practicum in Masonry Technology
Practicum in Architectural Design
Practicum in Interior Design
Practicum in Construction Management/Extended Practicum in Construction Management
Practicum in Construction Technology/Extended Practicum in Construction Technology
Practicum in Masonry Technology/Extended Practicum in Masonry Technology
Practicum in Architectural Design/Extended Practicum in Architectural Design
Practicum in Interior Design/Extended Practicum in Interior Design
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Principles of Architecture
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13004210 (PRINARC)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Principles of Construction provides an overview to the various fields of architecture, interior
design, and construction management. Achieving proficiency in decision making and problem
solving is an essential skill for career planning and lifelong learning. Students use self-knowledge,
education, and career information to set and achieve realistic career and educational goals. Job-
specific training can be provided through training modules that identify career goals in trade and
industry areas. Classroom studies include topics such as safety, work ethics, communication,
information technology applications, systems, health, environment, leadership, teamwork, ethical
and legal responsibility, employability, and career development and include skills such as problem
solving, critical thinking, and reading technical drawings.
Principles of Construction
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13004220 (PRINCON)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Principles of Construction is intended to provide an introduction and lay a solid foundation for
those students entering the construction or craft skilled areas. The course provides a strong
knowledge of construction safety, construction mathematics, and common hand and power tools.
For safety and liability considerations, limiting course enrollment to 15 students is recommended.
This course also provides communication and occupation skills to assist the student in obtaining
and maintaining employment.
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Topographical Drafting
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1300421 (TOPDR)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Architectural Design, Algebra I, and Geometry.
Topographical Drafting focuses on knowledge and skills essential to map drafting. Emphasis is
given to plotting of surveyors’ field notes, plotting elevations, contour drawings, plan and profiles,
and laying out traverses.
Building Maintenance Technology l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13005400 (BUILDMA1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Architecture or Principles of Construction.
In Building Maintenance Technology, I, students will gain knowledge and skills needed to enter
the field of building maintenance as a building maintenance technician or supervisor or secure a
foundation for a postsecondary degree in construction management, architecture, or engineering.
Students will acquire knowledge and skills in plumbing; electrical; and heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning (HVAC) systems. Additionally, students will learn methods for repair and installation
of drywall, roof, and insulation systems.
Building Maintenance Technology ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13005500 (BUILDMA2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: Building Maintenance Technology l.
In Building Maintenance Technology II, students will continue to gain advanced knowledge and
skills needed to enter the workforce as a building maintenance technician or supervisor and
construction project manager or secure a foundation for a postsecondary degree in construction
management, architecture, or engineering. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in safety,
Occupational Safety, and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and safety devices in electrical
circuits; maintenance of electrical and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems;
and concepts of historic preservation.
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Construction Management l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13004900 (CONSMGT1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: None
Recommended Prerequisites: Algebra I, Geometry, and Principles of Construction.
In Construction Management I, students will gain knowledge and skills needed to enter the
workforce as apprentice carpenters or building maintenance supervisors' assistants or to build a
foundation toward a postsecondary degree in architecture, construction science, drafting, or
engineering. Construction Management I includes the knowledge of design techniques and tools
related to the management of architectural and engineering projects.
Construction Management ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13005000 (CONSMGT2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Construction Management l.
In Construction Management II, students will gain knowledge and skills needed to enter the
workforce as apprentice carpenters or building maintenance supervisors' assistants or to build a
foundation toward a postsecondary degree in architecture, construction science, drafting, or
engineering. Construction Management II includes knowledge of the design, techniques, and tools
related to the management of architectural and engineering projects.
Construction Technology l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13005100 (CONTECH1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Construction or Principles of Architecture.
In Construction Technology I, students will gain knowledge and skills needed to enter the
workforce as carpenters or building maintenance supervisors or to prepare for a postsecondary
degree in construction management, architecture, or engineering. Students will acquire
knowledge and skills in safety, tool usage, building materials, codes, and framing. For safety and
liability considerations, limiting course enrollment to 15 students is recommended.
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Construction Technology ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13005200 (CONTECH2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Construction Technology l.
In Construction Technology II, students will gain advanced knowledge and skills needed to enter
the workforce as carpenters, building maintenance technicians, or supervisors or to prepare for a
postsecondary degree in construction management, architecture, or engineering. Students will
build on the knowledge base from Construction Technology I and are introduced to exterior and
interior finish out skills. For safety and liability considerations, limiting course enrollment to 15
students is recommended.
Mill and Cabinetmaking Technology
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13005300 (MACTECH)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Architecture and Principles of Construction.
In Mill and Cabinetmaking Technology, students will gain knowledge and skills needed to enter
the workforce in mill work and cabinet manufacturing and installation. Students may also apply
these skills to professions in carpentry or building maintenance supervision or use the skills as a
foundation for a postsecondary degree in construction management, architecture, or engineering.
Students will acquire knowledge and skills in cabinet design, tool usage, jointing methods,
finishes, and industry-level practices such as numerical and computer-control production methods.
Masonry Technology l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13006300 (MASTECH1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Construction.
Masonry Technology I provides information and techniques related to basic masonry and safety
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Masonry Technology ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13006400 (MASTECH2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Masonry Technology I.
Masonry Technology II is designed to further enhance the skills and knowledge of the beginning
masonry student.
Sheet Metal Technology
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1300430 (SHTMTL)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Algebra I, Geometry, Introduction to Manufacturing, Principles of
Construction, or Construction Technology I.
The purpose of the proposed Sheet Metal Technology course is to prepare students in grades 11-
12 for entry into the HVAC/Mechanical sheet metal installation industry. Students will learn the
types of work performed, safety requirements, math skills needed and career path options within
the sheet metal trades. Additionally, students will learn and apply the knowledge and skills
needed to select the proper material, tools and joining methods for various types of HVAC and
exhaust systems. Basic code requirements and Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’
National Association (SMACNA) design principles will be introduced.
Architectural Design l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13004600 (ARCHDSN1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Algebra l and English l.
Recommended Prerequisites: Geometry, Principles of Architecture, and Principles of Construction.
In Architectural Design I, students will gain knowledge and skills needed to enter a career in
architecture or construction or prepare a foundation toward a post-secondary degree in
architecture, construction science, drafting, interior design, or landscape architecture.
Architectural Design I includes the knowledge of the design, design history, techniques, and tools
related to the production of drawings, renderings, and scaled models for nonresidential or
residential architectural purposes.
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Architectural Design ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13004700 (ARCHDSN2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: Architectural Design l or Advanced Interior Design and Geometry. Recommended
Prerequisites: Principles of Architecture and Principles of Construction.
In Architectural Design II, students will gain advanced knowledge and skills needed to enter a
career in architecture or construction or prepare a foundation toward a postsecondary degree in
architecture, construction science, drafting, interior design, or landscape architecture.
Architectural Design II includes the advanced knowledge of the design, design history,
techniques, and tools related to the production of drawings, renderings, and scaled models for
nonresidential or residential architectural purposes.
Computer Aided Drafting for Architecture
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1300429 (CAD4ARCH)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisite: Architectural Design.
Computer Aided Drafting for Architecture introduces students to the specific architectural
computer aided design and drafting (CADD) software and equipment required to produce
architectural working drawings and construction documents.
Interior Design l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13004300 (INTERDS1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Algebra l and English l.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Architecture and Principles of Construction or
Architectural Design l.
Interior Design I is a technical course that addresses psychological, physiological, and sociological
needs of individuals by enhancing the environments in which they live and work. Students will use
knowledge and skills related to interior and exterior environments, construction, and furnishings
to make wise consumer decisions, increase productivity, promote sustainability, and compete in
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Interior Design ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13004400 (INTERDS2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: English ll, Geometry, and Interior Design l.
Interior Design II is a technical laboratory course that includes the application of the employability
characteristics, principles, processes, technologies, communication, tools, equipment, and
materials related to interior design to meet industry standards.
Electrical Technology l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13005600 (ELECTEC1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Architecture or Principles of Construction.
In Electrical Technology I, students will gain knowledge and skills needed to enter the
workforce as an electrician or building maintenance supervisor, prepare for a
postsecondary degree in a specified field of construction or construction management, or pursue
an approved apprenticeship program. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in safety,
electrical theory, tools, codes, installation of electrical equipment, and the reading of electrical
drawings, schematics, and specifications.
Electrical Technology ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13005700 (ELECTEC2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Electrical Technology l.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Architecture or Principles of Construction.
In Electrical Technology II, students will gain advanced knowledge and skills needed to enter the
workforce as an electrician, a building maintenance technician, or a supervisor; prepare for a
postsecondary degree in a specified field of construction or construction management; or pursue
an approved apprenticeship program. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in safety,
electrical theory, tools, codes, installation of electrical equipment, alternating current and direct
current motors, conductor installation, installation of electrical services, and electric lighting
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Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and
Refrigeration Technology l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13005800 (HVACREF1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles or Architecture, Principles of Construction, or Construction
Technology l.
In Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology I, students will gain
knowledge and skills needed to enter the industry as technicians in the HVAC and refrigeration
industry or building maintenance industry, prepare for a postsecondary degree in a specified field
of construction management, or pursue an approved apprenticeship program. Students will
acquire knowledge and skills in safety, principles of HVAC theory, use of tools, codes, and
installation of HVAC and refrigeration equipment.
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and
Refrigeration Technology ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13005900 (HVACREF2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and Refrigeration Technology l.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Architecture or Principles of Construction.
In Masonry Technology I Masonry Technology I (HVAC) and Refrigeration Technology II,
students will gain advanced knowledge and skills needed to enter the industry as HVAC and
refrigeration technicians or building maintenance technicians or supervisors, prepare for a
postsecondary degree in a specified field of construction or construction management, or pursue
an approved apprenticeship program. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in safety,
electrical theory, use of tools, codes, installation of commercial HVAC equipment, heat pumps,
troubleshooting techniques, various duct systems, and maintenance practices.
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Plumbing Technology l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13006000 (PLTECH1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Architecture Principles of Construction, or Construction
Technology l.
In Plumbing Technology, I, students will gain knowledge and skills needed to enter the industry
as a plumbing apprentice, building maintenance technician, or supervisor or prepare for a
postsecondary degree in construction management, architecture, or engineering. Students will
acquire knowledge and skills in industry workplace basics and employer/customer expectations,
including how to use a plumbing code book; how to identify and use power and hand tools; how
to be safe on the jobsite and when using hand and power tools; how to apply basic plumbing
mathematics and plumbing drawing; and how to identify, fit, and use plastic, copper, cast iron,
carbon steel, and corrugated stainless steel pipe. In addition, students will be introduced to gas,
drainage, and water supply systems and continue their knowledge of workplace basics and green
Plumbing Technology ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13006100 (PLTECH2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Plumbing Technology l.
In Plumbing Technology II, students will gain the advanced knowledge and skills needed to enter
the industry as a plumber, building maintenance technician, or supervisor or prepare for a
postsecondary degree in mechanical engineering. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in
plumbing codes, industry workplace basics, and employer/customer expectations, including tool
and jobsite safety, advanced plumbing mathematics, commercial drawings, basic electricity,
hanger installation, supports and structural penetrations, roof drains, fixture installation, valves
and faucets, and oxy-fuel safety. Students will also learn about setup, cutting, brazing, and
welding water system sizing; gas, drain, waste and vent installation and testing; and water heater
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Pipefitting Technology I
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1300425 (PIPETEC1)
Grade Placement: 1112
Prerequisites: Algebra I and geometry.
Recommended Prerequisites: National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER)
Core, Introduction to Manufacturing, Principles of Construction, or Construction Technology I.
Students will learn the types of work performed, responsibilities and career opportunities within
the industry, and safety principles associated with pipefitting. Additionally, students will learn
care, selection, and use of hand and power tools of the trade and ladder and scaffold safety,
selection, construction, and the associated hazards. Oxyfuel cutting and associated safety
procedures will be reinforced. Students will learn the maintenance, operation, and safety of
motorized equipment. This class may lead to the National Center for Construction Education and
Research (NCCER) certification.
Pipefitting Technology I Lab
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Algebra I and geometry.
Recommended prerequisites: National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER)
Core, Introduction to Manufacturing, Principles of Construction, or Construction Technology I.
Students will learn the types of work performed, responsibilities, career opportunities within the
industry and safety principles associated with pipefitting. Additionally, students will learn care,
selection and use of hand and power tools of the trade and ladder and scaffold safety, selection,
construction and the associated hazards. Oxyfuel cutting and associated safety procedures will be
reinforced. Students will learn the maintenance, operation and safety of motorized equipment.
This class may lead to the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER)
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Pipefitting Technology II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1300426 (PIPETEC2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Required Prerequisite: Pipefitting Technology I.
Students will learn about, be able to identify and install various types of piping systems and
valves. Students will learn to read detail and drawing sheets and how to use mathematics to solve
problems related to Pipefitting construction. Students will also be educated in how to prepare,
fabricate, and assemble threaded pipe, socket weld, and butt weld installations. Excavating per
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards as well as grading and
elevations of trenching and backfilling will also be taught. The course may lead to National Center
for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) certification.
Pipefitting Technology II Lab
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Required Prerequisite: Pipefitting Technology I.
Students will learn about, be able to identify and install various types of piping systems and
valves. Students will learn to read detail and drawing sheets and how to use mathematics to solve
problems related to pipefitting construction. Students will also be educated in how to prepare,
fabricate, and assemble threaded pipe, socket weld, and butt weld installations. Excavating per
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards as well as grading and
elevations of trenching and backfilling will also be taught. The course may lead to National Center
for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) certification.
Practicum in Construction Management
13006200 (First Time Taken) (PRACCM1)
13006210 (Second Time Taken) (PRACCM2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: Construction Management ll.
Practicum in Construction Management is an occupationally specific course designed to provide
classroom technical instruction or on-the-job training experiences. Safety and career opportunities
are included in addition to work ethics and job-related study in the classroom.
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Practicum in Construction Technology
13005250 (First Time Taken) (PRACCT1)
13005260 (Second Time Taken) (PRACCT2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: Construction Technology ll; Building Maintenance Technology II; Electrical
Technology II; Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and Refrigeration Technology II;
Plumbing Technology I; or Mill and Cabinetmaking Technology.
In Practicum in Construction Technology, students will be challenged with the application of
knowledge and skills gained in previous construction-related coursework. In many cases students
will be allowed to work at a job (paid or unpaid) outside of school or be involved in local projects
the school has approved for this class.
Practicum in Masonry Technology
13006450 (First Time Taken) (PRACMAS1)
13006460 (Second Time Taken) (PRACMAS2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Masonry Technology ll.
Practicum in Masonry Technology is an occupationally specific course designed to provide
classroom technical instruction or work-based learning experiences. Instruction may be delivered
through laboratory training or through career preparation delivery arrangements. Safety and
career opportunities are included, in addition to work ethics and job-related study in the
classroom. Trade and industrial education provides the knowledge, skills, and technologies
required for employment in masonry construction. Students will develop knowledge of the
concepts and skills related to this trade to apply them to personal/career development. Trade and
industrial education depends on and supports integration of academic, career, and technical
knowledge and skills. To prepare for success, students must have opportunities to reinforce,
apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills to a variety of settings and problems. Knowledge
about career opportunities, requirements, and expectations and the development of workplace
skills prepare students for success.
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Practicum in Architectural Design
13004800 (First Time Taken) (PRACADS1)
13004810 (Second Time Taken) (PRACADS2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Architectural Design ll.
Practicum in Architectural Design is an occupationally specific course designed to provide technical
instruction in architectural design. Safety and career opportunities are included in addition to work
ethics and architectural design study.
Practicum in Interior Design
13004500 (First Time Taken) (PRACIDS1)
13004510 (Second Time Taken) (PRACIDS2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Interior Design ll.
Practicum in Interior Design is an occupationally specific course designed to provide job- specific
skills through laboratory training, job shadowing, or work situations in areas compatible with
identified career goals in interior design. In addition, students will be expected to develop
knowledge and skills related to housing, furnishings, and equipment construction or equipment
management and services.
Practicum in Construction Management/Extended Practicum
in Construction Management
13006205 (First Time Taken) (EXPRCM1)
13006215 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRCM2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Construction Management ll. Requisite: Practicum in Construction Management.
In Extended Practicum in Construction Technology, students will be challenged with the
application of knowledge and skills gained in previous construction-related coursework. In many
cases students will be allowed to work at a job (paid or unpaid) outside of school or be involved in
local projects the school has approved for this class.
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Practicum in Construction Technology/Extended Practicum in
Construction Technology
13005255 (First Time Taken) (EXPRCT1)
13005265 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRCT2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Construction Technology ll, Building Maintenance Technology II; Electrical
Technology II; Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and Refrigeration Technology II;
Plumbing Technology I; or Mill and Cabinetmaking Technology.
Corequisite: Practicum in Construction Technology.
In Extended Practicum in Construction Technology, students will be challenged with the
application of knowledge and skills gained in previous construction-related coursework. In many
cases students will be allowed to work at a job (paid or unpaid) outside of school or be involved in
local projects the school has approved for this class.
Practicum in Masonry Technology/Extended Practicum in
Masonry Technology
13006455 (First Time Taken) (EXPRMAS1)
13006465 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRMAS2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Masonry Technology ll.
Corequisite: Practicum in Masonry Technology.
Extended Practicum in Masonry Technology is an occupationally specific course designed to
provide classroom technical instruction or work-based learning experiences. Instruction may be
delivered through laboratory training or through career preparation delivery arrangements. Safety
and career opportunities are included, in addition to work ethics and job-related study in the
classroom. Trade and industrial education provides the knowledge, skills, and technologies
required for employment in masonry construction. Students will develop knowledge of the
concepts and skills related to this trade to apply them to personal/career development. Trade and
industrial education depends on and supports integration of academic, career, and technical
knowledge and skills. To prepare for success, students must have opportunities to reinforce,
apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills to a variety of settings and problems. Knowledge
about career opportunities, requirements, and expectations and the development of workplace
skills prepare students for success. For safety and liability considerations, including power tools
usage during training, limiting course enrollment to 15 students is recommended.
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Practicum in Architectural Design/Extended Practicum in
Architectural Design
13004805 (First Time Taken) (EXPRADS1)
13004815 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRADS2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Architectural Design ll.
Corequisite: Practicum in Architectural Design.
Extended Practicum in Architectural Design is an occupationally specific course designed to
provide technical instruction in architectural design. Safety and career opportunities are included
in addition to work ethics and architectural design study.
Practicum in Interior Design/Extended Practicum in Interior
13004505 (First Time Taken) (EXPRIDS1)
13004515 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRIDS2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Interior Design ll.
Corequisite: Practicum in Interior Design.
Extended Practicum in Interior Design is an occupationally specific course designed to provide job-
specific skills through laboratory training, job shadowing, or work situations in areas compatible
with identified career goals in interior design. In addition, students will be expected to develop
knowledge and skills related to housing, furnishings, and equipment construction or equipment
management and services.
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Table of Contents
Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications
Digital Communications in the 21
Animation l
Animation l/Animation l Lab
Animation ll
Animation ll/Animation ll Lab
Audio/Video Production l
Audio/Video Production I/Audio/Video Production I Lab
Audio/Video Production ll
Audio/Video Production ll/Audio/Video Production ll Lab
Digital Design and Media Production
Digital Art and Animation
3-D Modeling and Animation
Digital Audio Technology l
Digital Audio Technology ll
Video Game Design
Web Game Development
Video Game Programming
Advanced Video Game Programming
Printing and Imaging Technology l
Printing and Imaging Technology l/Printing and Imaging Technology l Lab
Printing and Imaging Technology ll
Printing and Imaging Technology ll/Printing and Imaging Technology ll Lab
Commercial Photography l
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Commercial Photography l/Commercial Photography l Lab
Commercial Photography ll
Commercial Photography ll/Commercial Photography ll Lab
Fashion Design l
Fashion Design l/Fashion Design l Lab
Fashion Design ll
Fashion Design ll/Fashion Design ll Lab
Graphic Design and Illustration l
Graphic Design and Illustration l/Graphic Design and Illustration l Lab
Graphic Design and Illustration ll
Graphic Design and Illustration ll/Graphic Design and Illustration ll Lab
Professional Communications
Practicum in Animation
Practicum in Audio/Video Production
Practicum in Printing and Imaging Technology
Practicum in Commercial Photography
Practicum in Fashion Design
Practicum in Graphic Design and Illustration
Practicum in Animation/Extended Practicum in Animation
Practicum in Audio/Video Production/Extended Practicum in Audio/Video Production
Practicum in Printing and Imaging Technology/Extended Practicum in Printing and Imaging
Practicum in Commercial Photography/Extended Practicum in Commercial Photography
Practicum in Fashion Design/Extended Practicum in Fashion Design
Practicum in Graphic Design and Illustration/Extended Practicum in Graphic Design and
Practicum in Digital Audio Technology
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Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and
Grade Placement: 9
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
The goal of this course is that the student understands arts, audio/video technology, and
communications systems. Within this context, students will be expected to develop an
understanding of the various and multifaceted career opportunities in this cluster and the
knowledge, skills, and educational requirements for those opportunities.
Digital Communications in the 21
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580610 (TADGC)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Digital Communications in the 21st Century will prepare students for the societal demands of
increased civic literacy, independent working environments, global awareness, and the mastery of
a base set of analysis and communication skills. Students will be expected to design and present
an effective product based on well-researched issues in order to thoughtfully propose suggested
solutions to authoritative stakeholders. The outcome of the process and product approach is to
provide students an authentic platform to demonstrate effective application of multimedia tools
within the contexts of global communication and collaborative communities and appropriately
share their voices to affect change that concerns their future. The six strands include creativity
and innovation; communication and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical
thinking; problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and
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Animation l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13008300 (ANIMAT1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Art l or Principles of Art, Audio/Video Technology, and
Recommended Corequisite: Animation I Lab.
In addition to developing technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an understanding of the history and techniques of the animation industry.
Animation l/Animation l Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13008310 (ANILAB1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Art l and Principles of Art, Audio/Video Technology, and
Corequisite: Animation l.
Districts are encouraged to offer this lab in a consecutive block with Animation I to allow students
sufficient time to master the content of both courses. Within this context, in addition to
developing technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video
Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to develop an
understanding of the history and techniques of the animation industry.
Animation ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13008400 (ANIMAT2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: Animation l.
Recommended Corequisite: Animation II Lab.
In addition to developing advanced knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to create
two- and three-dimensional animations. The instruction also assists students seeking careers in
the animation industry.
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Animation ll/Animation ll Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13008410 (ANILAB2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: Animation l.
Corequisite: Animation ll.
In addition to developing advanced knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to create
two- and three-dimensional animations. The instruction also assists students seeking careers in
the animation industry. Districts are encouraged to offer this lab in a consecutive block with
Animation II to allow students sufficient time to master the content of both courses.
Audio/Video Production l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13008500 (AVPROD1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications.
Recommended Corequisite: Audio/Video Production l Lab.
In addition to developing technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an understanding of the industry with a focus on pre-production, production, and post-
production audio and video products.
Audio/Video Production I/Audio/Video Production I Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13008510 (AVPLAB1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications or
Digital and Interactive Media.
Corequisite: Audio/Video Production l.
In addition to developing technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an understanding of the industry with a focus on pre-production, production, and post-
production audio and video products. Requiring a lab requisite for the course affords necessary
time devoted specifically to the production and post-production process.
Districts are encouraged to offer this lab in a consecutive block with Audio/Video Production I to
allow students sufficient time to master the content of both courses.
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Audio/Video Production ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13008600 (AVPROD2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: Audio/Video Production l.
Recommended Corequisite: Audio/Video Production ll Lab.
Building upon the concepts taught in Audio/Video Production, in addition to developing advanced
knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and
Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to develop an advanced understanding
of the industry with a focus on pre-production, production, and post- production products. This
course may be implemented in an audio format or a format with both audio and video.
Audio/Video Production ll/Audio/Video Production ll Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13008610 (AVPLAB2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: Audio/Video Production l.
Corequisite: Audio/Video Production ll.
Building upon the concepts taught in Audio/Video Production, in addition to developing advanced
knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and
Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to develop an advanced understanding
of the industry with a focus on pre-production, production, and post- production products.
Through diverse forms of storytelling and production, students will exercise and develop
creativity, intellectual curiosity, and critical-thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative skills. This
course may be implemented in an audio format or a format with both audio and video. Requiring
a lab requisite for the course affords necessary time devoted specifically to the production and
post-production process.
Digital Design and Media Production
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Digital Design and Media Production will allow students to demonstrate creative thinking, develop
innovative strategies, and use communication tools in order to work effectively with others as well
as independently. Students will gather information electronically, which will allow for problem
solving and making informed decisions regarding media projects. Students will learn digital
citizenship by researching current laws and regulations and by practicing integrity and respect.
Students will demonstrate a thorough understanding of digital design principles that is
transferable to other disciplines. The six strands include creativity and innovation; communication
and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking; problem solving, and
decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and concepts.
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Digital Art and Animation
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Art, Level I.
Digital Art and Animation consists of computer images and animations created with digital
imaging software. Digital Art and Animation has applications in many careers, including graphic
design, advertising, web design, animation, corporate communications, illustration, character
development, script writing, storyboarding, directing, producing, inking, project management,
editing, and the magazine, television, film, and game industries. Students in this course will
produce various real-world projects and animations. The six strands include creativity and
innovation; communication and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking;
problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and
3-D Modeling and Animation
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580510 (TA3DMA)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Art, Level I.
3-D Modeling and Animation consists of computer images created in a virtual three-dimensional
(3-D) environment. 3-D Modeling and Animation has applications in many careers, including
criminal justice, crime scene, and legal applications; construction and architecture; engineering
and design; and the movie and game industries. Students in this course will produce various 3-D
models of real-world objects. The six strands include creativity and innovation; communication
and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking; problem solving, and
decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and concepts.
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Digital Audio Technology l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009950 (DATECH1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications or
Digital and Interactive Media (DIM) or both Audio/Video Production l and Audio/Video Production l
Digital Audio Technology I was designed to provide students interested in audio production
careers such as audio for radio and television broadcasting, audio for video and film, audio for
animation and game design, music production and live sound, and additional opportunities and
skill sets. Digital Audio Technology I does not replace Audio Video Production courses but is
recommended as a single credit, co-curricular course with an audio production technical
emphasis. This course can also be paired with Digital and Interactive Media. Students will be
expected to develop an understanding of the audio industry with a technical emphasis on
production and critical-listening skills.
Digital Audio Technology ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009960 (DATECH2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: Digital Audio Technology l.
