The term ‘adherence’ is often used incorrectly and synonymously
with the term ‘compliance’.
Compliance is the extent to which
a patient’s behaviour coincides with the medical prescription
and recommendations.
Adherence, on the other hand, refers
to the willingness and ability of patients to follow health-related
advice, to take medication as prescribed, to attend scheduled
appointments, and to complete recommended investigations.
Compliance implies an obligation on the part of the patient to
blindly follow the practitioner’s instructions, while adherence
implies a therapeutic alliance with the practitioner. Previously
patients were classified as either adherent or non-adherent but
now it is more evident that there is a continuum, with many
patients showing some degree of adherence.
Patients with psychiatric disorders show a greater degree of
non-adherence to treatment than those with physical disorders.
The adherence rates range from 40 - 70% to 60 - 92% in the
respective disorders. About 30% of all patients with psychiatric
disorders discontinue their medication in the first month and 44%
discontinue it within the first 3 months of initiation of treatment.
The recent CATIE (Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention
Effectiveness) study
reports that patients on antipsychotics
discontinue their assigned treatment because of inefficacy and
intolerable side-effects of medication. In total, 74% of the 1 493
schizophrenia patients recruited discontinued their assigned study
medication within 18 months of initiation. Of the newer atypical
antipsychotics, olanzapine was found to be the most effective in
terms of the rates of discontinuation compared with quetiapine,
risperidone, and ziprasidone and conventional antipsychotic
agents. Because of high discontinuation rates, the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Disorders (DSM IV TR)
has included
‘non-compliance’ as a condition that may be a focus for clinical
Non-adherence to treatment in general may manifest in the form
of failure to begin a treatment programme, premature cessation
of treatment, missed clinic appointments, refusal to enter hospital,
and incomplete adherence to instructions.
More specifically,
non-adherence to medication may take the form of failure to fill
a prescription, refusal to take medication, stopping medication
prematurely, taking medication at the wrong times or taking the
incorrect dosage.
Consequently, non-adherence with medication
is more difficult to detect than non-adherence to treatment, with
the result that the problem is not addressed.
A great deal of psychiatric care takes place in the community
setting, and involves patients with chronic mental disorders. Their
adherence to treatment cannot always be guaranteed and this
may lead to relapses and re-hospitalisation.
Relapses may
also lead to acts of deliberate self-harm, serious social problems
and the ‘revolving door’ phenomenon.
Weiden et al.
postulated that a hypothetical medication that improves efficacy