Digital Audio Technology II was designed to provide additional opportunities and skill sets for
students interested in audio production careers such as audio for radio and television
broadcasting, audio for video and film, audio for animation and game design, and music
production and live sound. Digital Audio Technology II does not replace Audio Video Production
courses but is recommended as a single credit, co-curricular course with an audio production
technical emphasis. This course can also be paired with Digital and Interactive Media (DIM).
Students will be expected to develop an understanding of the audio industry with a technical
emphasis on production and critical-listening skills.
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Video Game Design
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009970 (VIDGD)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Art, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications.
Video Game Design will allow students to explore one of the largest industries in the global
marketplace and the new emerging careers it provides in the field of technology. Students will
learn gaming, computerized gaming, evolution of gaming, artistic aspects of perspective, design,
animation, technical concepts of collision theory, and programming logic. Students will participate
in a simulation of a real video game design team while developing technical proficiency in
constructing an original game design.
Web Game Development
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580830 (TAWEBGD)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisite: Web Design.
Web Game Development will allow students to demonstrate creative thinking, develop innovative
strategies, and use digital and communication tools necessary to develop fully functional online
games. Web Game Development has career applications for many aspects of the game industry,
including programming, art principles, graphics, web design, storyboarding and scripting, and
business and marketing. The six strands include creativity and innovation; communication and
collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking; problem solving, and decision
making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and concepts.
Video Game Programming
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1300994 (VIDEOGD2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Video Game Design.
Video Game Programming expands on the foundation created in Video Game Design through
programming languages such as: C# programming, XNA game studio, Java, and Android App. In
this course, students will investigate the inner workings of a fully functional role-playing game
(RPG) by customizing playable characters, items, maps, and chests and eventually applying
customizations by altering and enhancing the core game code.
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Advanced Video Game Programming
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1300995 (VIDEOGD3)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Recommended Prerequisites: Video Game Design and Video Game Programming
Advanced Video Game Programming students will be introduced to mobile application design and
programming using Java and Eclipse for Android devices. Time will be spent learning basic Java
programming and working with Android Studio to develop real working apps. Using Unity as an
introduction to 3D game development, students will have exposure to and an understanding of:
object-oriented programming concepts; game development skill with programs such as Unity; 3D
modeling with programs such as Blender; image manipulation with programs such as GIMP;
concepts related to the design process; and the ability to communicate and collaborate on group-
based projects.
Printing and Imaging Technology l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009600 (PRIMTEC1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Corequisite: Printing and Imaging Technology l Lab.
Careers in printing span all aspects of the industry, including prepress, press, and finishing and
bindery operations. In addition to developing technical knowledge and skills needed for success in
the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected
to develop an understanding of the printing industry with a focus on digital prepress and digital
Printing and Imaging Technology l/Printing and Imaging
Technology l Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009610 (PRILAB1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: Printing and Imaging Technology l.
Careers in printing span all aspects of the industry, including prepress, press, and finishing and
bindery operations. In addition to developing technical knowledge and skills needed for success in
the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected
to demonstrate an understanding of the printing industry with a focus on digital prepress and
digital publishing. Districts are encouraged to offer this lab in a consecutive block with Printing
and Imaging Technology I to allow students sufficient time to master the content of both courses.
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Printing and Imaging Technology ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009700 (PRIMTEC2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Printing and Imaging Technology l and Printing and Imaging
Technology l Lab.
Recommended Corequisite: Printing and Imaging Technology ll Lab.
In addition to developing advanced knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an advanced understanding of the printing industry with a focus on digital prepress and
desktop digital publishing.
Printing and Imaging Technology ll/Printing and Imaging
Technology ll Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009710 (PRILAB2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: Printing and Imaging Technology ll.
Careers in printing span all aspects of the industry, including prepress, press, and finishing and
bindery operations. In addition to developing advanced knowledge and skills needed for success
in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be
expected to develop an advanced understanding of the printing industry with a focus on digital
prepress and desktop digital publishing. Districts are encouraged to offer this lab in a consecutive
block with Printing and Imaging Technology II to allow students sufficient time to master the
content of both courses.
Commercial Photography l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009100 (CPHOTO1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Corequisite: Commercial Photography l Lab.
In addition to developing knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video
Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to develop an
understanding of the commercial photography industry with a focus on creating quality
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Commercial Photography l/Commercial Photography l Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009110 (CPHLAB1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: Commercial Photography l.
In addition to developing knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video
Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to develop an
understanding of the commercial photography industry with a focus on creating quality
photographs. Districts are encouraged to offer this lab in a consecutive block with Commercial
Photography I to allow students sufficient time to master the content of both courses.
Commercial Photography ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009200 (CPHOTO2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Commercial Photography l and Commercial Photography l Lab.
Recommended Corequisite: Commercial Photography Lab ll.
In addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an advanced technical understanding of the commercial photography industry with a
focus on producing, promoting, and presenting professional quality photographs.
Commercial Photography ll/Commercial Photography ll Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009210 (CPHLAB2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Commercial Photography l and Commercial Photography l Lab.
Corequisite: Commercial Photography ll.
In addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an advanced technical understanding of the commercial photography industry with a
focus on producing, promoting, and presenting professional quality photographs. Districts are
encouraged to offer this lab in a consecutive block with Commercial Photography II to allow
students sufficient time to master the content of both courses.
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Fashion Design l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009300 (FASHDSN1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications.
Recommended Corequisite: Fashion Design l Lab.
Within this context, in addition to developing technical knowledge and skills needed for success in
the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected
to develop an understanding of the fashion industry with an emphasis on design and construction.
Fashion Design l/Fashion Design l Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009310 (FASLAB1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications.
Corequisite: Fashion Design l.
Within this context, in addition to developing technical knowledge and skills needed for success in
the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected
to develop an understanding of the fashion industry with an emphasis on design and construction.
Districts are encouraged to offer this lab in a consecutive block with Fashion Design I to allow
students sufficient time to master the content of both courses.
Fashion Design ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009400 (FASHDSN2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: Fashion Design l.
Recommended Corequisite: Fashion Design ll Lab.
Within this context, in addition to developing technical knowledge and skills needed for success in
the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected
to develop an understanding of the fashion industry with an emphasis on design and construction.
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Fashion Design ll/Fashion Design ll Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009410 (FASLAB2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: Fashion Design l.
Corequisite: Fashion Design ll.
Careers in fashion span all aspects of the textile and apparel industries. Within this context, in
addition to developing technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video
Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to develop an
understanding of the fashion industry with an emphasis on design and construction.
Graphic Design and Illustration l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13008800 (GRAPHDI1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications.
Recommended Corequisite: Graphic Design and Illustration l Lab.
Within this context, in addition to developing knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an understanding of the industry with a focus on fundamental elements and principles of
visual art and design.
Graphic Design and Illustration l/Graphic Design and
Illustration l Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13008810 (GRDLAB1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications.
Corequisite: Graphic Design and Illustration l.
Within this context, in addition to developing knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an understanding of the industry with a focus on fundamental elements and principles of
visual art and design.
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Graphic Design and Illustration ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13008900 (GRAPHDI2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: Graphic Design and Illustration l.
Recommended Corequisite: Graphic Design and Illustration ll Lab.
Within this context, students will be expected to develop an advanced understanding of the
industry with a focus on mastery of content knowledge and skills.
Graphic Design and Illustration ll/Graphic Design and
Illustration ll Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13008910 (GRDLAB2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: Graphic Design and Illustration l.
Corequisites: Graphic Design and Illustration ll.
Within this context, in addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for
success in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be
expected to develop an advanced understanding of the industry with a focus on mastery of
content knowledge and skills. Districts are encouraged to offer this lab in a consecutive block with
Graphic Design and Illustration II to allow students sufficient time to master the content of both
Professional Communications
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13009900 (PROFCOMM)
Grade Placement: 912
Credits: .5 Prerequisite: None.
Professional Communications blends written, oral, and graphic communication in a career- based
environment. Careers in the global economy require individuals to be creative and have a strong
background in computer and technology applications, a strong and solid academic foundation,
and a proficiency in professional oral and written communication. Within this context, students will
be expected to develop and expand the ability to write, read, edit, speak, listen, apply software
applications, manipulate computer graphics, and conduct internet research.
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Practicum in Animation
13008450 (First Time Taken) (PRACANI1)
13008460 (Second Time Taken) (PRACANI2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 2
Prerequisites: Animation ll and Animation ll Lab.
Building upon the concepts taught in Animation II and its corequisite Animation II Lab, in addition
to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an increasing understanding of the industry with a focus on applying pre-production,
production, and post-production animation products in a professional environment. Instruction
may be delivered through lab-based classroom experiences or career preparation opportunities.
Practicum in Audio/Video Production
13008700 (First Time Taken) (PRACAVP1)
13008710 (Second Time Taken) (PRACAVP2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 2
Prerequisites: Audio/Video Production ll and Audio/Video Production ll Lab.
Building upon the concepts taught in Audio/Video Production II and its corequisite Audio/Video
Production II Lab, in addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for
success in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be
expected to develop an increasing understanding of the industry with a focus on applying pre-
production, production, and post-production audio and video products in a professional
environment. This course may be implemented in an advanced audio/video or audio format.
Instruction may be delivered through lab-based classroom experiences or career preparation
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Practicum in Printing and Imaging Technology
13009800 (First Time Taken) (PRACPRI1)
13009810 (Second Time Taken) (PRACPRI2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 2
Prerequisites: Printing and Imaging Technology ll and Printing and Imaging Technology ll Lab.
In addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an advanced technical understanding of the printing industry with a focus on finishing
and bindery operations and customer-based projects. Instruction may be delivered through lab-
based classroom experiences or career preparation opportunities.
Students are encouraged to participate in extended learning experiences such as career and
technical student organizations and other leadership or extracurricular organizations.
Practicum in Commercial Photography
13009250 (First Time Taken) (PRACCPH1)
13009260 (Second Time Taken) (PRACCPH2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 2
Prerequisites: Commercial Photography l and Commercial Photography l Lab along with teacher
In addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an advanced technical understanding of the commercial photography industry with a
focus on producing, promoting, and presenting professional quality photographs.
Practicum in Fashion Design
13009500 (First Time Taken) (PRACFAS1)
13009510 (Second Time Taken) (PRACFAS2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: Fashion Design ll and Fashion Design ll Lab.
In addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an advanced technical understanding of the business aspects of fashion, with emphasis
on promotion and retailing. Instruction may be delivered through lab-based classroom
experiences or career preparation opportunities.
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Practicum in Graphic Design and Illustration
13009000 (First Time Taken) (PRACGRD1)
13009010 (Second Time Taken) (PRACGRD2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 2
Prerequisites: Graphic Design and Illustration ll and Graphic Design and Illustration ll Lab.
In addition to developing technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop a technical understanding of the industry with a focus on skill proficiency. Instruction may
be delivered through lab-based classroom experiences or career preparation opportunities.
Practicum in Animation/Extended Practicum in Animation
13008455 (First Time Taken) (EXPRANI1)
13008465 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRANI2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Animation ll and Animation ll Lab. Corequisite: Practicum in Animation.
Building upon the concepts taught in Animation II and Animation II Lab, in addition to developing
advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology,
and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to develop an increasing
understanding of the industry with a focus on applying pre-production, production, and post-
production animation products in a professional environment. Instruction may be delivered
through lab-based classroom experiences or career preparation opportunities.
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Practicum in Audio/Video Production/Extended Practicum in
Audio/Video Production
13008705 (First Time Taken) (EXPRAVP1)
13008715 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRAVP2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Audio/Video Production ll and Audio/Video Production ll Lab.
Corequisite: Practicum in Audio/Video Production.
Building upon the concepts taught in Audio/Video Production II and Audio/Video Production II
Lab, in addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the
Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an increasing understanding of the industry with a focus on applying pre- production,
production, and post-production audio and video products in a professional environment. This
course may be implemented in an advanced audio/video or audio format.
Instruction may be delivered through lab-based classroom experiences or career preparation
Practicum in Printing and Imaging Technology/Extended
Practicum in Printing and Imaging Technology
13009805 (First Time Taken) (EXPRPRI)
13009815 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRPRI2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Printing and Imaging Technology ll and Printing and Imaging Technology ll Lab.
Corequisite: Practicum in Printing and Imaging Technology.
In addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an advanced technical understanding of the printing industry with a focus on finishing
and bindery operations and customer-based projects. Instruction may be delivered through lab-
based classroom experiences or career preparation opportunities.
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Practicum in Commercial Photography/Extended Practicum
in Commercial Photography
13009255 (First Time Taken) (EXPRCPH1)
13009265 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRCPH2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Commercial Photography l and Commercial Photography l Lab.
Corequisite: Practicum in Commercial Photography.
In addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an advanced technical understanding of the commercial photography industry with a
focus on producing, promoting, and presenting professional quality photographs.
Practicum in Fashion Design/Extended Practicum in Fashion
13009505 (First Time Taken) (EXPRFAS1)
13009515 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRFAS2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Fashion Design ll and Fashion Design ll Lab.
Corequisite: Practicum in Fashion Design.
In addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop an advanced technical understanding of the business aspects of fashion, with emphasis
on promotion and retailing. Instruction may be delivered through lab-based classroom
experiences or career preparation opportunities.
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Practicum in Graphic Design and Illustration/Extended
Practicum in Graphic Design and Illustration
13009005 (First Time Taken) (EXPRGRD1)
13009015 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRGRD2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Graphic Design and Illustration ll and Graphic Design and Illustration ll Lab.
Corequisite: Practicum in Graphic Design and Illustration.
In addition to developing technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts,
Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to
develop a technical understanding of the industry with a focus on skill proficiency. Instruction may
be delivered through lab-based classroom experiences or career preparation opportunities.
Practicum in Digital Audio Technology
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 2
Prerequisites: Students must have successfully completed Digital Audio Technology I and Digital
Audio Technology II.
The Practicum of Digital Audio Course will prepare students for entry into the digital audio or
entertainment industry, military, or postsecondary education by partnering with industry and local
employers to provide students hands-on, real-world experiences and expectations. Building upon
the concepts taught in Digital Audio Technology I and II and its co-requisite Digital Audio
Production, students will be expected to develop an increasing understanding of the Audio
industry with a focus on industry pathways such as live sounds, broadcast, streaming, podcasting,
studio recording and audio for film, video, and games. This course will give students the ability to
build their resume and demo reel as well as obtain industry certifications such as Apple Logic Pro
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Table of Contents
Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance
Touch System Data Entry
Business Law
Business English
Business Information Management l
Business Information Management l/Business Lab
Business Information Management ll
Business Information Management ll/Business Lab
Business Management
Global Business
Virtual Business
Human Resources Management
Practicum in Business Management
Practicum in Business Management/Extended Practicum in Business Management
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Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13011200 (PRINBMF)
Grade Placement: 9–11
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
In Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance, students gain knowledge and skills in
economies and private enterprise systems, the impact of global business, the marketing of goods
and services, advertising, and product pricing. Students analyze the sales process and financial
management principles. This course allows students to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic
knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems, and settings in
business, marketing, and finance.
Touch System Data Entry
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13011300 (TSDATAE)
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credits: .5
Prerequisite: None.
In Touch System Data Entry, students apply technical skills to address business applications of
emerging technologies. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and
reasoning skills and apply them to the business environment.
Students will need to apply touch system data entry skills for production of business documents.
Business Law
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13011700 (BUSLAW)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Global Business is designed for students to analyze various aspects of the legal environment,
including ethics, the judicial system, contracts, personal property, sales, negotiable instruments,
agency and employment, business organization, risk management, and real property.
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Business English
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13011600 (BUSENGL)
Grade Placement: 12
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: English lll.
Recommended Prerequisite: Touch System Data Entry.
In Business English, students enhance communication and research skills by applying them to the
business environment, in addition to exchanging information and producing properly formatted
business documents using emerging technology.
Business Information Management l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13011400 (BUSIM1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Touch System Data Entry.
Recommended Corequisite: Business Lab.
In Business Information Management I, students implement personal and interpersonal skills to
strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and make a successful
transition to the workforce and postsecondary education. Students apply technical skills to
address business applications of emerging technologies, create word-processing documents,
develop a spreadsheet, formulate a database, and make an electronic presentation using
appropriate software.
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Business Information Management l/Business Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13011410 (BUSMLAB1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: Business Information Management I.
Business Lab is designed to provide students an opportunity to further enhance previously studied
knowledge and skills and may be used as an extension of Business Information Management I or
Business Information Management II; it is a recommended corequisite course, and may not be
offered as a stand-alone course. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to
strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and to make a successful
transition to the workforce or postsecondary education. Students apply technical skills to address
business applications of emerging technologies. Students enhance reading, writing, computing,
communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the business environment. Students
incorporate a broad base of knowledge that includes the legal, managerial, marketing, financial,
ethical, and international dimensions of business to make appropriate business decisions.
Business Information Management ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13011500 (BUSIM2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: Business Information Management l.
Recommended Prerequisite: Touch System Data Entry.
Recommended Corequisite: Business Lab.
In Business Information Management II, students implement personal and interpersonal skills to
strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and make a successful
transition to the workforce or postsecondary education. Students apply technical skills to address
business applications of emerging technologies, create complex word-processing documents,
develop sophisticated spreadsheets using charts and graphs, and make an electronic presentation
using appropriate multimedia software.
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Business Information Management ll/Business Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13011510 (BUSMLAB2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: Business Information Management II.
Business Lab is designed to provide students an opportunity to further enhance previously studied
knowledge and skills and may be used as an extension of Business Information Management I or
Business Information Management II; it is a recommended corequisite course, and may not be
offered as a stand-alone course. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to
strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and to make a successful
transition to the workforce or postsecondary education. Students apply technical skills to address
business applications of emerging technologies. Students enhance reading, writing, computing,
communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the business environment. Students
incorporate a broad base of knowledge that includes the legal, managerial, marketing, financial,
ethical, and international dimensions of business to make appropriate business decisions.
Business Management
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13012100 (BUSMGT)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Business Management is designed to familiarize students with the concepts related to business
management as well as the functions of management, including planning, organizing, staffing,
leading, and controlling. Students will also demonstrate interpersonal and project-management
Global Business
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13011800 (GLOBBUS)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: .5
Prerequisite: None.
Global Business is designed for students to analyze global trade theories, international monetary
systems, trade policies, politics, and laws relating to global business as well as cultural issues,
logistics, and international human resource management.
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Virtual Business
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13012000 (VIRTBUS)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: .5
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Touch System Data Entry.
Virtual Business is designed for students to start a virtual business by creating a web presence,
conducting online and off-line marketing, examining contracts appropriate for an online business,
and demonstrating project-management skills. Students will also demonstrate bookkeeping skills
for a virtual business, maintain business records, and understand legal issues associated with a
virtual business.
Human Resources Management
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13011900 (HRMGT)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: .5
Prerequisite: None.
Human Resources Management is designed to familiarize students with the concepts related to
human resource management, including legal requirements, recruitment, employee selection
methods, and employee development and evaluation. Students will also become familiar with
compensation and benefits programs as well as workplace safety, employee-management
relations, and the impact of global events on human resources management.
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Practicum in Business Management
13012200 (First Time Taken) (PRACBM)
13012210 (Second Time Taken) (PRACBM2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Touch System Data Entry and Business Management or Business
Information Management ll.
Practicum in Business Management is designed to give students supervised practical application of
previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences occur in a paid or unpaid
arrangement and a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience.
Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to strengthen individual performance in the
workplace and in society and to make a successful transition to the workforce or postsecondary
education. Students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging
technologies. Students develop a foundation in the economic, financial, technological,
international, social, and ethical aspects of business to become competent consumers, employees,
and entrepreneurs. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning
skills and apply them to the business environment. Students incorporate a broad base of
knowledge that includes the legal, managerial, marketing, financial, ethical, and international
dimensions of business to make appropriate business decisions.
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Practicum in Business Management/Extended Practicum in
Business Management
13012205 (First Time Taken) (EXPRBM)
13012215 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRBM2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Touch System Data Entry and Business Management or Business
Information Management ll.
Corequisite: Practicum in Business Management
Extended Practicum in Business Management is designed to give students supervised practical
application of previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences occur in a paid or
unpaid arrangement and a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience.
Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to strengthen individual performance in the
workplace and in society and to make a successful transition to the workforce or postsecondary
education. Students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging
technologies. Students develop a foundation in the economic, financial, technological,
international, social, and ethical aspects of business to become competent consumers, employees,
and entrepreneurs. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning
skills and apply them to the business environment. Students incorporate a broad base of
knowledge that includes the legal, managerial, marketing, financial, ethical, and international
dimensions of business to make appropriate business decision.
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Table of Contents
Principles of Education and Training
Human Growth and Development
Child Development Associate (CDA) Foundations
Instructional Practices
Communication and Technology in Education
Practicum in Education and Training
Practicum in Education and Training/Extended Practicum in Education and Training
Practicum in Early Learning
Practicum in Early Learning/Extended Practicum in Early Learning
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Principles of Education and Training
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13014200 (PRINEDTR)
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Principles of Education and Training is designed to introduce learners to the various careers
available within the Education and Training Career Cluster. Students use self- knowledge as well
as educational and career information to analyze various careers within the Education and
Training Career Cluster. Students will develop a graduation plan that leads to a specific career
choice in the student's interest area.
Human Growth and Development
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13014300 (HUGRDEV)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Education and Training.
Human Growth and Development is an examination of human development across the lifespan
with emphasis on research, theoretical perspectives, and common physical, cognitive, emotional,
and social developmental milestones. The course covers material that is generally taught in a
postsecondary, one-semester introductory course in developmental psychology or human
Child Development Associate (CDA) Foundations
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Education and Training or Principles of Human
The Child Development Associate (CDA) Foundations course is a laboratory course addressing the
knowledge and skills related to applying Child Development Associate (CDA) Competency
Standards in early childhood environments and understanding how these competencies help
young children move with success from one developmental stage to the next. Students will be
prepared and informed on the requirements that must be met to apply for the nationally
recognized CDA credential.
Instructional Practices
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13014400 (INPRAC)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: One credit from Education and Training Career Cluster
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Education and Training and Human Growth and
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Instructional Practices is a field-based (practicum) internship that provides students with
background knowledge of child and adolescent development as well as
principles of effective teaching and training practices. Students work under the joint direction and
supervision of both a teacher with knowledge of early childhood, middle childhood, and
adolescence education and exemplary educators or trainers in direct instructional roles with
elementary-, middle school-, and high school-aged students. Students learn to plan and direct
individualized instruction and group activities, prepare instructional materials, develop materials
for educational environments, assist with record keeping, and complete other responsibilities of
teachers, trainers, paraprofessionals, or other educational personnel.
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Communication and Technology in Education
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Education and Training
Communication and Technology in Education is an extended course of study designed to provide
students with the fundamentals of planning, managing and training services needed to provide
learning support services in K-12 classrooms. Students will develop knowledge and skills regarding
the professional, ethical, and legal responsibilities in teaching related to educational technology;
as well as, understand laws and pedagogical justifications regarding classroom technology use.
This course provides an opportunity for students to participate in training related to Google for
Education, Microsoft Office Fundamentals, Common Sense Media and Digital Citizenship as they
relate to standards set by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).
Practicum in Education and Training
13014500 (First Time Taken) (PRACEDT1)
13014510 (Second Time Taken) (PRACEDT2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Instructional Practices.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Education and Training and Human Growth and
Practicum in Education and Training is a field-based internship that provides students background
knowledge of child and adolescent development principles as well as principles of effective
teaching and training practices. Students in the course work under the joint direction and
supervision of both a teacher with knowledge of early childhood, middle childhood, and
adolescence education and exemplary educators in direct instructional roles with elementary-,
middle school-, and high school-aged students. Students learn to plan and direct individualized
instruction and group activities, prepare instructional materials, assist with record keeping, make
physical arrangements, and complete other responsibilities of classroom teachers, trainers,
paraprofessionals, or other educational personnel.
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Practicum in Education and Training/Extended Practicum in
Education and Training
13014505 (First Time Taken) (EXPREDT1)
13014515 (Second Time Taken) (EXPREDT2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Instructional Practices.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Education and Training, Human Growth, and
Corequisite: Practicum in Education and Training.
Extended Practicum in Education and Training is a field-based internship that provides students
background knowledge of child and adolescent development principles as well as principles of
effective teaching and training practices. Students in the course work under the joint direction and
supervision of both a teacher with knowledge of early childhood, middle childhood, and
adolescence education and exemplary educators in direct instructional roles with elementary-,
middle school-, and high school-aged students. Students learn to plan and direct individualized
instruction and group activities, prepare instructional materials, assist with record keeping, make
physical arrangements, and complete other responsibilities of classroom teachers, trainers,
paraprofessionals, or other educational personnel.
Practicum in Early Learning
13014520 (First Time Taken) (PRACEL1)
13014530 (Second Time Taken) (PRACEL2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Child Guidance
Recommended Prerequisites: Child Development or Child Development Associate
Practicum in Early Learning is a field-based course that provides students background knowledge
of early childhood development principles as well as principles of effective teaching and training
practices. Students in the course work under the joint direction and supervision of both a teacher
facilitator and an exemplary industry professional. Students learn to plan and direct individualized
instruction and group activities, prepare instructional materials, assist with record keeping, make
physical arrangements, and complete other responsibilities of early learning teachers, trainers,
paraprofessionals, or other educational personnel.
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Practicum in Early Learning/Extended Practicum Early
13014525 (First Time Taken) (EXPREL1)
13014535 (Second Time Taken) (EXPREL2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Child Guidance.
Recommended Prerequisites: Child Development or Child Development Associate
Corequisite: Practicum in Early Learning
Extended Practicum in Early Learning is a field-based internship that provides students background
knowledge of early childhood development principles as well as principles of effective teaching and training
practices. Students in the course work under the joint direction and supervision of both a teacher facilitator
and an exemplary industry professional. Students learn to plan and direct individualized instruction and
group activities, prepare instructional materials, assist with record keeping, make physical arrangements,
and complete other responsibilities of early learning teachers, trainers, paraprofessionals, or other
educational personnel.
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Table of Contents
Foundations of Energy
Introduction to Process Technology
Petrochemical Safety, Health, and Environment
Oil and Gas Production l
Oil and Gas Production l/Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
Oil and Gas Production ll
Oil and Gas Production lI/Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience
Oil and Gas Production IV
Introduction to Instrumentation and Electrical
Advanced Instrumentation and Electrical
Practicum in Energy
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Foundations of Energy
Grade Placement: 9-12
Credit: 1
Foundations of Energy provides students with the fundamentals of Texas energy resources from
conventional, unconventional, and renewable sources. Students develop knowledge and skills
regarding career and educational opportunities in the production, transmission, and use of energy
in Texas, including import and export markets for energy.
Introduction to Process Technology
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1300262 (INTRPT)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Introduction to Process Technology will introduce students to process technology professions,
including the different career opportunities available, and required certification/postsecondary
education requirements for each. Introduction to Process Technology is the first of two courses
that provide a pathway for the student to learn core competencies, as identified by industries
using process technology and postsecondary institutions. This course will provide instruction
which can lead to degree programs that support employment in energy, oil and gas process and
refining, and chemical manufacturing industries.
Petrochemical Safety, Health, and Environment
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1300264 (PSHAE)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
The Petrochemical Safety, Health, and Environment course is important to learn about
environmentally sound work habits within the various process industries, including but not limited
to, petrochemical plants, refineries, oil and gas production, and power generation. Emphasis will
be placed on safety, health, and environmental considerations in the performance of all job tasks
and regulatory compliance matters. Topics include components of industrial plant safety and
environmental programs, and the role of a process technician in relation to safety, health, and
environmental equipment uses.
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Oil and Gas Production l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001250 (OILGP1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
In Oil and Gas Production I, students will identify specific career opportunities and skills, abilities,
tools, certification, and safety measures associated with each career. Students will also
understand components, systems, equipment, and production and safety regulations associated
with oil and gas wells.
Oil and Gas Production l/Agricultural Laboratory and Field
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001255 (OILGPLAB1)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Corequisite: any course in the Energy Career Cluster.
Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience is designed to provide students a laboratory and/or
field experience opportunity. To prepare for careers in energy, students must acquire knowledge
and skills that meet entry requirements and industry expectations. To prepare for success,
students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and
technical skills in a variety of settings.
Note: Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience may be paired with the courses from the
Energy Career Cluster. The TSDS PEIMS information in this table is to be used when the course
shown is paired with the Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience.
Oil and Gas Production ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001260 (OILGP2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Oil and Gas Production l.
In Oil and Gas Production II, students will gain knowledge of the specific requirements for entry
into post-secondary education and employment in the petroleum industry; research and discuss
petroleum economics; research and discuss the modes of transportation in the petroleum
industry; research and discuss environmental, health, and safety concerns; research and discuss
different energy sources; and prepare for industry certification.
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Oil and Gas Production lI/Agricultural Laboratory and Field
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13001265 (OILGPLAB2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Corequisite: any course in the Energy Career Cluster.
Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience is designed to provide students a laboratory and/or
field experience opportunity. To prepare for careers in energy, students must acquire knowledge
and skills that meet entry requirements and industry expectations. To prepare for success,
students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and
technical skills in a variety of settings.
Note: Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience may be paired with the courses from the
Energy Career Cluster. The TSDS PEIMS information in this table is to be used when the course
shown is paired with the Agricultural Laboratory and Field Experience.
Oil and Gas Production IV
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1300257 (PRODSYS4)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Oil and Gas III.
A study of the petroleum industry will be conducted from the data management perspective.
Current knowledge and technical aspects of the oil and gas industry will be reviewed with regard
to the various operational functionalities of well completions under various wellbore conditions.
This course prepares students to assess the effects of drilling through the production formation
and choose tools and procedures for completing a drilled wellbore. This course may be taught
with related courses in petroleum engineering technology.
Introduction to Instrumentation and Electrical
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Integrated Chemistry and Physics (IPC) or Chemistry.
Introduction to Instrumentation and Electrical will introduce students to instrumentation
professions, including the different career opportunities available and required
certification/postsecondary education requirements for each. Introduction to Instrumentation is
the first of two courses that provide a pathway for the student to learn core competencies, as
identified by industries using process instrumentation and postsecondary institutions such as
simple control loops, an introduction to pressure, temperature, level, flow transmitters and the
various transducers used in the detection of changes in process variables.
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Advanced Instrumentation and Electrical
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Algebra I and Introduction to Instrumentation and
In the Advanced Instrument and Electrical course students will gain advanced
knowledge and skills specifically needed to enter the workforce in the refining and
chemical processes industry. This course builds on the skills learned in the Introduction
to Instrumentation and Electrical course. Students in the Advanced Instrumentation and
Electrical course will be introduced to the safety regulations in the industry and the
agencies that oversee these regulations. Students will learn the electrical theories and
calculations needed to troubleshoot electrical circuits and the tools and instruments
used to fix or replace the electrical components including switches, relays, capacitors,
resistors, and motors. Students will also learn how to identify, fabricate, and replace
tubing and piping used in refining and chemical processes.
Practicum in Energy
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 2
Recommended prerequisite: At least one of the following courses, Oil and Gas Production II/Lab,
OSET I, Oil and Gas Production III, OSET II, Career Preparation, Oil and Gas Production IV, Introduction
to Process Technology, Introduction to Instrumentation and Electrical, Petrochemical Safety, Health, and
Environment, Advanced Instrumentation and Electrical, AC/DC Electronics, Introduction to Renewable
Energy, Energy and Natural Resources Technology/Lab, Environmental Sustainability (PLTW), Solid State
Electronics, Scientific Research and Design or Digital Electronics
The Practicum in Energy course gives students the opportunity to apply what they have
learned in the classroom in a real-world setting designed to prepare students for
occupation in the oil and gas, refinery, and renewable natural resources industries. In
this course, students will learn how to communicate in the field and work safely in a
variety of situations and environments common in the energy occupations. Students will
also learn about the energy balance, the distribution of power, the technology used in
the field and the regulations and environmental impact of the industry.
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Table of Contents
Financial Mathematics
Money Matters
Securities and Investments
Insurance Operations
Banking and Financial Services
Accounting I
Accounting ll
Financial Analysis
Statistics and Business Decision Making
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Financial Mathematics
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13018000 (FINMATH)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Algebra l.
Financial Mathematics is a course about personal money management. Students will apply critical-
thinking skills to analyze personal financial decisions based on current and projected economic
Money Matters
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13016200 (MONEYM)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance.
In Money Matters, students will investigate money management from a personal financial
perceptive. Students will apply critical-thinking skills to analyze financial options based on current
and projected economic factors. Students will gain knowledge and skills necessary to establish
short-term and long-term financial goals. Students will examine various methods of achieving
short-term and long-term financial goals through various methods such as investing, tax planning,
asset allocating, risk management, retirement planning, and estate planning.
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Securities and Investments
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13016400 (SECINV)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance.
In Securities and Investments, students will understand the laws and regulations to manage
business operations and transactions in the securities industry.
Insurance Operations
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13016500 (INSOPS)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance.
In Insurance Operations, students will understand the laws and regulations to manage business
operations and transactions in the insurance industry.
Banking and Financial Services
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13016300 (BANKFIN)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: .5
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance.
In Banking and Financial Services, students will develop knowledge and skills in the economic,
financial, technological, international, social, and ethical aspects of banking to become competent
employees and entrepreneurs. Students will incorporate a broad base of knowledge that includes
the operations, sales, and management of banking institutions to gain a complete understanding
of how banks function within society.
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Accounting I
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13016600 (ACCOUNT1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance.
In Accounting I, students will investigate the field of accounting, including how it is impacted by
industry standards as well as economic, financial, technological, international, social, legal, and
ethical factors. Students will reflect on this knowledge as they engage in the process of recording,
classifying, summarizing, analyzing, and communicating accounting information. Students will
formulate and interpret financial information for use in management decision making. Accounting
includes such activities as bookkeeping, systems design, analysis, and interpretation of accounting
Accounting ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13016700 (ACCOUNT2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Accounting I.
In Accounting II, students will continue the investigation of the field of accounting, including how
it is impacted by industry standards as well as economic, financial, technological, international,
social, legal, and ethical factors. Students will reflect on this knowledge as they engage in various
managerial, financial, and operational accounting activities. Students will formulate, interpret, and
communicate financial information for use in management decision making. Students will use
equations, graphical representations, accounting tools, spreadsheet software, and accounting
systems in real-world situations to maintain, monitor, control, and plan the use of financial
Financial Analysis
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13016800 (FINANAL)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Accounting I.
In Financial Analysis, students will apply knowledge and technical skills in the economic,
financial, technological, international, social, and ethical aspects of business to become
competent consumers, employees, and entrepreneurs. Students will develop analytical
skills by actively evaluating financial results of multiple businesses, interpreting results for
stakeholders, and presenting strategic recommendations for performance improvement.
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Statistics and Business Decision Making
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13016900 (STATBDM)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Algebra ll.
Statistics and Business Decision Making is an introduction to statistics and the application of
statistics to business decision making. Students will use statistics to make business decisions.
Students will determine the appropriateness of methods used to collect data to ensure conclusions
are valid.
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Table of Contents
Principles of Government and Public Administration
Political Science I
Political Science II
Foreign Service and Diplomacy
Dimensions of Diplomacy
Planning and Governance
National Security
Public Management and Administration
Revenue, Taxation, and Regulation
Practicum in Local, State, and Federal Government
Practicum in Local, State, and Federal Government/Extended Practicum in Local, State, and
Federal Government
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Principles of Government and Public Administration
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13018200 (PRINGPA)
Grade Placement: 9–11
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Principles of Government and Public Administration introduces students to foundations of
governmental functions and career opportunities within the United States and abroad.
Students will examine governmental documents such as the U.S. Constitution, current U.S.
Supreme Court and federal court decisions, and the Bill of Rights.
Political Science I
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13018300 (POLISCI1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Government and Public Administration.
Political Science I introduces students to political theory through the study of governments, public
policies, political processes, systems, and behavior.
Political Science II
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13018400 (POLISCI2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Government and Public Administration or Political
Science I.
Political Science II uses a variety of learning methods and approaches to examine the processes,
systems, and political dynamics of the United States and other nations. The dynamic component
of this course includes current U.S. and world events.
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Foreign Service and Diplomacy
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13018900 (FORSRVD)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Government and Public Administration or Principles of
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security.
Foreign Service and Diplomacy provides the opportunity for students to investigate the knowledge
and skills necessary for careers in foreign service. The course includes law, history, media
communication, and international relations associated with the diplomatic environment.
Dimensions of Diplomacy
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1301820 (DIDIPL)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Principles of Government and Public Administration, Political Science
I, and/or Foreign Service and Diplomacy; two levels of languages other than English (LOTE).
Recommended corequisite: Statistics and/or Psychology.
Dimensions of Diplomacy is designed to allow students to master the Thirteen Dimensions that
candidates interested in careers with the United States Department of State must demonstrate
during the selection process for internships, scholarships, fellowships, and career opportunities.
Students will develop global competencies, problem-solving, decision-making, professional
communication and negotiation skills applicable to all clusters and professions but particularly
relevant to international diplomacy and careers with multinational firms.
Planning and Governance
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13018700 (PLANGOV)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Government and Public Administration.
Planning and Governance is a course offering students an opportunity to formulate plans and
policies to meet social, economic, and physical needs of communities.
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National Security
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13018800 (NATLSEC)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Government and Public Administration and Public
Management and Administration or Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security or
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) coursework.
National Security introduces the students to the aspects of disaster management. The course
includes engaging simulation exercises related to natural disasters, man-made disasters, and
terroristic events using homeland security programs and National Incident Management System
(NIMS) programs.
Public Management and Administration
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13018600 (PUBMANAD)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Government and Public Administration or Business
Management or Business Law.
Public Management and Administration reviews actions and activities that governments and
nonprofit administrations commonly use and that resemble private-sector management. Students
will be introduced to management tools that maximize the effectiveness of different types and
styles of administrators and affect the quality of life of citizens in the community.
Revenue, Taxation, and Regulation
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13018500 (REVTAXRE)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Government and Public Administration or Accounting I
and II.
Revenue, Taxation, and Regulation provides an overview of law and investigative principles and
follows agency procedures to examine evidence and ensure revenue compliance. In addition,
students will learn to facilitate clear and positive communication with taxpayers and become
familiar with data analysis systems and revenue-related financial problems. Students will prepare
projects and class activities to simulate the skills needed to enforce legal compliance and
regulatory standards.
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Practicum in Local, State, and Federal Government
13019000 (First Time Taken) (PRACLSF1)
13019010 (Second Time Taken) (PRACLSF2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Students in the Practicum in Local, State, and Federal Government will concurrently learn
advanced concepts of political science and government workings in the classroom setting and in
the workplace. In addition, students will apply technical skills pertaining to government and public
administration in a direct mentorship by individuals in professional settings such as government,
public management and administration, national security, municipal planning, foreign service,
revenue, taxation, and regulation.
Practicum in Local, State, and Federal Government/Extended
Practicum in Local, State, and Federal Government
13019005 (First Time Taken) (EXPRLSF1)
13019015 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRLSF2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: Practicum in Local, State, and Federal Government.
Students in the Extended Practicum in Local, State, and Federal Government will concurrently
learn advanced concepts of political science and government workings in the classroom setting
and in the workplace. In addition, students will apply technical skills pertaining to government and
public administration in a direct mentorship by individuals in professional settings such as
government, public management and administration, national security, municipal planning,
foreign service, revenue, taxation, and regulation.
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Table of Contents
Principles of Health Science
Principles of Allied Health
Principles of Diagnostic Healthcare
Principles of Exercise Science and Wellness
Principles of Health Informatics
Principles of Nursing Science
Principles of Therapeutic Healthcare
Introduction to Dental Science
Introduction to Imaging Technology
Biomedical Innovation
Principles of Biomedical Science
Medical Interventions
Human Body Systems
Introduction to Pharmacy Science
Introduction to Speech Pathology and Audiology
Medical Terminology
Anatomy and Physiology
Medical Microbiology
World Health Research
Kinesiology I
Health Informatics
Mathematics for Medical Professionals
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Speech and Language Development
Speech and Communication Disorders
Health Science Theory
Health Science Theory/Health Science Clinical
Practicum in Health Science
Practicum in Health Science/Extended Practicum in Health Science
Practicum in Nursing
Allied Health Therapeutic Services
Clinical Ethics
Dental Anatomy and Physiology
Imaging Technology I
Imaging Technology II
Kinesiology II
Health Informatics
Medical Intervention Evaluation and Research
Optical Technician
Pharmacy I
Pharmacy II
Physical Therapy I
Physical Therapy II
Science of Nursing
Healthcare Administration and Management
Respiratory Therapy I
Respiratory Therapy II
Leadership and Management in Nursing
Medical Assistant
Occupational Therapy I
Occupational Therapy II
Medical Billing and Coding
Dental Equipment and Procedures
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Principles of Health Science
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13020200 (PRINHLSC)
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
The Principles of Health Science course is designed to provide an overview of the therapeutic,
diagnostic, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development
systems of the health care industry.
Principles of Allied Health
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None.
Principles of Allied Health is designed to provide the basic concepts, knowledge and skills
necessary for a health career in an allied health field. This course will focus on concepts
associated with the healthcare industry standards, respiratory therapy, physical and occupational
therapy, radiological imaging, and pharmaceuticals. This is the foundation course for the medical
therapy pathway in the health science cluster. This course is designed for students that are
interested in pursuing careers in the allied health fields.
Principles of Diagnostic Healthcare
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None.
The Principles of Diagnostic Healthcare course is designed to provide students with an overview of
the education and career opportunities in this rapidly growing and significant sector of health
care. Students will be provided with experiential learning activities in clinical diagnostic
applications while building the knowledge and skills needed to investigate and analyze disease
processes. This course is designed to foster student interest and allow for exploration of
diagnostic healthcare professions and industry-based certifications. The goal is to prepare
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students for 21st-century careers and with an emphasis on the development of knowledge,
understanding, and application of science, biology, technology, and mathematical skills. Clinical
diagnostic careers require students to generate intellectual inquiry, entice critical thinking, and
use problem-solving and analytical skills that will lead to data-driven decisions. Areas of
concentration will include laboratory sciences, digital radiography, nuclear medicine,
electrocardiograms (EKGs) and ophthalmic technologies.
Principles of Exercise Science and Wellness
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None.
The Principles of Exercise Science and Wellness course is designed to provide for the development
of knowledge and skills in fields that assist patients with maintaining physical, mental, and
emotional health. Students in this course will understand diet and exercise, as well as techniques
to help patients recover from injury, illness, and disease. They will also learn about introductory
health science topics such as employability skills, lifespan development, and ethical and legal
standards. Students who take this course are ideally interested in such careers as physical
therapy, athletic training, nutrition, personal training, and recreational therapy. The central focus
of this course is to provide students with a solid foundation in the topics of health and wellness
and increase their interest in the various careers available in these fields.
Principles of Health Informatics
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None.
The Principles of Health Informatics course introduces students to of one of the fastest growing
areas in academia and industry professions. A large gap exists between state-of-the art computer
technologies and the state of affairs in health care information technology. The result is an
increased demand for information and health professionals who can effectively design, develop,
and use technologies such as electronic medical records, patient monitoring systems, and digital
libraries, while managing the vast amount of data generated by these systems.
Principles of Nursing Science
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None.
The Principles of Nursing Science course introduces students to basic principles of the profession
of nursing. The goals/student outcomes for the course include knowledge of the history of
nursing, an introduction to nursing theory, professionalism (teamwork, communication, conflict
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resolution), legal/ethical issues in nursing, infection control, safety, and customer (patient)
satisfaction. Skills learned include vital signs and how to document on a graphic record, patient
positioning/transferring, bed-making, feeding, and personal protective equipment (PPE).
Principles of Therapeutic Healthcare
PEIMS Code: N1302110 (THERHLTH)
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Recommended Corequisite: Biology.
The Principles of Therapeutic Healthcare course is an introductory class for students who are
interested in pursuing careers within the therapeutic pathway of the healthcare industry.
Principles of Therapeutic Healthcare will provide students an overview of the knowledge, skills and
abilities associated with careers within the therapeutic pathway of the healthcare industry. These
careers include direct patient care jobs, rehabilitation and jobs caring for individuals with physical
and developmental delays.
Introduction to Dental Science
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302101 (DNTSCI)
Grade Placement: 9–11
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None.
Introduction to Dental Science is a introductory health science course designed to initiate
secondary students to the field of dentistry and related topics. At the end of the course, students
will be able to discuss the history of dentistry; identify dental related career pathways; explain
dental legal and ethical responsibilities; recognize professional healthcare behavior and demeanor;
and perform basic routine dental office procedures. The purpose of this course is to establish a
foundation for future coursework in dental science and prepare secondary students for a future
career in dentistry.
Introduction to Imaging Technology
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None.
The Introduction to Imaging Technology course provides students an introduction to the basic
principles, guidelines, and knowledge needed for members of the medical imaging field. This
course will provide the student with an overview of radiography and its role within the health care
system, including basic radiologic terminology, equipment, basic image production, patient
positioning, and radiation safety. The student will study human anatomic structures and organs,
as well as the standard positioning associated with the chest, abdomen, upper and lower
extremities. This course is recommended for students grades 9-10 interested in the medical
imaging field.
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Biomedical Innovation
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302095 (BIOINN)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
In the PLTW Biomedical Innovation (BI) course, students will be asked to apply what they have
learned in the previous three courses to solve unique problems in science, medicine, and
healthcare. Students will work systematically through required problems before completing
optional directed problems or independent work.
Principles of Biomedical Science (PLTW)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
The Principles of Biomedical Science (PBS)- PLTW course provides an introduction to biomedical
science through hands-on projects and problems. Students investigate concepts of biology and
medicine as they explore health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell disease,
hypercholesterolemia, and infectious diseases. They will determine the factors that led to the
death of a fictional woman as they sequentially piece together evidence found in her medical
history and her autopsy report. Students will investigate lifestyle choices and medical treatments
that might have prolonged the woman’s life and demonstrate how the development of disease is
related to changes in human body systems.
Medical Interventions
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302094 (MEDINT)
Grade Placement: 10-12
Credit: 1
In the Medical Interventions (MI)-PLTW course students investigate the variety of interventions
involved in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease as they follow the lives of a
fictitious family. Through these scenarios students will be exposed to the wide range of
interventions related to immunology, surgery, genetics, pharmacology, medical devices, and
diagnostics. Each family case scenario will introduce multiple types of interventions; reinforce
concepts learned in the previous two courses, and present new content. Interventions may range
from simple diagnostic tests to treatment of complex diseases and disorders. These interventions
will be showcased across the generations of the family and will provide a look at the past,
present, and future of biomedical science. Lifestyle choices and preventive measures are
emphasized throughout the course as well as the important role that scientific thinking and
engineering design play in the development of interventions of the future.
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Human Body Systems
Grade Placement: 10-12
Credit: 1
In the Project Lead The Way [PLTW] Human Body Systems (HBS) course, students examine the
interactions of body systems as they explore deeply biological identity, communication, power,
movement, protection, and homeostasis. Through individual and team activities, projects, and
problems, students design experiments, investigate the structures and function of the human
body, and use data acquisition software to monitor body functions such as muscle movement,
reflex and voluntary actions, and respiration.
Introduction to Pharmacy Science
PEIMS Code: N1302103 (PHARSCI)
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None.
The Introduction to Pharmacy Science course is designed to provide an overview of the history of
the pharmacy profession, legal and ethical aspects of pharmacy, skills necessary to work in the
field of pharmacy (including professionalism, certifications/registration, communication and
medical terminology, and rules and regulations pertaining to the field), medical math, anatomy
and physiology/pathophysiology, pharmacology, and wellness as they pertain to pharmacy
sciences. It is the first course in a pathway leading to certification as a pharmacy technician.
Introduction to Dental Science
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302100 (INTSPA)
Grade Placement:1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Anatomy and Physiology and Principles of Health Science.
The Introduction to Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology course is designed to provide for
the development of advanced knowledge and skills related to the professions that specialize in
communication disorders: speech-language pathology, audiology, hearing, and speech and
language science. Topics are related to defining the professional practice areas of speech-
language pathology, audiology and hearing, and speech and language science; the scope of
practice as determined by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association for these
professions; multicultural service delivery for individuals with communication disorders;
certification; code of ethics; practice settings; employment opportunities; and the use of
technology in management and treatment of communication disorders.
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Medical Terminology
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13020300 (MEDTERM)
Grade Placement: 912
Credit: 1 Prerequisite: None.
The Medical Terminology course is designed to introduce students to the structure of medical
terms, including prefixes, suffixes, word roots, singular and plural forms, and medical
abbreviations. The course allows students to achieve comprehension of medical vocabulary
appropriate to medical procedures, human anatomy and physiology, and pathophysiology.
Anatomy and Physiology
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13020600 (ANATPHYS)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Biology and a second science credit.
Recommended Prerequisite: A course from the Health and Science Career Cluster.
The Anatomy and Physiology course is designed for students to conduct laboratory and field
investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using
critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Students in Anatomy and Physiology will study a
variety of topics, including the structure and function of the human body and the interaction of
body systems for maintaining homeostasis.
Medical Microbiology
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13020700 (MICRO)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry.
Recommended Prerequisites: A course from the Health Science Career Cluster.
The Medical Microbiology course is designed to explore the microbial world, studying topics such
as pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms, laboratory procedures, identifying
microorganisms, drug resistant organisms, and emerging diseases. Students must meet the 40%
laboratory and fieldwork requirement.
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World Health Research
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13020900 (WORLDHR)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry.
Recommended Prerequisite: A course from the Health Science Career Cluster.
The World Health Research course is designed to examine major world health problems and
emerging technologies as solutions to these medical concerns. It is designed to improve students'
understanding of the cultural, infrastructural, political, educational, and technological constraints
and inspire ideas for appropriate technological solutions to global medical care issues.
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13020800 (PATHO)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry.
Recommended Prerequisite: A course from the Health and Science Career Cluster.
The Pathophysiology course is designed for students to conduct laboratory and field
investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using
critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Students in Pathophysiology will study disease
processes and how humans are affected. Emphasis is placed on prevention and treatment of
disease. Students will differentiate between normal and abnormal physiology. Students should
know that some questions are outside the realm of science because they deal with phenomena
that are not scientifically testable.
Kinesiology I
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302104 (KINES1)
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None.
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of kinesiology. Students will
gain an understanding of body mechanics, physiological functions of muscles and movements, the
history of kinesiology, and the psychological impact of sports and athletic performance. Students
will also explore careers within the kinesiology field and be able to explain the societal demand for
kinesiology-related jobs. Students will develop a foundation in Kinesiology I that will prepare them
for upper-level courses that will dive deeper into the anatomical and physiological functions of the
body and provide opportunities for an industry-certified exam such as a certified personal trainer.
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Health Informatics
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13020960 (HLTHINF)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Medical Terminology.
The Health Informatics course is designed to provide knowledge of one of the fastest growing
areas in both academic and professional fields. The large gap between state of the art computer
technologies and the state of affairs in health care information technology has generated demand
for information and health professionals who can effectively design, develop, and use
technologies such as electronic medical records, patient monitoring systems, and digital libraries,
while managing the vast amount of data generated by these systems.
Mathematics for Medical Professionals
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13020970 (MTHMEDPR)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Geometry and Algebra ll.
The Mathematics for Medical Professionals course is designed to serve as the driving force behind
the Texas essential knowledge and skills for mathematics, guided by the college and career
readiness standards. By embedding statistics, probability, and finance, while focusing on fluency
and solid understanding in medical mathematics, students will extend and apply mathematical
skills necessary for health science professions. Course content consists primarily of high school
level mathematics concepts and their applications to health science professions.
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13020950 (PHARMC)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry.
Recommended Prerequisites: A course from the Health and Science Career Cluster.
The Pharmacology course is designed to study how natural and synthetic chemical agents such as
drugs affect biological systems. Knowledge of the properties of therapeutic agents is vital in
providing quality health care. It is an ever-changing, growing body of information that continually
demands greater amounts of time and education from health care workers.
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Speech and Language Development
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302098 (SLDEV)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Principles of Health Science, Principles of Health Science, Anatomy
and Physiology, and Introduction to Speech Pathology and Audiology.
The Speech and Language Development course provides for the development of advanced
knowledge and skills related to the speech and language acquisition and growth of developing
children. A clear understanding of healthy speech development as well as the speech, language,
and communication developmental milestones is a prerequisite for studying communication
disorders. To pursue a career in communication sciences and disorders, students should learn the
biological, neurological, psychological, developmental, and cultural bases of human
communication and the building blocks for learning to listen, speak, read, and write using
language to understand and express meaning.
Speech and Communication Disorders
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302099 (SCDIS)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Health Science, Anatomy and Physiology, Introduction
to Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Speech and Language Development, and Human
Growth and Development.
The Communication Disorders course is designed to provide for the development of advanced
knowledge and skills related to an overview of communication disorders that occur in children and
adults in the areas of speech sound production, stuttering, voice disorders, and the language
areas of semantics, syntax, pragmatics, phonology, and metalinguistics. An overview of treatment
for hearing loss and deafness will also be provided. To pursue a career as a speech-language
pathologist or audiologist, students should learn to think critically, make decisions, solve
problems, and communicate effectively.
Health Science Theory
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13020400 (HLTHSCI)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1 Prerequisites: Biology.
Recommended Corequisite: Health Science Clinical.
The Health Science Theory course is designed to provide for the development of advanced
knowledge and skills related to a wide variety of health careers. Students will employ hands-on
experiences for continued knowledge and skill development.
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Health Science Theory/Health Science Clinical
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13020410 (HLSCLIN)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: Biology.
Corequisite: Health Science Theory.
The Health Science Clinical course is designed to provide for the development of advanced
knowledge and skills related to a wide variety of health careers. Students will employ hands-on
experiences for continued knowledge and skill development. Districts are encouraged to offer this
course in a consecutive block with Health Science Theory to allow students sufficient time to
master the content of both courses.
Practicum in Health Science
13020500 (First Time Taken) (PRACHLS1)
13020510 (Second Time Taken) (PRACHLS2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: Health Science Theory and Biology.
The Practicum in Health Science course is designed to give students practical application of
previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations
appropriate to the nature and level of experience.
Practicum in Health Science/Extended Practicum in Health Science
13020505 (First Time Taken) (EXPRHLS1)
13020515 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRHLS2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 3
Prerequisites: Health Science Theory and Biology.
Corequisite: Practicum in Health Science.
The Extended Practicum in Health Science course is designed to give students practical application
of previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of
locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience.
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Practicum in Nursing
13021230 (First Time Taken) (PRACNRS)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: one credit in biology, one credit in chemistry, and at least one course in a Level 2 or higher
course in the nursing science program of study.
Corequisite: Practicum in Health Science.
Practicum in Nursing is designed to give students practical applications of previously studied
knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to the
nature and level of experience.
Allied Health Therapeutic Services
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302120 (ALLHTS)
Grade Placement: 1011
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Principles of Allied Health
Allied Health Therapeutic Services builds on the concepts from Principles of Allied Health and
allows students to apply the concepts, knowledge, and skills necessary for healthcare careers in
an allied health field. This course will focus on anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, and
career skills and exploration associated with the healthcare industry standards for respiratory
therapy, physical and occupational therapy, radiological imaging, and pharmaceuticals. This
course is designed for students who are interested in pursuing careers in the allied health fields.
Clinical Ethics
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Principles of Nursing Science and Science of Nursing.
The Clinical Ethics course is a practical review of a discipline that provides a structured approach
to assist health professionals in identifying, analyzing, and resolving ethical issues that arise in
clinical practice. Students analyze ongoing developments in advanced medical technology. The
course may raise awareness of or concerns about the ethical dimensions of clinical care. Students
will leave the course with a practical awareness of how to respect diverse perspectives on ethics,
morals, and values in healthcare.
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Dental Anatomy and Physiology
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302122 (DENTAP)
Grade Placement: 10-12
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Biology and Introduction to Dental Science.
Dental Anatomy and Physiology is a health science course designed for exploration of the
physiology of the head, neck, oral, and dental anatomy. Students will identify and describe
functions of anatomical structures, including the bones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels of the
head and neck as well as their relationship to the corresponding body systems. Students will also
identify and describe oral, head and neck pathologies, conditions, diagnostic tools, treatments,
and professions. While this course is identified as dental, it is well suited for all students
interested in pursuing any of the professions involved with the head and neck such as dentistry,
otolaryngology, optometry, radiology, audiology, neurology, reconstructive/plastic surgery.
Imaging Technology I
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302123 (IMGTEC1)
Grade Placement: 10-11
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Introduction to Imaging Technology.
The Imaging Technology I course provides students with the opportunity to learn about standard
radiographic positioning and related medical terminology of the chest, abdomen, and upper and
lower extremities. The course introduces students to the operation of X-ray equipment, analyzing
X-rays, and maintaining diagnostic results. Imaging Technology I prepares students for college,
career and military readiness by allowing the student the opportunity to obtain an industry
certification, enter the workforce upon graduation from high school, or transition to a
postsecondary institution with the prior knowledge to be successful in a radiology career field.
Imaging Technology II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302131 (IMGTEC2)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Imaging Technology I.
Recommended prerequisites: Introduction to Imaging Technology.
The Imaging Technology II Clinical course provides students with the opportunity to further their education
in radiographic imaging. Students will develop a better understanding of radiographic physics, anatomy,
equipment, and obtaining and correcting radiographic images. Students are given the opportunity to learn
hands-on by participating in the clinical portion of this course. Imaging Technology II Clinical helps prepare
students for college, career, and military readiness by allowing the student the opportunity to obtain an
industry-based certification, enter the workforce upon graduation from high school, or transition to a post-
secondary institution with the prior knowledge to be successful in a radiology career field.
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Kinesiology II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302124 (KINES2)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Kinesiology I.
The Kinesiology II course is designed to provide students an advanced level of knowledge, skills,
and understanding of body composition and the effect on health, nutritional needs of physically
active individuals, qualitative biomechanics, application of therapeutic modalities, appropriate
rehabilitation services, and aerobic training intensity programs. The course is designed to allow
students to advance their understanding of professional standards, employability skills, and ethical
and legal standards. Throughout this course, students explore the healthcare/exercise business
model and gain an understanding of therapeutic sports psychology. Students develop proper
aerobic fitness programs and rehabilitation programs. Kinesiology II prepares students for an
industry certification exam such as Certified Personal Trainer.
Medical Intervention Evaluation and Research
Grade Placement: 10-11
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Health Informatics or Principles of Health Science.
Medical Intervention, Evaluation, and Research further develops basic knowledge of health
informatics, data management, and biotechnological advances and their connections in the
various healthcare settings. Topics include informatics in medical intervention and evaluation,
electronic patient management systems, applications in medical diagnostics, best practices in
billing and coding medical diagnosis and procedures, appropriate International Classification of
Diseases (ICD) 10 codes, fraud prevention, and databases culminating in an extended learning
experience. The demand and growth in the field precipitates a needed integration of multiple
medical technologies and their impact in healthcare delivery.
Optical Technician
Grade Placement: 10-12
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Biology or Principles of Health Science.
The Optical Technician course introduces high school students to the profession of dispensing
eyeglasses and fitting contact lenses. The course includes classroom lectures, hands-on lab hours,
and community clinics. The student will be proficient in the terminology of a dispensing optician
and in using appropriate professional communication when engaging with patients, peers,
colleagues, supervisors, and eye care providers. The course is designed to help the student
prepare for entry-level positions in wholesale, retail, benevolent, and independent optical settings.
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Pharmacy I
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302127 (PHARMCY1)
Grade Placement: 10-11
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisites: Biology, Introduction to Pharmacy Science, or Principles of Health
The Pharmacy I course is designed to build upon the knowledge and skills taught in the
Introduction to Pharmacy Science course. Students build on their existing foundation of
knowledge and skills needed to pursue a career in the pharmaceutical field such as a pharmacy
technician or pharmacist). Instruction includes pharmacokinetics, pharmacy law, medication
safety, the dispensing process, and inventory. This course is aligned with the standards of the
national certification exams that students might take, such as Pharmacy Technician Certification
Examination (PTCE) and/or Exam for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians (ExCPT).
Recommended participants are students who wish to become certified pharmacy technicians.
Pharmacy II
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13021030 (PHARMII)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: one credit in biology, one credit in chemistry, and Pharmacy I.
Recommended Prerequisites: Algebra I, Introduction to Pharmacy Science, and Pharmacy I.
The Pharmacy II course provides students with the advanced knowledge and skills to explore
various careers in the pharmacy field, including pharmacology, pharmacy law, medication errors,
inventory pharmacy calculations, compounding, and workflow expectations in a pharmacy setting.
Pharmacy II is designed to be the third course in a pathway leading to college and career
readiness in the healthcare therapeutics professions. The course content aligns with the
competencies of pharmacy technician certification examinations.
Physical Therapy I
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302128 (PHYTHER1)
Grade Placement: 10-12
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Biology, Principles of Health Science or Principles of Allied Health, or
Medical Terminology.
Physical Therapy I is designed to provide basic concepts, knowledge, and skills needed to work
within physical therapy practice under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist/physical
therapist assistant. Specifically, the course focuses on proper management of patient care to
safely assist patients/therapists; management of equipment as it relates to physical therapy;
strengthening and conditioning; and communication skills to work effectively within a physical
therapy practice. This course is designed for students in grades 10, 11, or 12 who desire to work
in a physical therapy clinic and/or advance to become a licensed physical therapist/physical
therapist assistant.
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Physical Therapy II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302134 (PHYTHER2)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Biology or Physical Therapy I.
Recommended corequisites: Anatomy and Physiology.
The Physical Therapy II innovative course is intended for 11th- and 12th-grade students. Students will build
upon the foundational skills that were learned in Physical Therapy I by practicing skills such as
musculoskeletal strength and range of motion (ROM), practicing, and analyzing safety techniques, teaching
therapeutic exercise routines, and professional skills. Upon completing this course, students will have the
foundational knowledge to pursue post-secondary education that leads to a career as a licensed Physical
Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant.
Science of Nursing
Grade Placement: 10-11
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Nursing Science or Principles of Health Science.
The Science of Nursing course introduces students to basic research-based concepts in nursing.
Topics include the nursing process, the importance of critical thinking to patient care, regulatory
agencies, and professional organizations. Instruction includes skills needed to pursue a nursing
degree and training requirements required for specialty nursing roles. Knowledge and skills
learned will include emergency care, patient assessment, basic interpretation of vital signs,
identification of patients with physical and mental disabilities, patient positioning, use of assistive
devices, and application of nursing theories in patient care plans.
Healthcare Administration and Management
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13020962 (HLTHAM)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Medical Terminology
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Health Science and Business Information Management I.
Healthcare Administration and Management is designed to familiarize students with the concepts related to
healthcare administration as well as the functions of management, including planning, organizing, staffing,
leading, and controlling. Students will also demonstrate interpersonal and project-management skills.
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Respiratory Therapy I
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13021120 (RESPTHI)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: At least one credit in a course from the Health Science Career Cluster.
Recommended Prerequisites: None
Respiratory Therapy I is a technical lab course that addresses knowledge and skills related to
cardiopulmonary medicine. Respiratory therapists are specialized healthcare practitioners trained in
cardiopulmonary medicine to work therapeutically with people suffering from cardiopulmonary diseases.
Students will learn basic knowledge and skills performed by respiratory therapists using equipment such as:
stethoscopes, sphygmomanometers, thermometers, pulse oximeters, oxygen delivery devices (nasal
cannula, masks of various types), nebulizers, and airway clearance and hyperinflation therapy devices.
Respiratory Therapy II
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13021122 (RESPTHII)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Respiratory I
Recommended Prerequisites: None
Respiratory Therapy II is a technical lab course that addresses knowledge and skills related to
critical care and cardiopulmonary medicine. Respiratory therapists are specialized healthcare
practitioners trained in cardiopulmonary medicine to work therapeutically with people suffering
from cardiopulmonary diseases. Students will learn advanced knowledge and skills performed by
respiratory therapists using equipment such as stethoscopes, sphygmomanometers, thermometers,
pulse oximeters and monitors, oxygen delivery devices (nasal cannula, masks of various types),
nebulizers, airway clearance and hyperinflation therapy devices, spirometers, and intubation
mannequin heads and equipment (endotracheal tubes, laryngoscopes, stylets).
Leadership and Management in Nursing
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13021225 (LMNURS)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: One credit in biology, one credit in chemistry, and at least one credit in a course
from the Health Science Career Cluster.
Recommended Prerequisites: Science of Nursing
This course is designed to explore leadership and management in nursing, studying topics such as ethics,
educational levels, career paths, regulatory bodies, and personal and professional leadership skills.
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Medical Assistant
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13021015 (MEDASST)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisites or corequisite: Anatomy and Physiology
Recommended Prerequisites: Medical Terminology
The Medical Assistant course provides students with the knowledge and skills to pursue a career as a
medical assistant and to improve college and career readiness. Students will obtain communication skills,
clinical ethics knowledge, safety awareness, and information related to medical assisting career
Occupational Therapy I
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302132 (OCCHLTH1)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Health Science or Principles of Allied Health AND Medical
Terminology or Allied Health Therapeutic Services.
Occupational Therapy I is designed to provide concepts, knowledge, and skills necessary for a career in
Occupational Therapy. This course will focus on the principles and practices of occupational therapy
practitioners; proper management of patient care to safely assist patients; management of equipment as it
relates to occupational therapy; and communication skills to work effectively within an occupational therapy
practice. This course is designed for students in grades 11 or 12 who desire to work in an occupational
therapy clinic as a therapy technician and/or advance to become a licensed occupational therapy
Occupational Therapy II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302133 (OCCHLTH2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisites: Occupational Therapy I.
Occupational Therapy II is an advanced course designed to build upon students’ prior knowledge of
Occupational Therapy. This course will focus on the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework and process;
application of intervention modalities; use of assistive technology; building therapeutic relationships; and
performing occupational therapy assessments. Student instruction is reinforced with hands-on activity labs
and field-based learning experiences. This course is designed for students in grade 12 who desire to work in
an occupational therapy clinic and/or advance to become a licensed occupational therapist/occupational
therapy assistant.
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Medical Billing and Coding
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13020964 (MEDBC)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Medical Terminology
Recommended Prerequisites: Medical Terminology
Medical Billing and Coding familiarizes students with the process, language, medical procedure codes,
requirements of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and skills they will need to
make accurate records. Students will develop an understanding of the entire process of the revenue cycle
and how to effectively manage it. The program is designed to prepare students for employment in a variety
of health care settings as entry level coder, medical billing specialist, and patient access representative.
Dental Equipment and Procedures
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302130 (DENTEP)
Grade Placement: 10-12
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisites: Introduction to Dental Science and Dental Anatomy and
Dental Equipment and Procedures builds upon the exploration of concepts in Dental Anatomy
and Physiology. This course provides the foundational content and hands-on practice of
essential dental assisting skills and chairside dental assisting functions. Topics include
examination and assessment procedures, equipment and materials, instrumentation
techniques, and treatment procedures and skills performed by a clinical dental assistant during
restorative procedures. The hands-on practice will prepare students for clinical externship
experiences in the dental practicum course.
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Table of Contents
Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
Introduction to Event and Meeting Planning
Introduction to Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts
Advanced Culinary Arts
Food Science
Practicum in Culinary Arts
Foundations of Restaurant Management
Travel and Tourism Management
Hotel Management
Hospitality Services
Tourism Marketing Concepts and Applications
Practicum in Hospitality Services
Practicum in Culinary Arts/Extended Practicum in Culinary Arts
Practicum in Hospitality Services/Extended Practicum in Hospitality Services
Practicum in Event and Meeting Planning
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Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13022200 (PRINHOSP)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Principles of Hospitality and Tourism introduces students to an industry that encompasses
lodging, travel and tourism, recreation, amusements, attractions, and food/beverage operations.
Students learn knowledge and skills focusing on communication, time management, and customer
service that meet industry standards. Students will explore the history of the hospitality and
tourism industry and examine characteristics needed for success in that industry.
Introduction to Event and Meeting Planning
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism, Hotel management and/or
Travel and Tourism Management.
This course will introduce students to the concepts and topics necessary for the comprehensive
understanding of the fundamentals of the meetings, conventions, events, and exposition
industries. The course will review the roles of the organizations and people involved in the
businesses that comprise the Meetings, Events, Expositions and Convention (MEEC) industry.
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Introduction to Culinary Arts
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13022550 (INCULART)
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism.
Introduction to Culinary Arts will emphasize the principles of planning, organizing, staffing,
directing, and controlling the management of a variety of food service operations. The course will
provide insight into the operation of a well-run restaurant. Introduction to Culinary Arts will
provide insight into food production skills, various levels of industry management, and hospitality
skills. This is an entry level course for students interested in pursuing a career in the food service
industry. This course is offered as a classroom and laboratory-based course.
Culinary Arts
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13022600 (CULARTS)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism and Introduction to Culinary
Culinary Arts begins with the fundamentals and principles of the art of cooking and the
science of baking and includes management and production skills and techniques.
Students can pursue a national sanitation certification or other appropriate industry certifications.
This course is offered as a laboratory-based course.
Advanced Culinary Arts
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13022650 (ADCULART)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Culinary Arts.
Advanced Culinary Arts will extend content and enhance skills introduced in Culinary Arts by in-
depth instruction of industry-driven standards to prepare students for success in higher education,
certifications, and/or immediate employment.
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Food Science
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13023000 (FOODSCI)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Three units of science, including Chemistry and Biology. Recommended
Prerequisite: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism.
In Food Science students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods
during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem
solving. Food Science is the study of the nature of foods, the causes of deterioration in food
products, the principles underlying food processing, and the improvement of foods for the
consuming public.
Practicum in Culinary Arts
13022700 (First Time Taken) (PRACCUL1)
13022710 (Second Time Taken) (PRACCUL2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Culinary Arts.
Practicum in Culinary Arts is a unique practicum that provides occupationally specific opportunities
for students to participate in a learning experience that combines classroom instruction with
actual business and industry career experiences. Practicum in Culinary Arts integrates academic
and career and technical education; provides more interdisciplinary instruction; and supports
strong partnerships among schools, businesses, and community institutions with the goal of
preparing students with a variety of skills in a fast-changing culinary art based workplace.
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Foundations of Restaurant Management
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism.
Foundations of Restaurant Management provides students with a foundation to understand basic
culinary skills and food service-restaurant management, along with current food service restaurant
industry topics and standards. Building on prior instruction, this course provides introductory insight
into critical thinking, financial analysis, industry technology, social media, customer awareness and
leadership in the food service-restaurant industry. Students will gain an understanding of food
service-restaurant operations and the importance of communicating effectively to diverse
audiences, purposes and situations in food service-restaurant operations and management.
Students will learn how the front of the house and the back of the house of management operate
and collaborate and obtain value-added certifications in the industry to help launch themselves into
restaurant/foodservice careers.
Travel and Tourism Management
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13022500 (TRTORMGT)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism.
Travel and Tourism Management incorporates management principles and procedures of the
travel and tourism industry as well as destination geography, airlines, international travel,
cruising, travel by rail, lodging, recreation, amusements, attractions, and resorts. Employment
qualifications and opportunities are also included in this course.
Hotel Management
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13022300 (HOTELMGT)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism.
Hotel Management focuses on the knowledge and skills needed to pursue staff and management
positions available in the hotel industry. This in-depth study of the lodging industry includes
departments within a hotel such as front desk, food and beverage, housekeeping, maintenance,
human resources, and accounting. This course will focus on, but not be limited to, professional
communication, leadership, management, human resources, technology, and accounting.
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Hospitality Services
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13022800 (HOSPSRVS)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism, Hotel Management, and Travel
and Tourism Management.
Hospitality Services provides students with the academic and technical preparation to pursue
high-demand and high-skill careers in hospitality related industries. The knowledge and skills are
acquired within a sequential, standards-based program that integrates hands-on and project-
based instruction. Standards included in the Hospitality Services course are designed to prepare
students for nationally recognized industry certifications, postsecondary education, and entry-level
careers. In addition, Hospitality Services is designed so that performance standards meet
employer expectations, enhancing the employability of students. Instruction may be delivered
through laboratory training or through internships, mentoring, or job shadowing.
Tourism Marketing Concepts and Applications
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism.
Tourism Marketing Concepts and Applications will provide students with a thorough understanding
of marketing concepts and theories that apply to the travel and tourism industry to include
lodging, food and beverage operations, recreation, amusements, attractions, convention and
visitors’ bureaus and tourism companies. While general concepts of marketing for travel and
tourism are similar to the marketing of other products and services, the travel and tourism
industry has unique characteristics that create a variety of challenges and opportunities specific to
and important for tourism marketing professionals. Students will learn broad tourism marketing
concepts such as understanding a product/service, pricing out a product/service, promoting a
product/service with a focus on direct sales and the placement or distribution channels for a
product. They will also be introduced to the concepts of markets, market segmentation, and
customer needs related to the tourism industry.
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Practicum in Hospitality Services
13022900 (First Time Taken) (PRACHOS1)
13022910 (Second Time Taken) (PRACHOS2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Hospitality Services.
Practicum in Hospitality Services is a unique practicum experience to provide opportunities for
students to participate in a learning experience that combines classroom instruction with actual
business and industry career experiences. Practicum in Hospitality Services integrates academic
and career and technical education; provides more interdisciplinary instruction; and supports
strong partnerships among schools, businesses, and community institutions with the goal of
preparing students with a variety of skills in a fast-changing culinary art based workplace.
Students are taught employability skills, including job- specific skills applicable to their training
plan, job interview techniques, communication skills, financial and budget activities, human
relations, and portfolio development.
Practicum in Hospitality Services is relevant and rigorous, supports student attainment of
academic and technical standards, and effectively prepares students for college and career
Practicum in Culinary Arts/Extended Practicum in Culinary
13022705 (First Time Taken) (EXPRCUL1)
13022715 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRCUL2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Culinary Arts. Corequisite: Practicum in Culinary Arts.
Extended Practicum in Culinary Arts is a unique practicum that provides occupationally specific
opportunities for students to participate in a learning experience that combines classroom
instruction with actual business and industry career experiences. Extended Practicum in Culinary
Arts integrates academic and career and technical education; provides more interdisciplinary
instruction; and supports strong partnerships among schools, businesses, and community
institutions, with the goal of further enhancing the knowledge, skills, and industry based
experiences that students receive through workplace application.
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Practicum in Hospitality Services/Extended Practicum in
Hospitality Services
13022905 (First Time Taken) (EXPRHOS1)
13022915 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRHOS2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Hospitality Services.
Corequisite: Practicum in Hospitality Services.
Extended Practicum in Hospitality Services is a unique practicum experience that provides
opportunities for students to participate in a learning experience that combines classroom
instruction with actual business and industry career experiences. Extended Practicum in
Hospitality Services integrates academic and career and technical education; provides more
interdisciplinary instruction; and supports strong partnerships among schools, businesses, and
community institutions with the goal of further enhancing the knowledge, skills, and industry
based experiences that students receive through workplace application.
Practicum in Event and Meeting Planning
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended prerequisite: Introduction to Event Meeting and Planning and Hospitality Services.
The Practicum in Event and Meeting Planning course will reinforce the concepts and topics
necessary for the comprehensive understanding of the meetings, events, expositions, and
conventions (MEEC) industry. The central focus of this course is to integrate academic education
with local meeting, event, expositions, and convention businesses to prepare students for success
in the work force and/or postsecondary education. Students will benefit from a combination of
classroom instruction and a work based learning experience. Students will learn employability
skills, communication skills, customer service skills and other job acquisition related activities. The
course is recommended for students who have completed the required prerequisites.
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Table of Contents
Principles of Human Services
Principles of Community Service
Dollars and Sense
Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness
Applied Nutrition and Dietetics
Interpersonal Studies
Counseling and Mental Health
Child Development
Child Guidance
Parenting Education I
Parenting Education II
Family and Community Services
Practicum in Human Services
Principles of Cosmetology Design and Color Theory
Introduction to Cosmetology
Microbiology and Safety for Cosmetology Careers
Nail Care, Enhancements and Spa Services
Cosmetology I
Cosmetology I/Cosmetology I Lab
Cosmetology II
Cosmetology II/Cosmetology II Lab
Barbering I
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Barbering II
Practicum in Human Services/Extended Practicum in Human Services
Barbering I
Barbering II
Microbiology and Safety for Cosmetology Careers
Nail Care, Enhancements and Spa Services
Parenting Education I
Parenting Education II
Social and Community Services
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Principles of Human Services
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13024200 (PRINHUSR)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Principles of Human Services is a laboratory course that will enable students to investigate careers
in the Human Services Career Cluster, including counseling and mental health, early childhood
development, family and community, personal care, and consumer services. Each student is
expected to complete the knowledge and skills essential for success in high-skill, high-wage, or
high-demand human services careers.
Principles of Community Service
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
The purpose of this course is to introduce high school students to the field of non-
profits/community service, as well as explore career options that assist individuals and families in
need. The students will work to understand policies, design community service plans, and develop
a portfolio of different community and state resources. Students will also be encouraged to job
shadow, volunteer for community service-based experiences, and participate in service-learning
Dollars and Sense
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13024300 (DOLLARSE)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: .5
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Human Services.
Dollars and Sense focuses on consumer practices and responsibilities, money-management
processes, decision-making skills, impact of technology, and preparation for human services
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Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13024500 (LNURTWEL)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: .5
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Human Services, Principles of Hospitality and Tourism,
or Principle of Health Science.
Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness is a laboratory course that allows students to use principles of
lifetime wellness and nutrition to help them make informed choices that promote wellness as well
as pursue careers related to hospitality and tourism, education and training, human services, and
health sciences.
Applied Nutrition and Dietetics
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Human Services, Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness and/or
Human Growth and Development.
The Applied Nutrition and Dietetics course builds on the fundamental nutritional knowledge
gained from the Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness course by reinforcing professional standards, food
safety and sanitation, food service and management, and nutrition care for individuals and groups
at a deeper level. The course also introduces and applies career focused and real-world topics
related to nutrition such as the nutrition care process, types of nutrition education and counseling,
development of nutrition programs, and nutrition industry related research. Students will research
requirements necessary to become a professional in the nutrition and dietetics field such as a
registered dietitian, licensed nutritionist, or clinical dietitian.
Interpersonal Studies
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13024400 (INTERSTU)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: .5
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Human Services, Principles of Hospitality and Tourism,
Principles of Health Science, or Principles of Education and Training.
Interpersonal Studies examines how the relationships between individuals and among family
members significantly affect the quality of life. Students use knowledge and skills in family studies
and human development to enhance personal development, foster quality relationships, promote
wellness of family members, manage multiple adult roles, and pursue careers related to
counseling and mental health services.
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Counseling and Mental Health
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13024600 (COUNSMH)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Human Services.
In Counseling and Mental Health, students model the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a
counseling and mental health career through simulated environments. Students are expected to
apply knowledge of ethical and legal responsibilities, limitations on their actions and
responsibilities, and the implications of their actions. Students understand how professional
integrity in counseling and mental health care is dependent on acceptance of ethical and legal
Child Development
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13024700 (CHILDDEV)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Human Services.
Child Development is a technical laboratory course that addresses knowledge and skills related to
child growth and development from prenatal through school-age children, equipping students with
child development skills. Students use these skills to promote the well-being and healthy
development of children and investigate careers related to the care and education of children.
Child Guidance
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13024800 (CHILDGUI)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Human Services.
Recommended Prerequisite or Corequisite: Child Development.
Child Guidance is a technical laboratory course that addresses the knowledge and skills related to
child growth and guidance equipping students to develop positive relationships with children and
effective caregiver skills. Students use these skills to promote the well- being and healthy
development of children, strengthen a culturally diverse society, and pursue careers related to the
care, guidance, and education of children, including those with special needs. Instruction may be
delivered through school-based laboratory training or through work-based delivery arrangements
such as cooperative education, mentoring, and job shadowing.
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Parenting Education I
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302536 (PAED1)
Grade Placement: 9-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
This course is designed to address the special needs and interests of students who are parents or
expectant parents. Special emphasis is placed on prenatal care and development, postnatal care,
infant care, child development, and parenting skills. Other units of study address personal
development, responsible parenthood and adult roles, family problems and crises, conflict
resolution, family health issues, nutrition, safety, management, and employability skills. Students
develop the knowledge and skills to the multiple roles of student, parent, family member, and
Parenting Education II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302537 (PAED2)
Grade Placement: 10-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Parenting Education I.
Parenting Education II is designed to build on education and experiences from Parenting for
School Age Parents I. This course provides more in-depth knowledge of parenting and child
development including implications of expectations of children, child abuse, disabilities, and issues
impacting young families such as employment, postsecondary education, transportation, child
care, housing, and personal responsibility. Students develop the knowledge and skills to manage
the multiple roles of being a student, parent, family member, and provider.
Family and Community Services
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13024900 (FAMCOSRV)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Human Services.
Family and Community Services is a laboratory-based course designed to involve students in
realistic and meaningful community-based activities through direct service or service- learning
experiences. Students are provided opportunities to interact with and provide services to
individuals, families, and the community through community or volunteer services. Emphasis is
placed on developing and enhancing organizational and leadership skills and characteristics.
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Practicum in Human Services
13025000 (First Time Taken) (PRACHUS1)
13025010 (Second Time Taken) (PRACHUS2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Practicum in Human Services provides background knowledge and occupation-specific training
that focuses on the development of consumer services, early childhood development and services,
counseling and mental health services, and family and community-services careers. Content for
Practicum in Human Services is designed to meet the occupational preparation needs and
interests of students and should be based upon the knowledge and skills selected from two or
more courses in a coherent sequence in the human services cluster. Students are encouraged to
participate in extended learning experiences such as career and technical student organizations
and other leadership or extracurricular organizations.
Principles of Cosmetology Design and Color Theory
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13025050 (PRICOSMO)
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Human Services.
In Principles of Cosmetology Design and Color Theory, students coordinate integration of
academic, career, and technical knowledge and skills in this laboratory instructional sequence
course designed to provide job-specific training for employment in cosmetology careers. Students
will attain academic skills and knowledge as well as technical knowledge and skills related to
cosmetology design and color theory. Students will develop knowledge and skills regarding various
cosmetology design elements such as form, lines, texture, structure and illusion or depth as they
relate to the art of cosmetology. Instruction includes sterilization and sanitation procedures, hair
care, nail care, and skin care and meets the TDLR requirements for licensure upon passing the
state examination. Analysis of career opportunities, license requirements, knowledge and skills
expectations, and development of workplace skills are included.
Introduction to Cosmetology
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13025100 (INTCOSMO)
Grade Placement: 10
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
In Introduction to Cosmetology, students explore careers in the cosmetology industry. To prepare
for success, students must have academic and technical knowledge and skills relative to the
industry. Students may begin to earn hours toward state licensing requirements.
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Grade Placement: 10-12
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Students enrolled in Esthetics will explore the practical skills of a skin care professional, including
introduction to the treatment environment, basic facial treatments, hair removal, corrective skin
care treatments, makeup application, special effects makeup application and the technology likely
to be utilized in a salon, spa, or clinical setting.
Microbiology and Safety for Cosmetology Careers
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302540 (MICROS)
Grade Placement: 9-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Students who enroll in Microbiology and Safety for Cosmetology Careers will receive instruction in
the microbial world, studying topics such as pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms,
identification of microorganisms, drug resistant organisms, and emerging diseases. Additionally,
students will explore and apply concepts as they apply to the safety and health of individuals
pursuing a career in cosmetology services. This course also includes an opportunity for students
to solve an in-depth analytical problem concerning occupational health and safety in cosmetology.
Nail Care, Enhancements and Spa Services
Grade Placement: 10-12
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Nail Care, Enhancement and Spa Service students will demonstrate proficiency in academic,
technical, and practical knowledge and skills (basic manipulative skills, safety judgements, and
proper work habits). The content is designed to provide the occupational skills required for
licensure as a nail technician or related career avenue. Instruction includes advanced training in
professional standards/employability skills, TDLR rules and regulations, use of tools, equipment,
technologies and materials, and practical skills.
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Cosmetology I
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13025200 (COSMET1)
Grade Placement: 1011
Credit: 2
Recommended Prerequisite: Introduction to Cosmetology.
Recommended Corequisite: Cosmetology I Lab
In Cosmetology I, students coordinate integration of academic, career, and technical knowledge
and skills in this laboratory instructional sequence course designed to provide job-specific training
for employment in cosmetology careers. Instruction includes sterilization and sanitation
procedures, hair care, nail care, and skin care and meets the Texas Department of Licensing and
Regulation (TDLR) requirements for licensure upon passing the state examination. Analysis of
career opportunities, license requirements, knowledge and skills expectations, and development
of workplace skills are included.
Cosmetology I/Cosmetology I Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13025210 (COSLAB1)
Grade Placement: 10-11
Credits: 3
Recommended prerequisite: Introduction to Cosmetology.
This course must be taken concurrently with Cosmetology I and may not be taken as a stand-
alone course. Districts are encouraged to offer this lab in a consecutive block with Cosmetology I
to allow students sufficient time to master the content of both courses.
Cosmetology I/Cosmetology I Lab provides students additional lab time to develop proficient and
mastery level cosmetology skills and techniques as required by Texas Department of Licensing
and Regulation licensing standards. Students will be expected to demonstrate mastery in
conducting the skills and techniques learned in Cosmetology I with little to no guidance.
Cosmetology II
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13025300 (COSMET2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Cosmetology I.
Recommended Corequisite: Cosmetology II Lab
In Cosmetology II, students will demonstrate proficiency in academic, technical, and practical
knowledge and skills. The content is designed to provide the occupational skills required for
licensure. Instruction includes advanced training in professional standards/employability skills;
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) rules and regulations; use of tools,
equipment, technologies, and materials; and practical skills.
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Cosmetology II/Cosmetology II Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13025310 (COSLAB2)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Cosmetology I/Cosmetology I Lab
This course must be taken concurrently with Cosmetology II and may not be taken as a stand-
alone course. Districts are encouraged to offer this lab in a consecutive block with Cosmetology II
to allow students sufficient time to master the content of both courses.
Cosmetology II /Cosmetology II Lab provides students additional lab time to develop proficient
and mastery level cosmetology skills and techniques as required by Texas Department of
Licensing and Regulation licensing standards. Students are expected to develop proficient and
mastery level work samples and to expand their work experiences.
Barbering I
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302534 (BARBER1)
Grade Placement: 10-12
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None.
Barbering is an extended course of study that enables students to become licensed barbers
through Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). Barbering is one program of
study that allows students to earn an industry certificate that launches them into a professional
career immediately, yet also specifies rigorous core curricula that prepares the student to be
successful in a post-secondary learning environment.
Barbering II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302535 (BARBER2)
Grade Placement: 10-12
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Barbering I.
Barbering is an extended course of study that enables students to become licensed barbers
through Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). Barbering is one program of
study that allows students to earn an industry certificate that launches them into a professional
career immediately, yet also specifies rigorous core curricula that prepares the student to be
successful in a post-secondary learning environment.
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Practicum in Human Services/Extended Practicum in Human
13025005 (First Time Taken) (EXPRHUS1)
13025015 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRHUS2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: Practicum in Human Services.
Extended Practicum in Human Services provides background knowledge and occupation- specific
training that focuses on the development of consumer services, early childhood development and
services, counseling and mental health services, and family and community-services careers.
Content for Extended Practicum in Human Services is designed to meet the occupational
preparation needs and interests of students and should be based upon the knowledge and skills
selected from two or more courses in a coherent sequence in the human services cluster.
Barbering I
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302534 (BARBER1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None.
Barbering is an extended course of study that enables students to become licensed barbers
through Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). Barbering is one program of
study that allows students to earn an industry certificate that launches them into a professional
career immediately, yet also specifies rigorous core curricula that prepares the student to be
successful in a post-secondary learning environment.
Barbering II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302535 (BARBER2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Barbering I.
Barbering is an extended course of study that enables students to become licensed barbers
through Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). Barbering is one program of
study that allows students to earn an industry certificate that launches them into a professional
career immediately, yet also specifies rigorous core curricula that prepares the student to be
successful in a post-secondary learning environment.
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Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Students enrolled in Esthetics will explore the practical skills of a skin care professional, including
introduction to the treatment environment, basic facial treatments, hair removal, corrective skin
care treatments, makeup application, special effects makeup application and the technology likely
to be performed in a salon, spa, or clinical setting.
Microbiology and Safety for Cosmetology Careers
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302540 (MICROS)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Students who enroll in Microbiology and Safety for Cosmetology Careers will receive instruction in
the microbial world, studying topics such as pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms,
identification of microorganisms, drug resistant organisms, and emerging diseases. Additionally,
students will explore and apply concepts as they apply to the safety and health of individuals
pursuing a career in cosmetology services. This course also includes an opportunity for students
to solve an in-depth analytical problem concerning occupational health and safety in cosmetology.
Nail Care, Enhancements and Spa Services
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Nail Care, Enhancement and Spa Service students will demonstrate proficiency in academic,
technical, and practical knowledge and skills (basic manipulative skills, safety judgements, and
proper work habits). The content is designed to provide the occupational skills required for
licensure as a Nail Technician or related career avenue. Instruction includes advanced training in
professional standards/employability skills, TDLR rules and regulations, use of tools, equipment,
technologies and materials, and practical skills.
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Parenting Education I
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302536 (PAED1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
This course is designed to address the special needs and interests of students who are parents or
expectant parents. Special emphasis is placed on prenatal care and development, postnatal care,
infant care, child development, and parenting skills. Other units of study address personal
development, responsible parenthood and adult roles, family problems and crises, conflict
resolution, family health issues, nutrition, safety, management, and employability skills. Students
develop the knowledge and skills to the multiple roles of student, parent, family member, and
Parenting Education II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302537 (PAED2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Parenting Education I.
Parenting Education II is designed to build on education and experiences from Parenting for
School Age Parents I. This course provides more in-depth knowledge of parenting and child
development including implications of expectations of children, child abuse, disabilities, and issues
impacting young families such as employment, postsecondary education, transportation, child
care, housing, and personal responsibility. Students develop the knowledge and skills to manage
the multiple roles of being a student, parent, family member, and provider.
Social and Community Services
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Community Services.
Social and Community Services will provide an overview of the nonprofit, social, community
service, and faith-based organization sector in the United States. The course has an emphasis on
professional practices and development of the skills needed to implement service programs. The
Social and Community Services course builds on knowledge from Principles of Community Services
by providing an in-depth study of social services and how they relate to all other family and
community services. Topics covered include the roles of community service providers in meeting
human service needs, the sociological factors on clients receiving services, and the exploration of
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Table of Contents
Principles of Information Technology
Introduction to C# Programming Applications
Foundations of User Experience
Web Design
Computer Maintenance
Computer Maintenance/Computer Maintenance Lab
Networking/Networking Lab
Internetworking Technologies I
Internetworking Technologies II
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Raster-Based Geographic Information Systems
Spatial Technology and Remote Sensing
IT Troubleshooting
Digital Media
Web Communications
Advanced Cloud Computing
Advanced User Experience Design
Independent Study in Evolving/Emerging Technologies
Independent Study in Technology Applications
Computer Technician Practicum
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Practicum in Information Technology
Computer Technician Practicum/Extended Computer Technician Practicum
Practicum in Information Technology/Extended Practicum in Information Technology
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Principles of Information Technology
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13027200 (PRINIT)
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None
In Principles of Information Technology, students will develop computer literacy skills to adapt to
emerging technologies used in the global marketplace. Students will implement personal and
interpersonal skills to prepare for a rapidly evolving workplace environment. Students will enhance
reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the
information technology environment.
Introduction to C# Programming Applications
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302812 (INTCPA)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Algebra I and Geometry.
Introduction to C# Programming Applications is a study of C# syntax including data types, control
structures, functions, syntax and semantics of language, classes, class relations and exception
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Foundations of User Experience
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Digital Media or Principles of Information Technology.
In Foundations of User Experience (UX), students will analyze and assess current trends in a fast-
growing career field that creates meaningful, approachable, and compelling experiences for users
of an array of products, services, and or initiatives of companies, governments, and organizations.
Students will gain knowledge of introductory observation and research skills; basic design thinking
and applied empathy methodologies; collaborative problem-solving and ideation; and interaction
design and solution development (includes digital tools). The knowledge and skills acquired
enable students to identify real-world problems through research and data-driven investigation to
design solutions while participating in collaborative problem solving. Students will be introduced
to agile practices and methodologies to develop skills to take the solutions from conceptual sketch
to digital designs using professional software tools. Students will explore how to improve the
quality of user interactions and perceptions of products, experiences, and any related services.
Web Design
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580820 (TAWEBDN)
Grade Placement: 9-12
Credit: 1
In Web Design students will acquire knowledge of web design and technological operations and
concepts that support creativity, innovation, collaboration, information fluency, critical thinking
and decision making. The six strands include creativity and innovation; communication and
collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking; problem solving, and decision
making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and concepts.
Computer Maintenance
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13027300 (COMPMTN)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1 Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Information Technology.
Recommended Corequisite: Computer Maintenance Lab.
In Computer Maintenance, students will acquire knowledge of computer maintenance and
creating appropriate documentation. Students will analyze the social responsibility of business and
industry regarding the significant issues relating to the environment, ethics, health, safety, and
diversity in society and in the workplace as related to computer maintenance. Students will apply
technical skills to address the IT industry and emerging technologies.
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Computer Maintenance/Computer Maintenance Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13027310 (COMMTLAB)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Information Technology.
Corequisite: Computer Maintenance.
In Computer Maintenance Lab, students will acquire knowledge of computer maintenance and
creating appropriate documentation. Students will analyze the social responsibility of business and
industry regarding the significant issues relating to the environment, ethics, health, safety, and
diversity in society and in the workplace as related to computer maintenance. Students will apply
technical skills to address the IT industry and emerging technologies. Districts are encouraged to
offer this course in a consecutive block with Computer Maintenance to allow students sufficient
time to master the content of both courses.
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13027400 (NETWRK)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Information Technology, Computer Maintenance, and
Computer Maintenance Lab.
Recommended Corequisite: Networking Lab.
In Networking, students will develop knowledge of the concepts and skills related to data
networking technologies and practices to apply them to personal or career development. To
prepare for success, students will have opportunities to reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge
and skills to a variety of settings and problems.
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Networking/Networking Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13027410 (NETWRLAB)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Information Technology, Computer Maintenance, and
Computer Maintenance Lab.
Corequisite: Networking.
In Networking Lab, students will develop knowledge of the concepts and skills related to
telecommunications and data networking technologies and practices to apply them to personal or
career development. To prepare for success, students must have opportunities to reinforce, apply,
and transfer knowledge and skills to a variety of settings and problems. This course must be
taken concurrently with Networking and may not be taken as a stand-alone course. Districts are
encouraged to offer this course in a consecutive block with Networking to allow students sufficient
time to master the content of both courses.
Internetworking Technologies I
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302803 (INTNET1)
Grade Placement: 1012
The Internetworking Technologies I course is normally comprised of the courses called Cisco
CCNA R&S: Introduction to Networks (CCNA 1) and Cisco CCNA R&S: Routing and Switching
Essentials (CCNA 2). The Introduction to Networks course introduces the concept of networking,
using various analogies to help the student understand the movement of packets throughout the
Internet, and the protocol standards used. The Routing and Switching course moves the student
into the theory of “moving packets.” The concepts of routing and switching “packets” to the
correct destination is covered, and how a network administrator can direct and/or streamline this
process through device configuration and deployment.
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Internetworking Technologies II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302804 (INTNET2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Required prerequisite: Internetworking Technologies I
The Internetworking Technologies 2 course is normally comprised of the courses called Cisco
CCNA R&S: Scaling Networks (CCNA 3) and Cisco CCNA R&S: Connecting Networks (CCNA 4) The
CCNA 3 course covers the architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches in
larger and more complex networks. Students learn how to configure routers and switches for
advanced functionality. The CCNA 4 course discusses the Wide Area Network (WAN) technologies
and network services required by converged applications in a complex network. The course
enables students to understand the selection criteria of network devices and WAN technologies to
meet network requirements.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
TSDS PEIMS Code: N130280 (GIS)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Principles of Art, Audio/Video Technology, Principles of Information
Technology, or Principles of Technology.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a course designed to introduce students to Geographic
Information Systems and Remote Sensing (RS) technology through academic study and applied
instruction. Students will be introduced to terminology and concepts relating to GIS/RS technology
and will apply these concepts through the use of GIS software programs. Students will participate
in structured, applied learning exercises taken from existing data sources, as well as conduct new
study of these data sources through self-driven study and analysis. An ongoing emphasis of the
use of GIS and RS technology in various career fields will enhance the applied learning activities
and exercises. Skill based training in GIS is designed to introduce students to the use of GIS
software and software extensions through academic study and extensive applied instruction.
Students will be introduced to terminology and concepts relating to GIS and apply these concepts
through the use of industry standard software.
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Raster-Based Geographic Information Systems
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302806 (RBGIS)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Geographic Information Systems.
This course introduces the principles of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data sets including
raster-based information such as images or photographs. Students will study local problems and
acquire information, including images or aerial photographs, process the data they acquire, and
merge the acquired data with vector data. Students will plan, conduct, and present solutions for
locally-based problems.
Spatial Technology and Remote Sensing
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Geographic Information Systems and Raster-Based GIS.
This course is designed to provide students with instruction in Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) technology. Students will receive instruction in standard
geospatial extension software and geospatial tools, including global positioning systems (GPS),
and continued training in GIS project management and problem solving. Each student will
participate in applied learning activities with emphasis placed on planning, conducting, and
presenting special projects dealing with the use of GIS/RS tools and data.
IT Troubleshooting
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Principles of Information Technology and Computer
Prerequisite: None.
IT Troubleshooting
course is about applying logic over technical components to identify and
resolve problems. The course focuses on developing a methodical approach in IT troubleshooting
and leveraging those skills in a workplace environment. In this course, students will learn and use
proven troubleshooting methods and apply those in a collaborative workplace setting. Students
will develop personal success skills, including time management and personal accountability
measures, strategies for collaboration and teamwork, and effective written and verbal
communication skills. The knowledge and skills acquired in the course will allow students to use
information technology (IT) resources, information, and data safely, ethically, and following legal
guidelines. Students will work within a service level model that helps them to interpret, clarify,
and diagnose issues with hardware, software, and networking.
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Digital Media
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13027800 (DIMEDIA)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
In Digital Media, students will analyze and assess current and emerging technologies, while
designing and creating multimedia projects that address customer needs and resolve a problem.
Students will implement personal and interpersonal skills to prepare for a rapidly evolving
workplace environment. The knowledge and skills acquired and practiced will enable students to
successfully perform and interact in a technology-driven society.
Students will enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and critical thinking
and apply them to the IT environment.
Web Communications
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580810 (TAWEBCM)
Grade Placement: 9
Credit: 0.5
In Web Communications, students will acquire knowledge of web communications and
technological operations and concepts. This is an exploratory course in web communications. The
six strands include creativity and innovation; communication and collaboration; research and
information fluency; critical thinking; problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship;
and technology operations and concepts.
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Advanced Cloud Computing
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisite: one computer science, computer programming, or information
technology course.
The Advanced Cloud Computing course is an exploration of cloud computing. Upon completion of
the course, students are prepared to sit for cloud computing professional certifications. In this
course, students explore cloud computing services, applications, and use cases. Students dive
deeply into cloud computing best practices and learn how cloud computing helps users develop a
global infrastructure to support use case at scale while also developing and inventing innovative
Advanced User Experience Design
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1302814 (ADVUXD)
Grade Placement: 1011
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisites: Foundations of User Experience Design.
The Advanced User Experience (UX) Design course allows students to apply skills in science and
art to make technology useful, meaningful, memorable and accessible to all users. Students will
use knowledge from the Foundations of User Experience Design course to expand the research,
design, programming, testing, and communication skills essential for success in this user-focused
career field.
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Independent Study in Evolving/Emerging Technologies
03581500 (First Time Taken) (TAINDET1)
03581600 (Second Time Taken) (TAINDET2)
03581700 (Third Time Taken) (TAINDET3)
Grade Placement: 912
In the Independent Study in Evolving/Emerging Technologies course, through the study of
evolving/emerging technologies, including technology-related terms, concepts, and data input
strategies, students will communicate information in different formats and to diverse audiences
using a variety of technologies. Students will learn to make informed decisions, develop and
produce original work that exemplifies the standards identified by the selected profession or
discipline, and publish the product in electronic media and print. Students will demonstrate
efficient acquisition of information by identifying task requirements, using search strategies, and
using technology to access, analyze, and evaluate the acquired information. By using technology
as a tool that supports the work of individuals and groups in solving problems, students will select
the technology appropriate for the task, synthesize knowledge, create solutions, and evaluate the
results. The six strands include creativity and innovation; communication and collaboration;
research and information fluency; critical thinking; problem solving, and decision making; digital
citizenship; and technology operations and concepts.
Independent Study in Technology Applications
03580900 (First Time Taken) (TAIND1)
03581000 (Second Time Taken) (TAIND2)
03581100 (Third Time Taken) (TAIND3)
Grade Placement: 912
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: a minimum of one credit from the courses in the Information
Technology Career Cluster
In Independent Study in Technology Applications, through the study of technology applications
foundations, including technology-related terms, concepts, and data input strategies, students will
communicate information in different formats and to diverse audiences using a variety of
technologies. Students will learn to make informed decisions; develop and produce original work
that exemplifies the standards identified by the selected profession or discipline; and publish the
product in electronic media and print. Students will practice the efficient acquisition of information
by identifying task requirements, using search strategies, and using technology to access,
analyze, and evaluate the acquired information. By using technology as a tool that supports the
work of individuals and groups in solving problems, students will select the technology
appropriate for the task, synthesize knowledge, create solutions, and evaluate the results. The six
strands include creativity and innovation; communication and collaboration; research and
information fluency; critical thinking; problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship;
and technology operations and concepts.
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Computer Technician Practicum
13027500 (First Time Taken) (COMPT1)
13027510 (Second Time Taken) (COMPT2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Information Technologies, Computer Maintenance,
Computer Maintenance Lab, Networking, and Networking Lab.
In the Computer Technician Practicum, students will gain knowledge and skills in computer
technologies, including advanced knowledge of electrical and electronic theory, computer
principles, and components related to the installation, diagnosis, service, and repair of computer-
based technology systems. Students will reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills
to a variety of settings and problems. Proper use of analytical skills and application of IT concepts
and standards are essential to prepare students for success in a technology-driven society. Critical
thinking, IT experience, and product development may be conducted in a classroom setting with
an instructor, with an industry mentor, or both.
Practicum in Information Technology
13028000 (First Time Taken) (PRACIT1)
13028010 (Second Time Taken) (PRACIT2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: A minimum of two high school information technology (IT) courses.
In the Practicum in Information Technology, students will gain advanced knowledge and skills in
the application, design, production, implementation, maintenance, evaluation, and assessment of
products, services, and systems. Knowledge and skills in the proper use of analytical skills and
application of IT concepts and standards are essential to prepare students for success in a
technology-driven society. Critical thinking, IT experience, and product development may be
conducted in a classroom setting with an industry mentor, as an unpaid or paid internship, as part
of a capstone project, or as career preparation.
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Computer Technician Practicum/Extended Computer
Technician Practicum
13027505 (First Time Taken) (EXCOMPT1)
13027515 (First Time Taken) (EXCOMPT2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Information Technology, Computer Maintenance,
Computer Maintenance Lab, Networking, and Networking Lab. Corequisite: Computer Technician
In the Extended Computer Technician Practicum, students will gain knowledge and skills in
computer technologies, including advanced knowledge of electrical and electronic theory,
computer principles, and components related to the installation, diagnosis, service, and repair of
computer-based technology systems. Students will reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge
and skills to a variety of settings and problems. Proper use of analytical skills and application of IT
concepts and standards are essential to prepare students for success in a technology-driven
society. Critical thinking, IT experience, and product development may be conducted in a
classroom setting with an instructor, with an industry mentor, or both. Students shall be awarded
one credit for successful completion of this course.
Practicum in Information Technology/Extended Practicum in
Information Technology
13028005 (First Time Taken) (EXPRIT1)
13028050 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRIT2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Minimum of two high school information technology (IT) courses. Corequisite:
Practicum in Information Technology.
In Extended Practicum in Information Technology, students will gain advanced knowledge
and skills in the application, design, production, implementation, maintenance, evaluation,
and assessment of products, services, and systems. Knowledge and skills in the proper
use of analytical skills and application of IT concepts and standards are essential to
prepare students for success in a technology-driven society. Critical thinking, IT
experience, and product development may be conducted in a classroom setting with an
instructor, with an industry mentor, or both.
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Revised 12/06/2022
Table of Contents
Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Foundations of Court Reporting
Legal Research and Writing
Advanced Legal Systems and Professions
Correctional Services
Firefighter l
Firefighter ll
Emergency Medical Technician Basic
Law Enforcement l
Law Enforcement ll
Criminal Investigation
Forensic Science
Forensic Psychology
Court Systems and Practices
Federal Law Enforcement and Protective Services
Disaster Response
Advanced Legal Skills and Professions
Practicum in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Practicum in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security/Extended Practicum in Law, Public
Safety, Corrections, and Security
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Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13029200 (PRINLPCS)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security introduces students to professions in
law enforcement, protective services, corrections, firefighting, and emergency management
services. Students will examine the roles and responsibilities of police, courts, corrections, private
security, and protective agencies of fire and emergency services. The course provides students
with an overview of the skills necessary for careers in law enforcement, fire service, protective
services, and corrections.
Foundations of Court Reporting
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: English I and Principles of Government and Public Administration.
This course will enable the student to identify the parts of a computer-compatible steno machine
and demonstrate proficiency in creating reports using the specialized chorded steno machine
keyboard functions and computer software. The students will evaluate the workings of real-time
reporting information systems and communications technology. The student will acquire the
ability to write conflict-free real-time translation theory on a computer-compatible steno machine,
using proper punctuation and grammar. The student will be able to create and organize a
personal dictionary for brief form writing the most common words and phrases and a phonetic-
based system for writing all words. The student will build reading and writing skills on literary
material, jury charge material, and question/answer testimony to navigate the inner workings of
the court system. These materials include but are not limited to courtroom filings, subpoenas,
affidavits, and all other documents needing transcription. Additionally, students will demonstrate
proper dictation practices required for cognitive theory translation and speed-accuracy
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Legal Research and Writing
TSDS PEIMS Code: N13003014 (LEGRW)
Grade Placement: 10-12
Credits: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Court Systems and Practices.
Legal Research and Writing provides an introduction into the study and practice of legal writing
and research. This course is designed to introduce students to the methods and tools used to
conduct legal research, develop and frame legal arguments, produce legal writings such as briefs,
memorandums, and other legal documents, study U.S. Constitutional law, and prepare for
appellate argument(s).
Advanced Legal Skills and Professions
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303016 (ADVLSP)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credits: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Court Systems and Practices, Principles of Law, Public Safety,
corrections and Security, Business Law, Debate I or Political Science.
Legal Research and Writing provides an introduction into the study and practice of legal writing
and research. This course is designed to introduce students to the methods and tools used to
conduct legal research, develop and frame legal arguments, produce legal writings such as briefs,
memorandums, and other legal documents, study U.S. Constitutional law, and prepare for
appellate argument(s).
Correctional Services
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13029700 (CORRSRVS)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security.
In Correctional Services, students prepare for certification required for employment as a
municipal, county, state, or federal correctional officer. Students will learn the role and
responsibilities of a county or municipal correctional officer; discuss relevant rules, regulations,
and laws of municipal, county, state, or federal facilities; and discuss defensive tactics, restraint
techniques, and first aid procedures as used in the municipal, county, state, or federal correctional
setting. Students will analyze rehabilitation and alternatives to institutionalization for inmates.
Firefighter l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13029900 (FIRE1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
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Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security.
Firefighter I introduces students to firefighter safety and development. Students will analyze
Texas Commission on Fire Protection rules and regulations, proper incident reporting and records,
proper use of personal protective equipment, and the principles of fire safety.
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Firefighter ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13030000 (FIRE2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Firefighter l.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security.
Firefighter II is the second course in a series for students studying firefighter safety and
development. Students will understand Texas Commission on Fire Protection rules and
regulations, proper incident reporting and records, proper use of personal protective equipment,
and the principles of fire safety. Students will demonstrate proper use of fire extinguishers,
ground ladders, fire hoses, and water supply apparatus systems.
Emergency Medical Technician Basic
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303015 (EMTB)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 2
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security; and
Anatomy and Physiology.
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)Basic instructs students to meet and exceed standard
knowledge needed to be a valid Emergency Medical Technician. The curriculum includes skills
necessary for a student to provide entry level emergency medical care, life support, and
ambulance service. The EMTBasic course is an introductory course to concepts, knowledge, and
skills needed by EMTs in the areas of communications, transportation, and recordkeeping.
Students interested in working in public safety, including fire, police, and ambulance operators will
be capable of performing the job expectations of an EMT safely and effectively after the
completion of this course.
Law Enforcement l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13029300 (LAWENF1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security.
Law Enforcement I is an overview of the history, organization, and functions of local, state, and
federal law enforcement. Students will understand the role of constitutional law at local, state,
and federal levels; the U.S. legal system; criminal law; and law enforcement terminology and the
classification and elements of crime.
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Law Enforcement ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13029400 (LAWENF2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Law Enforcement l.
Law Enforcement II provides the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare for a career in law
enforcement. Students will understand ethical and legal responsibilities, patrol procedures, first
responder roles, telecommunications, emergency equipment operations, and courtroom
Criminal Investigation
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13029550 (CRINVEST)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security.
Criminal Investigation is a course that introduces students to the profession of criminal
investigations. Students will understand basic functions of criminal investigations and procedures
and will learn how to investigate or follow up during investigations. Students will learn
terminology and investigative procedures related to criminal investigation, crime scene processing,
evidence collection, fingerprinting, and courtroom presentation. Through case studies and
simulated crime scenes, students will collect and analyze evidence such as fingerprint analysis,
bodily fluids, hairs, fibers, shoe and tire impressions, bite marks, drugs, tool marks, firearms and
ammunition, blood spatter, digital evidence, and other types of evidence.
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Forensic Science
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13029500 (FORENSCI)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry.
Recommended Prerequisite or Corequisite: Any Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Career Cluster course.
Forensic Science is a course that introduces students to the application of science to connect a
violation of law to a specific criminal, criminal act, or behavior and victim. Students will learn
terminology and procedures related to the search and examination of physical evidence in criminal
cases as they are performed in a typical crime laboratory. Using scientific methods, students will
collect and analyze evidence such as fingerprints, bodily fluids, hairs, fibers, paint, glass, and
cartridge cases. Students will also learn the history and the legal aspects as they relate to each
discipline of forensic science and understand that scientific methods of investigation can be
experimental, descriptive, or comparative.
Forensic Psychology
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Law Enforcement I and Psychology.
Forensic psychology is found at the intersection between psychology and the criminal justice
system. It involves understanding criminal law in the relevant jurisdictions in order to be able to
interact within the criminal justice system. It utilizes and applies basic skills developed in
psychology and criminal scenarios resulting in a structured and scientific approach to investigative
analysis; thereby, enabling police and law enforcement officials to predict criminal activity via
scientific analysis rather than intuition. Students will learn basic structured psychological
investigative techniques in question building, interviewing, criminal behavior characteristics, truth
detection methodology, research methods, statistical analysis and probability forecasting.
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Court Systems and Practices
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13029600 (COURTSP)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Law Enforcement l or Principles of Government or Public
Court Systems and Practices is an overview of the federal and state court systems. The course
identifies the roles of judicial officers and the trial processes from pretrial to sentencing and
examines the types and rules of evidence. Emphasis is placed on constitutional laws for criminal
procedures such as search and seizure, stop and frisk, and interrogation.
Federal Law Enforcement and Protective Services
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13029800 (FEDLEPS)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security.
Federal Law Enforcement and Protective Services provides the knowledge and skills necessary to
prepare for certification in security services for federal law enforcement and protective services.
The course provides an overview of security elements and types of organizations with a focus on
security measures used to protect lives, property, and proprietary information, to ensure
computer security, to provide information assurance, and to prevent cybercrime.
Disaster Response
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security.
Disaster Response includes basic training of students in disaster survival and rescue skills that
would improve the ability of citizens to survive until responders or other assistance could arrive.
Students will receive education, training, and volunteer service to make communities safer,
stronger, and better prepared to respond to the threats of terrorism, crime, public health issues
and disasters of all kinds.
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Advanced Legal Skills and Professions
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303016 (ADVLSP)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security, Court
Systems and Practices, Business Law, Debate I, or Political Science I.
Advanced Legal Skills and Professions provides students with a foundation to understand the
basic mechanics of the U.S. legal system. Building on prior instruction in constitutional issues and
the basics of American court systems, this course provides insight into the practical application of
the law, as well as civil and criminal procedure, giving students a hands-on opportunity to
experience a variety of legal professions. Students will gain an understanding of the attorney-
client relationship and the importance of confidentiality, discovery, pretrial motions, jury selection,
opening statements, direct and cross examinations, proper use of objections and the rules of
evidence, and closing arguments. By conducting elements of a full trial in a mock setting, students
will also increase their ability to extemporize appropriately by thinking on their feet. Students will
learn how to evaluate a set of facts and mold it into a coherent trial strategy, learning trial
practice from the ground floor.
Practicum in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
13030100 (First Time Taken) (PRACLPS1)
13030110 (Second Time Taken) (PRACLPS2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
The practicum course is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously
studied knowledge and skills in law, public safety, corrections, and security. Practicum
experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience.
Students are encouraged to participate in extended learning experiences such as career and
technical student organizations and other leadership or extracurricular organizations.
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Practicum in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and
Security/Extended Practicum in Law, Public Safety,
Corrections, and Security
13030105 (First Time Taken) (EXPRLPS1)
13030115 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRLPS2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: Practicum in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security.
Extended Practicum in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security is designed to give students
supervised practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills in law, public safety,
corrections, and security. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to
the nature and level of experience.
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Revised 08/31/2023
Table of Contents
Principles of Manufacturing
Blueprint Reading for Manufacturing Applications
Introduction to Film Interpretation of Weldments
Introduction to Industrial Maintenance
Basic Fluid Power
Diversified Manufacturing l
Diversified Manufacturing ll
Manufacturing Engineering Technology l
Manufacturing Engineering Technology ll
Metal Fabrication and Machining l
Metal Fabrication and Machining ll
Precision Metal Manufacturing l
Precision Metal Manufacturing II
Precision Metal Manufacturing II/Precision Metal Manufacturing II Lab
Introduction to Welding
Welding l
Welding ll
Welding ll Lab
Occupational Safety & Environmental Technology I
Occupational Safety and Environmental Technology (OSET) II
Occupational Safety and Environmental Technology (OSET) III
Fiber Optic Technician
Programmable Logic Controller I
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Programmable Logic Controller II
Practicum in Manufacturing
Practicum in Manufacturing/Extended Practicum in Manufacturing
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Principles of Manufacturing
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032200 (PRINMAN)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None
Recommended Prerequisites: Algebra I or Geometry.
In Principles of Manufacturing, students are introduced to knowledge and skills used in the proper
application of principles of manufacturing. The study of manufacturing technology allows students
to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and
relevant activities. Students will gain an understanding of what employers require to gain and
maintain employment in manufacturing careers.
Blueprint Reading for Manufacturing Applications
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303684 (TECHBR)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisites: Algebra I, Geometry, and Principles of Construction.
Blueprint Reading for Manufacturing Applications is an introduction to reading and interpreting
working drawings for fabrication processes and associated trades. Students will learn sketching
techniques to create pictorial and multiple-view drawings. Students will interpret working
drawings including dimensions, notes, symbols, sections and auxiliary views.
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Introduction to Film Interpretation of Weldments
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Algebra I.
Introduction to Film Interpretation of Weldments provides an overview of non-destructive testing
(NDT) principles. It includes coverage of the inspection process, systems, measurements, theories
and practices. Students will identify terminology and fundamental concepts of film interpretation
of weldments; describe the trends of NDT careers within the industry cluster; identify safety,
health, environmental, and ergonomic issues in non-destructive testing; discuss quality and
continuous improvement methods; describe the importance of maintenance and inspection within
manufacturing; and identify processes and production steps in manufacturing.
Introduction to Industrial Maintenance
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Construction Technology I.
Introduction to Industrial Maintenance allows students to acquire knowledge in industrial
maintenance principles. The course will provide an overview that includes tools and fasteners
pertinent to the industry. Students will engage in industrial print reading, rigging, lubrication,
gears, bearings and seals along with basic electrical circuits and fluid power. Students will identify
safety, health and environmental maintenance and troubleshooting within industrial maintenance.
Basic Fluid Power
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Algebra I, Geometry, and Solid-State Electronics.
Basic Fluid Power is an overview of automated manufacturing principles. It includes coverage of
the manufacturing process, control systems, and measurement theory. Students will identify
terminology and fundamental concepts of manufacturing; describe the trends of manufacturing
careers within the industry cluster; identify safety, health, environmental, and ergonomic issues in
manufacturing; discuss quality and continuous improvement methods; describe the importance of
maintenance within manufacturing; and identify processes and production steps in manufacturing.
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Diversified Manufacturing l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032650 (DIMANU1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1 Prerequisite: None.
Recommended prerequisite: Algebra I.
In Diversified Manufacturing I, students gain knowledge and skills in the application, design,
production, and assessment of products, services, and systems and how those knowledge and
skills are applied to manufacturing. The study of manufacturing systems allows students to
reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and
relevant activities, problems, and settings in a manufacturing setting. Diversified Manufacturing I
allows students the opportunity to understand the process of mass production by using a wide
variety of materials and manufacturing techniques. Knowledge about career opportunities,
requirements, and expectations and the development of skills prepare students for workplace
Diversified Manufacturing ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032660 (DIMANU2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Diversified Manufacturing l.
Recommended Prerequisite: Algebra I.
In Diversified Manufacturing II, students will gain knowledge and skills in the application, design,
production, and assessment of products, services, and systems and how those knowledge and
skills are applied to manufacturing. The study of manufacturing systems allows students to
reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and
relevant activities, problems, and settings in a manufacturing setting. Diversified Manufacturing II
allows students the opportunity to understand the process of mass production by using a wide
variety of materials and manufacturing techniques. Knowledge about career opportunities,
requirements, and expectations and the development of skills prepare students for workplace
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Manufacturing Engineering Technology l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032900 (MANENGT1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1 Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Algebra l.
In Manufacturing Engineering Technology I, students will gain knowledge and skills in the
application, design, production, and assessment of products, services, and systems and how
those knowledge and skills are applied to manufacturing. Students will prepare for success in the
global economy. The study of manufacturing engineering will allow students to reinforce, apply,
and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities,
problems, and settings in a manufacturing setting.
Manufacturing Engineering Technology ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032950 (MANENGT2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Manufacturing Engineering l.
Recommended Prerequisite: Algebra ll, Computer Science, or Physics.
In Manufacturing Engineering Technology II, students will gain knowledge and skills in the
application, design, production, and assessment of products, services, and systems and how
those knowledge and skills are applied to manufacturing. The study of Manufacturing Engineering
Technology II will allow students to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills
to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems, and settings. Students will analyze
mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas. Students will
display, explain, or justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical
language in written or oral communication.
Metal Fabrication and Machining l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032700 (MTFBMCH1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2 Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Algebra I or Geometry.
Metal Fabrication and Machining I provides the knowledge, skills, and certifications required for
equal employment opportunities in the metal production industry. Students must have
opportunities to reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills to a variety of settings and
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Metal Fabrication and Machining ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032800 (MTFBMCH2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Metal Fabrication and Machining l.
Recommended Prerequisites: Geometry and Algebra ll.
Metal Fabrication and Machining II builds on the knowledge, skills, and certifications students
acquire in Metal Fabrication and Machining I. Students will develop advanced concepts and skills
as related to personal and career development. This course integrates academic and technical
knowledge and skills. Students will have opportunities to reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge
and skills to a variety of settings and problems.
Precision Metal Manufacturing l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032500 (PREMMAN1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2 Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Manufacturing and completion of or concurrent
enrollment in Algebra l or Geometry.
Precision Metal Manufacturing I will provide the knowledge, skills, and technologies required for
employment in precision machining. While the course is designed to provide necessary skills in
machining, it also provides a real-world foundation for any engineering discipline. This course may
address a variety of materials such as plastics, ceramics, and wood in addition to metal. Students
will develop knowledge of the concepts and skills related to precision metal manufacturing to
apply them to personal and career development. This course supports integration of academic
and technical knowledge and skills. Students will have opportunities to reinforce, apply, and
transfer knowledge and skills to a variety of settings and problems. Knowledge about career
opportunities, requirements, and expectations and the development of workplace skills prepare
students for success. This course is designed to provide entry-level employment for the student or
articulated credit integration into a community college and dual credit with a community college
with completion of the advanced course.
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Precision Metal Manufacturing II
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032600 (PREMMAN2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Precision Metal Manufacturing l.
Recommended Prerequisite: Precision Manufacturing ll Lab.
Precision Metal Manufacturing II will provide students the knowledge, skills, and technologies
required for employment in precision machining. While this course is designed to provide
necessary skills in machining, it also provides a real-world foundation for any engineering
discipline. This course addresses a variety of materials such as plastics, ceramics, and wood in
addition to metal. Students will develop knowledge of the concepts and skills related to these
systems to apply them to personal and career development. This course supports integration of
academic and technical knowledge and skills. Students will have opportunities to reinforce, apply,
and transfer knowledge and skills to a variety of settings and problems. Knowledge about career
opportunities, requirements, and expectations and the development of workplace skills prepare
students for success. This course is designed to provide entry-level employment for the student or
articulated credit integration into a community college and dual credit with a community college
with completion of the advanced course.
Precision Metal Manufacturing II/Precision Metal
Manufacturing II Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032610 (PRMMLAB2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: Precision Metal Manufacturing l.
Corequisite: Precision Metal Manufacturing ll.
Precision Metal Manufacturing II Lab provides the knowledge, skills, and technologies required for
employment in precision machining. While Precision Metal Manufacturing II Lab is designed to
provide necessary skills in machining, it also provides a real-world foundation for any engineering
discipline. This course may address a variety of materials such as plastics, ceramics, and wood in
addition to metal. Students will develop knowledge of the concepts and skills related to these
systems to apply them to personal and career development. This course supports integration of
academic and technical knowledge and skills. Students will have opportunities to reinforce, apply,
and transfer knowledge and skills to a variety of settings and problems. Knowledge about career
opportunities, requirements, and expectations and the development of workplace skills prepare
students for success. This course is designed to provide entry-level employment for the student or
articulated credit integration into a community college and dual credit with a community college
with completion of the advanced course.
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Introduction to Welding
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032250 (INTRWELD)
Grade Placement: 912
Credit: 1 Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite or Corequisite: Algebra I.
Introduction to Welding will introduce welding technology with an emphasis on basic welding
laboratory principles and operating procedures. Students will be introduced to the three basic
welding processes. Topics include: industrial safety and health practices, hand tool and power
machine use, measurement, laboratory operating procedures, welding power sources, welding
career potentials, and introduction to welding codes and standards. Introduction to Welding will
provide students with the knowledge, skills, and technologies required for employment in welding
industries. This course supports integration of academic and technical knowledge and skills.
Students will reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills to a variety of settings and
problems. Knowledge about career opportunities, requirements, and expectations and the
development of workplace skills will prepare students for future success.
Welding l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032300 (WELD1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2 Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Algebra I, Principles of Manufacturing, Introduction to Precision
Metal Manufacturing, or Introduction to Welding.
Welding I provide the knowledge, skills, and technologies required for employment in metal
technology systems. Students will develop knowledge and skills related to this system and apply
them to personal career development. This course supports integration of academic and technical
knowledge and skills. Students will reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills to a variety
of settings and problems. Knowledge about career opportunities, requirements, and expectations
and the development of workplace skills prepare students for future success.
Welding ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032400 (WELD2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: Welding l.
Recommended Prerequisites: Algebra l or Geometry. Recommended Corequisite: Welding ll Lab.
Welding II builds on the knowledge and skills developed in Welding I. Students will develop
advanced welding concepts and skills as related to personal and career development. Students
will integrate academic and technical knowledge and skills. Students will have opportunities to
reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills to a variety of settings and problems.
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Welding ll Lab
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13032410 (WELDLAB2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 3
Prerequisites: Welding l.
Corequisites: Welding ll.
Welding II Lab introduces welding technology with an emphasis on basic welding laboratory
principles and operating procedures. Topics include: industrial safety and health practices, hand
tool and power machine use, measurement, laboratory operating procedures, welding power
sources, welding career potentials, and introduction to welding codes and standards. This course
provides knowledge, skills, and technologies required for employment in welding industries.
Students will develop knowledge and skills related to this system and apply them to personal
career development. This course supports integration of academic and technical knowledge and
skills. Students will reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills to a variety of settings and
problems. Knowledge about career opportunities, requirements, and expectations and the
development of workplace skills prepare students for future success.
Occupational Safety & Environmental Technology I
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303680 (OSET1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Transportation Systems, Principles of Distribution and
Logistics, or Principles of Manufacturing.
During Occupational Safety & Environmental Technology (OSET) I, students will investigate the
field of Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Environmental Technology, which is
charged with the tasks of ensuring that business and industry provide a safe workplace, free from
hazards and bringing about a reduction in the occurrence of job related injuries and fatalities.
Students will use safety resources and discover procedures for collaborating with business and
industry regarding ways to increase employee safety and health, reduce workers’ compensation
insurance costs and medical expenses, decrease payout for return-to-work programs, reduce
faulty products, and lower costs for job accommodations for injured workers. The sequence of
OSET courses provides students with the knowledge and skills to enter business and industry
under OSET/OSHA. Students will be prepared to investigate hazards and create plans of action to
address hazard controls for employers.
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Occupational Safety and Environmental Technology (OSET) II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303681 (OSET2)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: OSET I.
During the Occupational Safety & Environmental Technology (OSET) II course, students will
analyze the accident sequence, investigate hazard control concepts and principles, and examine
fire protection systems and their applications with emphasis on the fire prevention codes and
standards. Students will apply critical thinking skills to analyze system safety, organizational
cultures, and the importance of leadership. Students will describe the organization of the accident
investigation, from beginning to end. Students will examine analytical techniques in accident
investigations and will utilize analytical investigation techniques to assist organizations in
preventing accidents. Students will gain knowledge and skills necessary to make proactive hazard
control an organizational priority. The sequence of OSET courses provides students with the
knowledge and skills to enter business and industry under OSET/OSHA. Students will be prepared
to investigate hazards and create plans of action to address hazard controls for employers.
Occupational Safety and Environmental Technology (OSET) III
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303682 (OSET3)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 2
Prerequisites: OSET I and OSET II.
Recommended prerequisite: Chemistry or IPC.
During Occupational Safety & Environmental Technology (OSET) III, students will study a variety
of national and worldwide health and safety problems, and learn preventative measures to
resolve, reduce, and/or eliminate safety and health issues encountered at the workplace. Students
will encounter detailed information from various federal agencies that are involved in workplace
safety and health and demonstrate understanding of that information. Focus will be on the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and the Department of
Transportation (DOT) regulations with an emphasis on identifying and applying appropriate
regulatory safety standards. This course will allow students to reinforce, apply, and transfer their
academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems, and
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Fiber Optic Technician
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Principles of Information Technology or Principles of Construction.
Through a challenging curriculum encompassing design, installation, repair, and maintenance of
high speed data systems, students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become employed
in a number industries. The Fiber Optic Technician hands-on training covers premise wiring used
in industrial, commercial, and residential networks and how to terminate, test, troubleshoot, and
repair fiber optic cables and network devices. Students concentrate on the installation, service,
and maintenance of high-speed data infrastructures.
Programmable Logic Controller I
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Applied Engineering or Principles of Manufacturing.
Programmable Logic Controller I is a course designed to introduce students to the function and
operation of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) through academic and applied instruction.
Students will be introduced to relevant terminology, the components that make up a PLC, how
PLC communicates with external components and other concepts relating to the use of PLC’s in
the manufacturing industry. Students will participate in structured, applied learning exercises
taken from existing PLC applications. Students will also learn how to read ladder logic diagrams
and ultimately write their first program. This course is recommended for students in grade 10
through 12. The central focus of this course is for students to gain an understanding of how
programmable logic controllers work and how they are used in automated industries.
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Programmable Logic Controller II
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Applied Engineering or Principles of Manufacturing and
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) I.
The purpose of the Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) II course is to demonstrate advanced
knowledge of programming of programmable logic controllers (PLC) by incorporating the use of
timers, counters, and other advanced functions. The students that complete the PLC II course will
gain hands-on experience in the use of PLCs in industry and be able to troubleshoot the PLCs in
common industrial applications. Additionally, the course includes an introduction to human
machine interfaces (HMI) and networking. The PLC II course aligns to industry standards for
various brand PLCs, and the outcomes from this course will prepare the students for
postsecondary education and career readiness in the industrial maintenance/manufacturing
Practicum in Manufacturing
13033000 (First Time Taken) (PRACMAN1)
13033010 (Second Time Taken) (PRACMAN2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 2 Prerequisite: None.
The Practicum in Manufacturing course is designed to give students supervised practical
application of previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a
variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience.
Practicum in Manufacturing/Extended Practicum in
13033005 (First Time Taken) (EXPRMAN1)
13033015 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRMAN2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 3 Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: Practicum in Manufacturing.
The Extended Practicum in Manufacturing course is designed to give students supervised practical
application of previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a
variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience.
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Table of Contents
Fundamentals of Real Estate
Fashion Marketing
Retail Management
Entrepreneurship II
Social Media Marketing
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Sports and Entertainment Marketing II
Practicum in Marketing
Practicum in Marketing/Extended Practicum in Marketing
Advanced Marketing
Practicum of Entrepreneurship
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TSDS PEIMS Code: 13034200 (ADVERTIS)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: .5
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance.
Advertising is designed as a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of
advertising. Students will gain knowledge of techniques used in current advertising, including
print, broadcast, and digital media. The course explores the social, cultural, ethical, and legal
issues of advertising, historical influences, strategies, media decision processes as well as
integrated marketing communications, and careers in advertising and sales promotion. The course
provides an overview of how communication tools can be used to reach target audiences and
increase consumer knowledge.
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance.
Marketing explores the seven core functions of marketing which include: marketing planning
why target market and industry affect businesses; marketing-information management why
market research is important; pricinghow prices maximize profit and affect the perceived value;
product/service management why products live and die; promotion how to inform customers
about products; channel management how products reach the final user; and selling how to
convince a customer that a product is the best choice. Students will demonstrate knowledge in
hands-on projects which may include conducting research, creating a promotional plan, pitching a
sales presentation, and introducing an idea for a new product/service.
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Fundamentals of Real Estate
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1301120 (FUNDRE)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credits: 2
This course contains the curriculum necessary to complete the pre-licensure education
requirements of the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) to obtain a real estate salesperson
license. Includes the following TREC course materials: Principles of Real Estate I and II, Law of
Contracts, Law of Agency, Real Estate Finance, and Promulgated Contract Forms.
Fashion Marketing
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13034300 (FASHMKTG)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: .5
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance.
Fashion Marketing is designed to provide students with knowledge of the various business
functions in the fashion industry. Students in Fashion Marketing will gain a working knowledge of
promotion, textiles, merchandising, mathematics, selling, visual merchandising, and career
Retail Management
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303420 (REMGMT)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance.
Retail management focuses on the distribution and selling of products to consumers using various
vending points such as chain stores, department stores, stand-alone stores, and various online
markets. The course highlights the everyday mechanisms necessary to operate a successful retail
establishment. The student is taught to evaluate methods for promoting merchandise, supervising
employees, handling customer needs, and maintaining inventories.
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13034400 (ENTREP)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance.
Students will learn the principles necessary to begin and operate a business. The primary focus of
the course is to help students understand the process of analyzing a business opportunity,
preparing a business plan, determining feasibility of an idea using research, and developing a plan
to organize and promote the business and its products and services.
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Entrepreneurship II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303423 (ENTPRNR2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Entrepreneurship
The purpose of the course is to prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed to become
a successful entrepreneur within an innovative marketplace. The goal and outcome of the course
is for students to have their business launched by the end of the course or have the tools
necessary to launch and operate their business. Students are encouraged to work in close
cooperation with local industry leaders, community members, and educators to develop ideas and
objectives, complete a business model canvas, pitch to potential investors, register with
governmental agencies, develop their brand identity, and participate in local chamber of
commerce meetings and events. The recommended participants are students in the CTE
Entrepreneurship program of study, students in grades 11-12, and those interested in starting a
Social Media Marketing
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13034650 (SMEDMKTG)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: .5
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance or any marketing
Social Media Marketing is designed to look at the rise of social media and how marketers are
integrating social media tools in their overall marketing strategy. The course will investigate how
the marketing community measures success in the new world of social media. Students will
manage a successful social media presence for an organization, understand techniques for gaining
customer and consumer buy-in to achieve marketing goals, and properly select social media
platforms to engage consumers and monitor and measure the results of these efforts.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13034600 (SPORTSEM)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: .5
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing will provide students with a thorough understanding of the
marketing concepts and theories that apply to sports and entertainment. The areas this course
will cover include basic marketing concepts, publicity, sponsorship, endorsements, licensing,
branding, event marketing, promotions, and sports and entertainment marketing strategies.
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Sports and Entertainment Marketing II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303422 (SPORTEM2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 0.5
Prerequisite: Sports and Entertainment Marketing.
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing II is an advanced course designed to build upon students’
prior knowledge of sports and entertainment marketing. Students will develop a thorough
understanding of advanced marketing concepts and theories as they relate to the sports and
entertainment industries. Students will investigate the components of branding, sponsorships and
endorsements, as well as promotion plans needed for sports and entertainment events. The
course also supports career development skills and explores career options. Academic skills
(mathematics, science, English, and history/social science) related to the content are a part of this
Practicum in Marketing
13034800 (First Time Taken) (PRACMKT1)
13034810 (Second Time Taken) (PRACMKT2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance.
Practicum in Marketing is a series of dynamic activities that focus on the customer to generate a
profitable exchange. Students will gain knowledge and skills that help them to be proficient in one
or more of the marketing functional areas associated with distribution, financing, marketing
information management, pricing, product planning, promotion, purchasing, risk management,
and selling skills. Students will integrate skills from academic subjects, information technology,
interpersonal communication, and management training to make responsible decisions.
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Practicum in Marketing/Extended Practicum in Marketing
13034805 (First Time Taken) (EXPRMKT1)
13034815 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRMKT2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance. Corequisite:
Practicum in Marketing.
Extended Practicum in Marketing is a series of dynamic activities that focus on the customer to
generate a profitable exchange. Students will gain knowledge and skills that help them to be
proficient in one or more of the marketing functional areas associated with distribution, financing,
marketing information management, pricing, product planning, promotion, purchasing, risk
management, and selling skills. Students will integrate skills from academic subjects, information
technology, interpersonal communication, and management training to make responsible
Advanced Marketing
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13034700 (ADVMKTG)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: One credit from the courses in the Marketing Career Cluster.
Recommended Prerequisite: Practicum in Marketing.
In Advanced Marketing, students will gain knowledge and skills that help them become proficient
in one or more of the marketing functional areas. Students will demonstrate appropriate
management and research skills to solve problems related to marketing. This course covers
technology, communication, and customer-service skills.
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Practicum of Entrepreneurship
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Recommended Prerequisites: Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship II.
The Practicum in Entrepreneurship provides students the opportunity to apply classroom learnings
and experiences to real-world business problems and opportunities, while expanding their skill
sets and professional relationships as a real or simulated business owner versus the experience
one would have as an employee. Students will prepare for an entrepreneurial career in their area
of interest in their career cluster and build on and apply the knowledge and skills gained from
courses taken in an array of career areas. Practicum experiences occur in a paid or unpaid
arrangement and a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of the student’s need
for work-based learning experience. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to
strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and to make a successful
transition to the workforce or postsecondary education. It is recommended that students are
paired with local business owners or employers in their specific industry program of study.
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Table of Contents
Principles of Applied Engineering
Principles of Biosciences
Principles of Technology
Introduction to Computer Aided Design and Drafting
Fundamentals of Computer Science
Computer Science I
Computer Science II
Computer Science III
Digital Forensics
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
Game Programming and Design
Intermediate Computer Aided Design and Drafting
Mobile Application Development
Foundations of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Capstone
Digital Image Processing
AC/DC Electronics
Solid State Electronics
Digital Electronics
Robotics I
Robotics II
Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW)
Aerospace Engineering (PLTW)
Civil Engineering and Architecture (PLTW)
Environmental Sustainability (PLTW)
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Computer Integrated Manufacturing (PLTW)
Engineering Design and Development (PLTW)
Engineering Essentials (PLTW)
Engineering Applications of Computer Science Principles
Engineering Design and Presentation l
Engineering Design and Presentation II Engineering
Design and Problem Solving Engineering Mathematics
Engineering Science
Biotechnology l
Biotechnology ll
Quality Assurance for Biosciences
Scientific Research and Design
Advanced Placement Computer Science A
Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles
International Baccalaureate Computer Science Standard Level
International Baccalaureate Computer Science Higher Level
International Baccalaureate Information Technology in a Global Society Standard Level
International Baccalaureate Information Technology in a Global Society Higher Level
Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering Program II-IV
Practicum in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Practicum in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics/Extended Practicum in Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
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Principles of Applied Engineering
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13036200 (PRAPPENG)
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Principles of Applied Engineering provides an overview of the various fields of science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics and their interrelationships. Students will develop engineering
communication skills, which include computer graphics, modeling, and presentations, by using a
variety of computer hardware and software applications to complete assignments and projects.
Upon completing this course, students will understand the various fields of engineering and will be
able to make informed career decisions.
Further, students will have worked on a design team to develop a product or system. Students
will use multiple software applications to prepare and present course assignments.
Principles of Bioscience
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13036300 (PRBIOSCI)
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Principles of Biosciences is a strong reinforcement of Biology content that provides an overview of
biotechnology, bioengineering, and related fields. Topics include genetics, cell structure, proteins,
nucleic acids, and the impact of immunological events in biotechnology. Students will further
study the increasingly important agricultural, environmental, economic, and political roles of
bioenergy and biological remediation; the roles of nanoscience and nanotechnology in
biotechnology medical research; and future trends in biological science and biotechnology.
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Principles of Technology
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13037100 (PRINTECH)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: One credit of high school science and Algebra l.
In Principles of Technology, students will conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific
methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific
problem solving. Various systems will be described in terms of space, time, energy, and matter.
Students will study a variety of topics that include laws of motion, conservation of energy,
momentum, electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, and characteristics and behavior of waves.
Students will apply physics concepts and perform laboratory experimentations for at least 40% of
instructional time using safe practices.
Introduction to Computer Aided Design and Drafting
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Architectural Design.
Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), introduces students to CADD
equipment, software selection and interfaces; setting up a CADD workstation; upgrading a
computer to run advanced CADD software; storage devices; storing, retrieving, back-up and
sharing databases; file servers and local area networks (LANs); and transferring drawing files over
the Internet.
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Fundamentals of Computer Science
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580140 (TAFCS)
Grade Placement: 9-12
Credit: 1
Fundamentals of Computer Science is intended as a first course for those students just beginning
the study of computer science. Students will learn about the computing tools that are used every
day. Students will foster their creativity and innovation through opportunities to design,
implement, and present solutions to real-world problems. Students will collaborate and use
computer science concepts to access, analyze, and evaluate information needed to solve
problems. Students will learn the problem-solving and reasoning skills that are the foundation of
computer science. By using computer science knowledge and skills that support the work of
individuals and groups in solving problems, students will select the technology appropriate for the
task, synthesize knowledge, create solutions, and evaluate the results. Students will learn digital
citizenship by researching current laws and regulations and by practicing integrity and respect.
Students will gain an understanding of the principles of computer science through the study of
technology operations and concepts. The six strands include creativity and innovation;
communication and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking; problem
solving, and decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and concepts.
Computer Science I
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580200 (TACS1)
Grade Placement: 9-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Algebra I.
Computer Science I will foster students' creativity and innovation by presenting opportunities to
design, implement, and present meaningful programs through a variety of media. Students will
collaborate with one another, their instructor, and various electronic communities to solve the
problems presented throughout the course. Through data analysis, students will identify task
requirements, plan search strategies, and use computer science concepts to access, analyze, and
evaluate information needed to solve problems. By using computer science knowledge and skills
that support the work of individuals and groups in solving problems, students will select the
technology appropriate for the task, synthesize knowledge, create solutions, and evaluate the
results. Students will learn digital citizenship by researching current laws and regulations and by
practicing integrity and respect. Students will gain an understanding of the principles of computer
science through the study of technology operations, systems, and concepts. The six strands
include creativity and innovation; communication and collaboration; research and information
fluency; critical thinking; problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship; and technology
operations and concepts.
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Computer Science II
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580300 (TACS2)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Algebra I and either Computer Science I or Fundamentals of Computer Science.
Computer Science II will foster students' creativity and innovation by presenting opportunities to
design, implement, and present meaningful programs through a variety of media. Students will
collaborate with one another, their instructor, and various electronic communities to solve the
problems presented throughout the course. Through data analysis, students will identify task
requirements, plan search strategies, and use computer science concepts to access, analyze, and
evaluate information needed to solve problems. By using computer science knowledge and skills
that support the work of individuals and groups in solving problems, students will select the
technology appropriate for the task, synthesize knowledge, create solutions, and evaluate the
results. Students will learn digital citizenship by researching current laws and regulations and by
practicing integrity and respect. Students will gain an understanding of computer science through
the study of technology operations, systems, and concepts. The six strands include creativity and
innovation; communication and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking;
problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and
Computer Science III
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580350 (TACS3)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Computer Science II, Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science A, or
International Baccalaureate (IB) Computer Science.
Computer Science III will foster students' creativity and innovation by presenting opportunities to
design, implement, and present meaningful programs through a variety of media. Students will
collaborate with one another, their instructor, and various electronic communities to solve the
problems presented throughout the course. Through data analysis, students will identify task
requirements, plan search strategies, and use computer science concepts to access, analyze, and
evaluate information needed to solve problems. By using computer science knowledge and skills
that support the work of individuals and groups in solving problems, students will select the
technology appropriate for the task, synthesize knowledge, create solutions, and evaluate the
results. Students will learn digital citizenship by researching current laws and regulations and by
practicing integrity and respect. Students will gain an understanding of advanced computer
science data structures through the study of technology operations, systems, and concepts. The
six strands include creativity and innovation; communication and collaboration; research and
information fluency; critical thinking; problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship;
and technology operations and concepts.
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Digital Forensics
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580360 (TADGFR)
Grade Placement: 9-12
Credit: 1
Digital forensics is an evolving discipline concerned with analyzing anomalous activity on
computers, networks, programs, and data. As a discipline, it has grown with the emergence of a
globally-connected digital society. As computing has become more sophisticated, so too have the
abilities of malicious agents to access systems and private information. By evaluating prior
incidents, digital forensics professionals have the ability to investigate and craft appropriate
responses to disruptions to corporations, governments, and individuals. Whereas cybersecurity
takes a proactive approach to information assurance to minimize harm, digital forensics takes a
reactive approach to incident response.
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580370 (TADISMA)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Algebra II.
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science provides the tools used in most areas of computer
science. Exposure to the mathematical concepts and discrete structures presented in this course is
essential in order to provide an adequate foundation for further study. Discrete Mathematics for
Computer Science is generally listed as a core requirement for Computer Science majors. Course
topics are divided into six areas: sets, functions, and relations; basic logic; proof techniques;
counting basics; graphs and trees; and discrete probability. Mathematical topics are interwoven
with computer science applications to enhance the students' understanding of the introduced
mathematics. Students will develop the ability to see computational problems from a
mathematical perspective. Introduced to a formal system (propositional and predicate logic) upon
which mathematical reasoning is based, students will acquire the necessary knowledge to read
and construct mathematical arguments (proofs), understand mathematical statements
(theorems), and use mathematical problem-solving tools and strategies. Students will be
introduced to discrete data structures such as sets, discrete functions, and relations and graphs
and trees. Students will also be introduced to discrete probability and expectations. The six
strands include creativity and innovation; communication and collaboration; research and
information fluency; critical thinking; problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship;
and technology operations and concepts.
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Game Programming and Design
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580380 (TAGMPD)
Grade Placement: 9-12
Credit: 1
Game Programming and Design will foster student creativity and innovation by presenting
students with opportunities to design, implement, and present meaningful programs through a
variety of media. Students will collaborate with one another, their instructor, and various
electronic communities to solve gaming problems. Through data analysis, students will include the
identification of task requirements, plan search strategies, and use programming concepts to
access, analyze, and evaluate information needed to design games. By acquiring programming
knowledge and skills that support the work of individuals and groups in solving problems,
students will select the technology appropriate for the task, synthesize knowledge, create
solutions, and evaluate the results. Students will learn digital citizenship by researching current
laws and regulations and by practicing integrity and respect. Students will create a computer
game that is presented to an evaluation panel. The six strands include creativity and innovation;
communication and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking; problem
solving, and decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and concepts.
Introduction to Computer Aided Design and Drafting
Grade Placement:
Credits: 1
Intermediate Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), focuses on the fundamentals of
computer-aided drafting using various drafting programs. Emphasis is placed on drawing set up;
creating and modifying geometry; storing and retrieving predefined shapes; placing, rotating, and
scaling objects; adding text and dimensions; using layers and coordinating systems; and using
input and output devices.
Intermediate Computer Aided Design and Drafting
Grade Placement: 1012
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: Architectural Design and Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting and Design
Intermediate Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), focuses on the fundamentals of
computer-aided drafting using various drafting programs. Emphasis is placed on drawing set up;
creating and modifying geometry; storing and retrieving predefined shapes; placing, rotating, and
scaling objects; adding text and dimensions; using layers and coordinating systems; and using
input and output devices.
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Mobile Application Development
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580390 (TAMBAP)
Grade Placement: 9-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Algebra I
Mobile Application Development will foster students' creativity and innovation by presenting
opportunities to design, implement, and deliver meaningful projects using mobile computing
devices. Students will collaborate with one another, their instructor, and various electronic
communities to solve problems presented throughout the course. Through data analysis, students
will identify task requirements, plan search strategies, and use software development concepts to
access, analyze, and evaluate information needed to program mobile devices. By using software
design knowledge and skills that support the work of individuals and groups in solving problems,
students will select the technology appropriate for the task, synthesize knowledge, create
solutions, and evaluate the results. Students will learn digital citizenship by researching current
laws and regulations and by practicing integrity and respect. Students will gain an understanding
of the principles of mobile application development through the study of development platforms,
programming languages, and software design standards. The six strands include creativity and
innovation; communication and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking;
problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and
Foundations of Cybersecurity
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580850 (TAFCYB)
Grade Placement: 9-12
Credit: 1
In the Foundations of Cybersecurity course, students will develop the knowledge and skills needed
to explore fundamental concepts related to the ethics, laws, and operations of cybersecurity.
Students will examine trends and operations of cyberattacks, threats, and vulnerabilities. Students
will review and explore security policies designed to mitigate risks. The skills obtained in this
course prepare students for additional study in cybersecurity. A variety of courses are available to
students interested in this field. Foundations of Cybersecurity may serve as an introductory course
in this field of study.
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Cybersecurity Capstone
TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580855 (TACYBCAP)
Grade Placement: 11-12
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Foundations of Cybersecurity.
In the Cybersecurity Capstone course, students will develop the knowledge and skills needed to
explore advanced concepts related to the ethics, laws, and operations of cybersecurity. Students
will examine trends and operations of cyberattacks, threats, and vulnerabilities. Students will
develop security policies to mitigate risks. The skills obtained in this course prepare students for
additional study toward industry certification. A variety of courses are available to students
interested in the cybersecurity field. Cybersecurity Capstone may serve as a culminating course in
this field of study.
Digital Image Processing
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303766 (DGIP)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II.
This course introduces the topic of how images (pictures) are represented in a way that
computers can store them in memory, manipulate their pixels, display them, and analyze their
contents. Digital images are processed by programs written in scientific computing software
environments. The following image processing operations will be studied: enhancement, filtering,
reconstruction, compression, object detection, and classification.
AC/DC Electronics
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13036800 (ACDCELEC)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Applied Engineering.
AC/DC Electronics focuses on the basic electricity principles of alternating current/direct current
(AC/DC) circuits. Students will demonstrate knowledge and applications of circuits, electronic
measurement, and electronic implementation. Through use of the design process, students will
transfer academic skills to component designs in a project-based environment. Students will use a
variety of computer hardware and software applications to complete assignments and projects.
Additionally, students will explore career opportunities, employer expectations, and educational
needs in the electronics industry.
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Solid State Electronics
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13036900 (SOSTELEC)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: AC/DC Electronics.
In Solid State Electronics, students will demonstrate knowledge and applications of advanced
circuits, electrical measurement, and electrical implementation used in the electronics and
computer industries. Students will transfer advanced academic skills to apply engineering
principles and technical skills to troubleshoot, repair, and modify electronic components,
equipment, and power electronic systems in a project-based environment. Additionally, students
will explore career opportunities, employer expectations, and educational needs in the electronics
industry. Students are encouraged to participate in extended learning experiences such as career
and technical student organizations and other leadership or extracurricular organizations.
Digital Electronics
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13037600 (DIGELC)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Algebra I and Geometry.
Digital Electronics is the study of electronic circuits that are used to process and control digital
signals. In contrast to analog electronics, where information is represented by a continuously
varying voltage, digital signals are represented by two discreet voltages or logic levels. This
distinction allows for greater signal speed and storage capabilities and has revolutionized the
world of electronics. Digital electronics is the foundation of modern electronic devices such as
cellular phones, digital audio players, laptop computers, digital cameras, and high-definition
televisions. The primary focus of Digital Electronics is to expose students to the design process of
combinational and sequential logic design, teamwork, communication methods, engineering
standards, and technical documentation.
Note: This course satisfies a math credit requirement for students on the Foundation High
Robotics l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13037000 (ROBOTIC1)
Grade Placement: 910
Credit: 1 Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Applied Engineering.
In Robotics I, students will transfer academic skills to component designs in a project- based
environment through implementation of the design process. Students will build prototypes or use
simulation software to test their designs. Additionally, students will explore career opportunities,
employer expectations, and educational needs in the robotic and automation industry.
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Robotics ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13037050 (ROBOTIC2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Robotics l.
In Robotics II, students will explore artificial intelligence and programming in the robotic and
automation industry. Through implementation of the design process, students will transfer
academic skills to component designs in a project-based environment. Students will build
prototypes and use software to test their designs.
Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW)
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303742 (IED)
Grade Placement: 912
Credit: 1
Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) is an Activity-Project-Problem-Based course designed to
build on foundational engineering concepts with an emphasis on the application of modeling in the
engineering design process to develop solutions. Embedded throughout the course are important
engineering concepts, such as engineering mindset, systems thinking, and computational thinking.
Students will dig deep into the engineering design process, applying math, science, and
engineering standards to hands-on projects. Students will work both individually and in teams to
design solutions to a variety of problems using 3-D modeling software and use an engineering
notebook to document their work. This course prepares students for college, a career, or the
military by developing their spatial reasoning, design thinking, problem-solving skills, and
transportable skills and by exposing them to a variety of careers.
Aerospace Engineering (PLTW)
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303745 (AERO)
Grade Placement: 912
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisites: At least one credit in a Level 2 or higher course in Engineering.
In this course, students explore the fundamentals of flight in air and space as they bring the
concepts to life by designing and testing components, such as an airfoil, propulsion system, and a
rocket. They learn orbital mechanics concepts and apply these by creating models using industry-
standard software. Students simulate a progression of operations to explore a planet, including
creating a map of the terrain and using the map to execute a mission using an autonomous robot.
Building enthusiasm while learning real-world skills related to the aerospace industry is a primary
goal of the course. This course prepares students for college, a career, or the military by deepening
their knowledge of aerospace concepts, developing students problem-solving skills, transportable
skills (such as communication and ethical reasoning), and exposing them to a variety of careers.
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Civil Engineering and Architecture (PLTW)
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303747 (CEA)
Grade Placement: 912
Credit: 1
Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) is an Activity-Project-Problem-Based course designed to
build on foundational engineering concepts with an emphasis on the application of modeling in the
engineering design process to develop solutions. Embedded throughout the course are important
engineering concepts, such as engineering mindset, systems thinking, and computational thinking.
Students will dig deep into the engineering design process, applying math, science, and
engineering standards to hands-on projects. Students will work both individually and in teams to
design solutions to a variety of problems using 3-D modeling software and use an engineering
notebook to document their work. This course prepares students for college, a career, or the
military by developing their spatial reasoning, design thinking, problem-solving skills, and
transportable skills and by exposing them to a variety of careers.
Environmental Sustainability (PLTW)
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303746 (ENVSUS)
Grade Placement: 912
Credit: 1
In PLTW Environmental Sustainability, students design solutions to solve real-world challenges
related to clean drinking water, a stable food supply, and renewable energy. Students are
introduced to environmental issues and use the engineering design process to research and design
potential solutions. Through both individual and collaborative team activities, projects, and
problems, students solve problems as they practice common design and scientific protocols, such
as project management, lab techniques, and peer review. Students practice problem solving with
structured activities and progress to open-ended projects and problems that require them to
develop planning, documentation, communication, and other professional skills. Building
enthusiasm for and a real understanding of the role, impact, and practice of environmental
sustainability is a primary goal of the course.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (PLTW)
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303748 (CIM)
Grade Placement: 912
Credit: 1
Recommended Corequisite: College prep math and science and completed Introduction to Engineering
Design (PLTW)
PLTW Computer Integrated Manufacturing is one of the specialization courses in the PLTW
Engineering program. The course deepens the skills and knowledge of an engineering student
within the context of efficiently creating the products around us. Students build upon their
Computer Aided Design (CAD) experience through the use of Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
software. CAM transforms a digital design into a program that a Computer Numerical Controlled
(CNC) mill uses to transform a block of raw material into a product designed by a student. Students
learn and apply concepts related to integrating robotic systems such as Automated Guided Vehicles
(AGV) and robotic arms into manufacturing systems. Throughout the course students learn about
manufacturing processes and systems. This course culminates with a capstone project where
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students design, build, program, and present a manufacturing system model capable of creating a
Engineering Design and Development (PLTW)
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303749 (EDD)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisites: At least two courses in Engineering with at least one being a Level 2 or higher.
Engineering Design and Development (EDD) is an open-ended engineering research course in
which students work in teams to design and develop an original solution to a well-defined and
justified open-ended problem by applying an engineering design process using the knowledge and
skills they developed in previous courses. EDD is appropriate for 11th and 12th-grade students.
Students will perform research to select, define, and justify a problem. After carefully defining the
design requirements and creating multiple solution approaches, teams of students select an
approach, create, and test their solution prototype. Student teams will present and defend their
original solution to an outside panel. This course prepares students for college, a career, or the
military by helping them become better problem-solvers. Students learn how to manage projects
and further develop their transferable skills, such as communication and ethical reasoning.
Engineering Essentials (PLTW)
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303760 (ENGESS)
Grade Placement: 912
Credit: 1
Engineering Essentials (EES) is for grade 9-12 students. Students explore the work of engineers
and their role in the design and development of solutions to real-world problems. Students are
introduced to engineering concepts applicable across multiple engineering disciplines. They are
empowered to build technical skills using a variety of engineering tools. Students learn and apply
the engineering design process to develop mechanical, electronic, process, and logistical solutions
to relevant problems across a variety of industry sectors. Using PLTW’s activity-, project-, problem-
based (APB) instructional approach, students advance from completing structured activities to
solving open-ended projects and problems that provide opportunities to develop planning and
technical documentation skills and in-demand, transportable skills, such as problem solving, critical
and creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and ethical reasoning. The course emphasizes
statistical analysis and mathematical modeling computational methods commonly used in
engineering problem-solving.
Engineering Applications of Computer Science Principles
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303772 (EASCP)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Engineering Applications of Computer Science Principles (EACSP) is a year-long, design-based
high school course for students who want to expand and deepen their engineering design skills
and habits of mind through the purposeful integration and application of computer science (CS)
principles and practices. Developed by University of Texas Engineering and Computer Engineering
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faculty, experienced secondary teachers and curriculum developers, and engineers with decades
of industry experience, this hands-on course engages students in authentic, integrated
engineering and CS practices in a project-based environment. Building on the skills and habits of
mind developed in an introductory engineering design course, EACSP scaffolds students’
acquisition and application of CS principles across a series of engaging and socially relevant
design challenges.
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Engineering Design and Presentation l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13036500 (ENGDSPR1)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Algebra l.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Applied Engineering.
Engineering Design and Presentation I is a continuation of knowledge and skills learned in
Principles of Applied Engineering. Students enrolled in this course will demonstrate knowledge and
skills of the design process as it applies to engineering fields using multiple software applications
and tools necessary to produce and present working drawings, solid model renderings, and
prototypes. Students will use a variety of computer hardware and software applications to
complete assignments and projects. Through implementation of the design process, students will
transfer advanced academic skills to component designs. Additionally, students explore career
opportunities in engineering, technology, and drafting and what is required to gain and maintain
employment in these areas.
Engineering Design and Presentation ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13036600 (ENGDSPR2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: Algebra l and Geometry.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Applied Engineering or Engineering Design and
Presentation l.
Engineering Design and Presentation II is a continuation of knowledge and skills learned in
Engineering Design and Presentation I. Students enrolled in this course will demonstrate
knowledge and skills of the design process as it applies to engineering fields using multiple
software applications and tools necessary to produce and present working drawings, solid model
renderings, and prototypes. Students will use a variety of computer hardware and software
applications to complete assignments and projects. Through implementation of the design
process, students will transfer advanced academic skills to component designs. Emphasis will be
placed on using skills from ideation through prototyping.
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Engineering Design and Problem Solving
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13037300 (ENGDPRS)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Algebra l and Geometry.
Recommended Prerequisites: two Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Career
Cluster credits.
The Engineering Design and Problem-Solving course is the creative process of solving problems by
identifying needs and then devising solutions. The solution may be a product, technique,
structure, or process depending on the problem. Science aims to understand the natural world,
while engineering seeks to shape this world to meet human needs and wants. Engineering design
takes into consideration limiting factors or "design under constraint." Various engineering
disciplines address a broad spectrum of design problems using specific concepts from the sciences
and mathematics to derive a solution. The design process and problem solving are inherent to all
engineering disciplines.
Engineering Mathematics
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13036700 (ENGMATH)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Algebra ll.
Engineering Mathematics is a course where students solve and model design problems. Students
will use a variety of mathematical methods and models to represent and analyze problems that
represent a range of real-world engineering applications such as robotics, data acquisition, spatial
applications, electrical measurement, manufacturing processes, materials engineering, mechanical
drives, pneumatics, process control systems, quality control, and computer programming.
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Engineering Science
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13037500 (ENGSCIEN)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Algebra l and Biology Chemistry, Integrated Physics, and Chemistry (IPC), or
Recommended Prerequisite: Geometry.
Engineering Science is an engineering course designed to expose students to some of the major
concepts and technologies that they will encounter in a postsecondary program of study in any
engineering domain. Students will have an opportunity to investigate engineering and high-tech
careers. In Engineering Science, students will employ science, technology, engineering, and
mathematical concepts in the solution of real-world challenge situations. Students will develop
problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge of research and design to create solutions to
various challenges. Students will also learn how to document their work and communicate their
solutions to their peers and members of the professional community.
Biotechnology l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13036400 (BIOTECH1)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Biology.
Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Biosciences and Chemistry.
In Biotechnology I, students will apply advanced academic knowledge and skills to the emerging
fields of biotechnology such as agricultural, medical, regulatory, and forensics. Students will have
the opportunity to use sophisticated laboratory equipment, perform statistical analysis, and
practice quality-control techniques. Students will conduct laboratory and field investigations, use
scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and
scientific problem solving. Students in Biotechnology I will study a variety of topics that include
structures and functions of cells, nucleic acids, proteins, and genetics. Students must meet the
40% laboratory and fieldwork requirement.
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Biotechnology ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13036450 (BIOTECH2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Biology, Biotechnology l and Chemistry.
Biotechnology II has the components of any rigorous scientific or bioengineering program of study
from the problem identification, investigation design, data collection, data analysis, and
formulation and presentation of the conclusions. This course applies the standard skills mastered
in Biotechnology I and includes assay design. After taking this course, students should be
prepared for entry-level lab technician jobs. Students must meet the 40% laboratory and
fieldwork requirement.
Quality Assurance for Biosciences
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303771 (QABIOS)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Biotechnology 1.
Quality Assurance for the Biosciences is designed to introduce the student to quality principles
and regulatory affairs as they apply to the biotechnology, biopharmaceutical, and the biomedical
device industries. This course focuses on exploring online regulatory websites, such as,
and discovering how new regulations arise and how to find and interpret them. A large
component of this course requires students to participate in discussions related to bioethics and
the controversial issues surrounding bioethics and regulations governing the biotechnology
industry and quality assurance. This course is a broad overview that covers regulations of drugs,
biologics, medical devices, food and other products; however, students are encouraged to
investigate further in areas of interest.
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Scientific Research and Design
13037200 (First Time Taken) (SCRID)
13037210 (Second Time Taken) (SCRID2)
13037220 (Third Time Taken) (SCRID3)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Biology, Chemistry, Integrated Physics, Chemistry (IPC), or Physics.
Scientific Research and Design is a broad-based course designed to allow districts and schools
considerable flexibility to develop local curriculum to supplement any program of study or
coherent sequence. The course has the components of any rigorous scientific or engineering
program of study from the problem identification, investigation design, data collection, data
analysis, formulation, and presentation of the conclusions. These components are integrated with
the career and technical education emphasis of helping students gain entry-level employment in
high-skill, high-wage jobs and/or continue their education. Students must meet the 40%
laboratory and fieldwork requirement. Students may take this course with different course content
for a maximum of three credits.
Advanced Placement Computer Science A/B
TSDS PEIMS Code: A3580110 (Math), A3580120 (LOTE) (APTACSAM, APTACSAL)
Credit: 2
Recommended prerequisites: Algebra I or a student should be comfortable with functions and the
concepts found in the uses of functional notation such as f(x) = x + 2 and f(x) = g(h(x)).
Content requirements for Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science A are prescribed in the
College Board Publication Advanced Placement Course Description: Computer Science A,
published by The College Board.
Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Algebra I.
Content requirements for Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles are prescribed in
the College Board Publication Advanced Placement® Curriculum Framework: AP Computer
Science Principles, published by The College Board
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International Baccalaureate Computer Science Standard Level
Credits: 2
Recommended prerequisites: Computer Science I, Algebra II.
Content requirements for IB Computer Science Standard Level are prescribed by the International
Baccalaureate Organization. Subject guides may be obtained from International Baccalaureate of
North America.
International Baccalaureate Computer Science Higher Level
TSDS PEIMS Code: I3580310 (Math), I3580320 (LOTE) (IBTACSHLM, IBTACSHLL)
Credits: 2
Recommended prerequisites: Computer Science I, Algebra II.
Content requirements for IB Computer Science Higher Level are prescribed by the International
Baccalaureate Organization. Subject guides may be obtained from International Baccalaureate of
North America.
International Baccalaureate Information Technology in a
Global Society Standard Level
Credits: 2
Recommended prerequisites: Computer Science I, Algebra II.
Content requirements for IB Information Technology in a Global Society Standard Level are
prescribed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Subject guides may be obtained from
International Baccalaureate of North America.
International Baccalaureate Information Technology in a
Global Society Higher Level
Credits: 2
Recommended prerequisites: Computer Science I, Algebra II
Content requirements for IB Information Technology in a Global Society Higher Level are
prescribed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Subject guides may be obtained from
International Baccalaureate of North America.
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Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering Program II-IV
N1303753 (TXPRENG2)
N1303754 (TXPRENG3)
N1303755 (TXPRENG4)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1 per course
The Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering Program (TexPREP) was established in 1979 at The
University of Texas at San Antonio as the San Antonio Pre-Freshman Engineering Program
(SAPREP). Beginning in 1986, SAPREP was replicated throughout Texas as TexPREP. TexPREP is
offered as a formal out-of-school-time (OST) experience across four summers as students
progress from TexPREP II through TexPREP IV. The mission of the program is to motivate and
prepare middle and high school students for success in advanced studies leading to careers in
science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM). Students receive 140+ contact hours
each summer. Over the three-year period students take a series of classes. Specific course
content is enhanced by experiences designed to promote a clear understanding of how
mathematical concepts are applied in STEM fields.
Practicum in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
13037400 (First Time Taken) (PRCSTEM1)
13037410 (Second Time Taken) (PRCSTEM2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: Algebra l and Geometry.
Recommended Prerequisites: two Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Career Cluster credits.
Practicum in STEM is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously
studied knowledge and skills.
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Practicum in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics/Extended Practicum in Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics
13037405 (First Time Taken) (EXPRSTEM1)
13037415 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRSTEM2)
Grade Placement: 12
Credit: 3
Prerequisites: Algebra l and Geometry.
Recommended Prerequisites: two Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Career Cluster credits.
Corequisite: Practicum in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Career Cluster
Extended Practicum in STEM is designed to give students supervised practical application of
previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations
appropriate to the nature and level of experience.
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Table of Contents
Principles of Distribution and Logistics
Introduction to Transportation Technology
Principles of Maritime Science
Concepts of Distribution and Logistics Technology
Logistics Engineering
Introduction to Shipboard Engineering
Advanced Shipboard Engineering
Maritime Science I
Maritime Science II
Introduction to Aerospace and Aviation
Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Aviation Ground School
Small Engine Technology l
Small Engine Technology ll
Automotive Basics
Automotive Technology l: Maintenance and Light Repair
Automotive Technology ll: Automotive Service
Advanced Transportation Systems Laboratory
Introduction to Aircraft Technology
Aircraft Airframe Technology
Aircraft Powerplant Technology
Basic Collision Repair and Refinishing
Collision Repair
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Paint and Refinishing
Diesel Equipment Technology l
Diesel Equipment Technology ll
Energy and Power of Transportation Systems
Management of Transportation Systems
Distribution and Logistics
Practicum in Transportation Systems
Practicum in Distribution and Logistics
Practicum in Transportation Systems/Extended Practicum in Transportation Systems
Practicum in Distribution and Logistics/Extended Practicum in Distribution and Logistics
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Principles of Transportation Systems
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039250 (PRINTRSY)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Prerequisite: None.
In Principles of Transportation Systems, students will gain knowledge and skills in the safe
application, design, production, and assessment of products, services, and systems. This
knowledge includes the history, laws and regulations, and common practices used in the
transportation industry. Students should apply knowledge and skills in the application, design, and
production of technology as it relates to the transportation industries. This course allows students
to reinforce, apply, and transfer their academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting
and relevant activities, problems, and settings.
Principles of Distribution and Logistics
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039260 (PRINDILG)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
In Principles of Distribution and Logistics, students will gain knowledge and skills in the safe
application, design, production, and assessment of products, services, and systems. This
knowledge includes the history, laws and regulations, and common practices used in the logistics
of warehousing and transportation systems. Students should apply knowledge and skills in the
application, design, and production of technology as it relates to distribution and logistics
industries. This course allows students to reinforce, apply, and transfer their academic knowledge
and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems, and settings
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Introduction to Transportation Technology
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039270 (INTRTEC)
Grade Placement: 9–10
Credit: .5
Prerequisite: None.
Introduction to Transportation Technology includes knowledge of the major automotive systems
and the principles of diagnosing and servicing these systems. Transportation Technology includes
applicable safety and environmental rules and regulations. In Transportation Technology, students
will gain knowledge and skills in the repair, maintenance, and diagnosis of transportation systems.
This study will allow students to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a
variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems, and settings. The focus of this course is to
teach safety, tool identification, proper tool use, and employability.
Principles of Maritime Science
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1304661 (PRMSCI)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
The Principles of Maritime Science course is designed to instruct students in the principles of
maritime science as outlined by the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) directly related to the
National Maritime Center and the Merchant Mariner Credentialing Program. Students enrolled in
this course will identify career opportunities, skills, abilities, tools, certifications, and safety
measures for sea based maritime careers. Students will also understand components, systems,
equipment, production and safety regulations associated with maritime industries. A baseline
understanding of ships and maritime systems is developed to support assessment of the impact,
benefit, and risk of decisions involving the design, acquisition, operation, regulation, law
enforcement, damage control, maintenance, and salvage of ships and maritime systems. This
course will also inform students on the most effective and efficient manners to assure a safe,
economically efficient, and environmentally sound maritime system with the intent to lead to
advanced coursework in maritime studies in later grades. This course aligns with Chapter 130,
Subchapter P: Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics.
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Concepts of Distribution and Logistics Technology
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
In Concepts of Distribution and Logistics Technology, students will gain knowledge and skills in
safe application, design, and assessment of technologies used in the supply chain and logistics
industries. The students will apply knowledge and skills in using standard and emerging
technologies in the field of logistics. This course allows students to understand, apply, and
simulate the new technologies of distribution and logistics. The Concepts of Distribution and
Logistics Technology course will provide students with a broader basis for understanding the
technology of managing, storing, shipping, and receiving different materials. These technologies
will include data base tracking and delivering software, equipment, and services used in the field.
The course will develop the students’ knowledge of distribution, logistics, and the supply chain.
Logistics Engineering
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1303801 (LOGENG)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Principles of Distribution and Logistics and Distribution and Logistics.
The purpose of the Logistics Engineering course is to prepare students for supply chain
management (SCM) and logistics professions and required certifications/post-secondary education
requirements for each. The main goal of this course is to provide a pathway for high school
students to learn core competencies as identified by the local SCM and logistics industry and post-
secondary institutions. The central focus of the Logistics Engineering course is to provide
instruction which can lead to various workforce-preparation degree programs that support
employment in the manufacturing, transportation, distribution, supply chain management and
logistics industries.
Introduction to Shipboard Engineering
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1304666 (INTSE)
Grade Placement: 10-12
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Maritime Science.
Introduction to Shipboard Engineering is designed to provide training for entry-level employment
and/or a basis for continuing education in shipboard engineering and merchant mariner
credentialing. This course will build on the foundational knowledge previously acquired in the
Principles of Maritime Science course. Shipboard engineering includes knowledge of the functions,
troubleshooting, maintenance and repair of the systems and components of maritime engines
such as centrifuge engines, outboards, and portable dewatering pumps. In addition, students will
receive instruction in safety, emergency procedures, and shipboard auxiliary systems.
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Advanced Shipboard Engineering
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1304667 (ADVSE)
Grade: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Introduction to Shipboard Engineering.
The Advanced Shipboard Engineering course includes advanced knowledge of the function,
design, and relationships of the systems and components of propulsion and habitability systems.
This course will build on knowledge and skills established in the Principles of Maritime Science and
Introduction to Shipboard Engineering courses. This course is designed to provide advanced
training for employment, licensures, or post-secondary degree programs in the shipboard
engineering industry. Instruction includes functions and components of cooling, fuel, lubricating,
electrical, air conditioning and refrigeration, propulsion, and mechanical systems of maritime
diesel engines. In addition, the students will receive instruction in safety, engine instruments, and
environmental compliance.
Maritime Science I
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1304662 (MSCI1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Maritime Science.
Maritime Science I provides training for entry-level employment and a basis for continuing
education in deck and piloting careers and merchant mariner credentialing. Students will build on
the foundational knowledge acquired in the Principles of Maritime Science course. Maritime
Science I will instruct students in progressing aspects of vessel piloting and navigation, safety of
life at sea, voyage planning, shipboard damage control and marine pollution. Specifically, students
will understand safety expectations, laws, and environmental and human factors involved in the
maritime industry. The course focuses on lab assignments and simulator experiences to reinforce
critical-thinking and decision-making skills in navigation, ship handling, collision avoidance, and
risk assessment and mitigation. Navigation instruction, including chart preparation, various
distance, speed, and time relationships, positioning techniques, calculation of tides and currents,
and voyage planning, and aids to navigation, will be explored. Students will learn basic shipboard
damage control actions required in the event of shipboard casualties, search and rescue,
advancements, collateral duties, and other personnel management issues.
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Maritime Science II
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1304663 (MSCI2)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Maritime Science.
Prerequisite: Maritime Science I.
After successful completion of Principles of Maritime Science and Maritime Science I, students
may participate in the course, Maritime Science II. Students will develop new skills such as
advanced navigation coordination; collision avoidance; briefing the command; electronic
navigation theory; basic, routine, and emergency ship handling procedures; external
communications; and other relevant knowledge, skills, and techniques. Upon successful
completion of this course, students will be able to plan and execute safe vessel navigation.
Students will exhibit knowledge of all bridge navigation (TRANSAS, ECDIS, and Paper Charts)
equipment and procedures. Using case studies and real world simulations, students will identify
the contributing factors involved in maritime accidents.
Introduction to Aerospace and Aviation
Grade Placement: 9–11
Credit: 1
The Introduction to Aerospace and Aviation course will provide the foundation for advanced
exploration in the areas of professional pilot, aerospace engineering, and unmanned aircraft
systems. Students will learn about the history of aviation, from Leonardo da Vinci’s ideas about
flight to the Wright brothers and the space race. Along the way students will learn about the
innovations and technological developments that have made today’s aviation and aerospace
industries possible. The course includes engineering practices, the design process, aircraft
structure, space vehicles past and present, and a look toward future space exploration. Students
will also learn about the wide variety of exciting and rewarding careers available to them. The
Introduction to Aerospace and Aviation course will inspire students to consider aviation and other
aerospace careers while laying the foundation for continued study in grades 10-12.
Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Transportation Systems
The Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Flight course is designed to prepare students
for entry-level employment or continuing education in piloting UAV operations. Principles of UAV is
designed to instruct students in UAV flight navigation, industry laws and regulations, and safety
regulations. Students are also exposed to mission planning procedures, environmental factors,
and human factors involved in the UAV industry.
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Aviation Ground School
TSDS PEIMS Code: N1304675 (AVIAGS)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Recommended prerequisites: Algebra I, Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Introduction to
Aircraft Technology, or Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) II.
This course is designed to extend student interests in all aspects of aviation while preparing
students to take the formal ground requisite exam for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
FAA Airman Knowledge Test which is required to obtain a private pilot’s license. The rigor of the
course challenges students with complex aeronautical, engineering, weather, management and
judgement concepts. Rules, regulations, obligations, and commitments to discipline and focus are
foundational throughout the course. The ability to grasp flight without actually flying a real aircraft
extends well beyond the classroom as students learn navigation, weather science, attention to
detail (mathematical fuel and load planning), health and mental well-being related to flight
planning and piloting aircraft.
Small Engine Technology l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13040000 (SMENTEC1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None
Small Engine Technology I includes knowledge of the function and maintenance of the systems
and components of all types of small engines such as outdoor power equipment, motorcycles,
generators, and irrigation engines. This course is designed to provide training for employment in
the small engine technology industry. Instruction includes the repair and service of cooling, air,
fuel, lubricating, electrical, ignition, and mechanical systems. In addition, the student will receive
instruction in safety, academic, and leadership skills as well as career opportunities.
Small Engine Technology ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13040100 (SMENTEC2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Small Engine Technology l.
Small Engine Technology II includes advanced knowledge of the function, diagnosis, and service
of the systems and components of all types of small engines such as outdoor power equipment,
motorcycles, generators, and irrigation engines. This course is designed to provide hands-on and
practical application for employment in the small engine technology industry. Instruction includes
the repair and service of cooling, air, fuel, lubricating, electrical, ignition, and mechanical systems
and small engine overhauls. In addition, students will receive instruction in safety, academic, and
leadership skills as well as career opportunities.
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Automotive Basics
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039550 (AUTOBASC)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Automotive Basics includes knowledge of the basic automotive systems and the theory and
principles of the components that make up each system and how to service these systems.
Automotive Basics includes applicable safety and environmental rules and regulations. In
Automotive Basics, students will gain knowledge and skills in the repair, maintenance, and
servicing of vehicle systems. This study allows students to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic
knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems, and settings. The
focus of this course is to teach safety, tool identification, proper tool use, and employability.
Automotive Technology l: Maintenance and Light Repair
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039600 (AUTOTEC1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Automotive Basics.
Automotive Technology I: Maintenance and Light Repair includes knowledge of the major
automotive systems and the principles of diagnosing and servicing these systems. This course
includes applicable safety and environmental rules and regulations. In Automotive Technology I:
Maintenance and Light Repair, students will gain knowledge and skills in the repair, maintenance,
and diagnosis of vehicle systems. This study will allow students to reinforce, apply, and transfer
academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems, and
settings. The focus of this course is to teach safety, tool identification, proper tool use, and
Automotive Technology ll: Automotive Service
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039700 (AUTOTEC2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: Automotive Technology l: Maintenance and Light Repair.
Automotive Technology II: Automotive Service includes knowledge of the major
automotive systems and the principles of diagnosing and servicing these systems.
Automotive Technology II: Automotive Service includes applicable safety and environmental rules
and regulations. In this course, students will gain knowledge and skills in the repair, maintenance,
and diagnosis of vehicle systems. This study will allow students to reinforce, apply, and transfer
academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems, and
settings. The focus of this course is to teach safety, tool identification, proper tool use, and
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Advanced Transportation Systems Laboratory
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039510 (AIRPLAB)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: A minimum of one credit from the courses in the Transportation,
Distribution, and Logistics Career Cluster.
Corequisites: Automotive Technology ll: Automotive Services, Diesel Equipment Technology ll,
Collision Repair, Paint and Refinishing, Aircraft Airframe Technology, or Aircraft Powerplant
Advanced Transportation Systems Laboratory provides the opportunity to extend knowledge of
the major transportation systems and the principles of diagnosing and servicing these systems.
Topics in this course may include alternative fuels such as hybrid, bio diesel, hydrogen,
compressed natural gas (CNG), liquidized natural gas (LNG), propane, and solar; total electric
vehicles and power trains; advanced transportation systems such as collision avoidance,
telematics, vehicle stability control, navigation, vehicle-to-vehicle communications; and other
technologies. This study will allow students to have an increased understanding of science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics in all aspects of these systems. This will reinforce,
apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of relevant activities, problems,
and settings.
Aircraft Airframe Technology/Advanced Transportation Systems Laboratory
Aircraft Powerplant Technology/Advanced Transportation Systems Laboratory
Automotive Technology ll: Automotive
Services/Advanced Transportation Systems Laboratory
Collision Repair/Advanced Transportation Systems Laboratory
Paint and Refinishing/Advanced Transportation Systems Laboratory
Diesel Equipment Technology ll/Advanced Transportation Systems Laboratory
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Introduction to Aircraft Technology
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039350 (INAIRTEC)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Introduction to Aircraft Technology is designed to teach the theory of operation of aircraft
airframes, powerplants, and associated maintenance and repair practices. Maintenance and repair
practices include knowledge of the function, diagnosis, and service, airframe structures, airframe
systems and components, powerplant theory and maintenance, and powerplant systems and
components of aircraft. Industry recognized professional licensures, certifications, and
registrations are available for students who meet the requirements set forth by the accrediting
Aircraft Airframe Technology
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039400 (AIRAFTEC)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Introduction to Aircraft Technology.
Aircraft Airframe Technology is designed to teach the theory of operation of aircraft airframes and
associated maintenance and repair practices. Airframe maintenance and repair practices include
knowledge of the function, diagnosis, and service of airframe structures, systems, and
components of aircraft.
Aircraft Powerplant Technology
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039500 (AIRPPTEC)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Introduction to Aircraft Technology.
Aircraft Powerplant Technology is designed to teach the theory of operation of aircraft
powerplants and associated maintenance and repair practices. Powerplant maintenance and repair
practices include knowledge of the theory, function, diagnosis, and service of powerplant,
systems, and components of aircraft. Industry-recognized professional licensures, certifications,
and registrations are available for students who meet the requirements set forth by the
accrediting organization.
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Basic Collision Repair and Refinishing
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039750 (BASCOLRR)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Basic Collision Repair and Refinishing includes knowledge of the processes, technologies, and
materials used in the reconstruction of vehicles. This course is designed to teach the concepts and
theory of systems related to automotive collision repair and refinishing.
Collision Repair
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039800 (COLLISR)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Basic Collision Repair and Refinishing.
Collision Repair includes knowledge of the processes, technologies, and materials used in the
reconstruction of vehicles. This course is designed to teach the concepts and theory of systems
related to automotive collision repair and refinishing.
Paint and Refinishing
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039900 (PAINTREF)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisites: Basic Collision Repair and Refinishing or Collision Repair.
Paint and Refinishing includes knowledge of the processes, technologies, and materials
used in the reconstruction of vehicles. This course is designed to teach the concepts and
theory of systems related to automotive paint and refinishing.
Diesel Equipment Technology l
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13040150 (DIEQTEC1)
Grade Placement: 9–12
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Diesel Equipment Technology I includes knowledge of the function and maintenance of diesel
systems. Rapid advances in diesel technology have created new career opportunities and
demands in the transportation industry. This course provides the knowledge, skills, and
technologies required for employment in transportation systems.
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Diesel Equipment Technology ll
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13040160 (DIEQTEC2)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: Diesel Equipment Technology l.
Diesel Equipment Technology II includes knowledge of the function, diagnosis, and service of
diesel equipment systems. Rapid advances in diesel technology have created new career
opportunities and demands in the transportation industry. This course provides the advanced
knowledge, skills, and technologies required for employment in transportation systems.
Energy and Power of Transportation Systems
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13039300 (EPTSYS)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Transportation Systems.
Energy and Power of Transportation Systems will prepare students to meet the expectations of
employers in this industry and to interact and relate to others. Students will learn the technologies
used to provide products and services in a timely manner. The businesses and industries of the
Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics career cluster are rapidly expanding to provide new
career and career advancement opportunities.
Performance requirements will include academic and technical skills. Students will need to
understand the interaction between various vehicle systems, including engines, transmissions,
brakes, fuel, cooling, and electrical. Students will also need to understand the logistics used to
move goods and services to consumers, as well as the components of transportation
Management of Transportation Systems
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13040200 (MNGTRSY)
Grade Placement: 1012
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Transportation Systems.
In Management of Transportation Systems, students will gain knowledge and skills in material
handling and distribution and proper application, design, and production of technology as it
relates to the transportation industries. This course includes the safe operation of tractor-trailers,
forklifts, and related heavy equipment. This course will allow students to reinforce, apply, and
transfer their academic knowledge and skills to management of transportation systems and
associated careers.
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Distribution and Logistics
TSDS PEIMS Code: 13040300 (DISTLGS)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None.
Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Distribution and Logistics.
Distribution and Logistics is designed to provide training for entry-level employment in distribution
and logistics. This course focuses on the business planning and management aspects of
distribution and logistics. To prepare for success, students will learn, reinforce, experience, apply,
and transfer their knowledge and skills related to distribution and logistics.
Practicum in Transportation Systems
13040450 (First Time Taken) (PRACTRS1)
13040460 (Second Time Taken) (PRACTRS2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Practicum in Transportation Systems is designed to give students supervised practical application
of knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to
the nature and level of experience such as internships, mentorships, independent study, or
laboratories. The Practicum can be either school lab based or worked based.
Practicum in Distribution and Logistics
13040470 (First Time Taken) (PRACDLG1)
13040480 (Second Time Taken) (PRACDLG2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 2
Prerequisite: None.
Practicum in Distribution and Logistics is designed to give students supervised practical application
of knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to
the nature and level of experience such as internships, mentorships, independent study, or
laboratories. The Practicum can be either school lab based or work based.
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Practicum in Transportation Systems/Extended Practicum in
Transportation Systems
13040455 (First Time Taken) (EXPRTRS1)
13040465 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRTRS2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: Practicum in Transportation Systems.
Extended Practicum in Transportation Systems is designed to give students supervised practical
application of knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations
appropriate to the nature and level of experience such as internships, mentorships, independent
study, or laboratories. Extended Practicum in Transportation Systems can be either school lab
based or worked based.
Practicum in Distribution and Logistics/Extended Practicum in
Distribution and Logistics
13040475 (First Time Taken) (EXPRDLG1)
13040485 (Second Time Taken) (EXPRDLG2)
Grade Placement: 1112
Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: Practicum in Distribution and Logistics.
Extended Practicum in Distribution and Logistics is designed to give students supervised practical
application of knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations
appropriate to the nature and level of experience such as internships, mentorships, independent
study, or laboratories. Extended Practicum in Distribution and Logistics can be either school lab
based or work based.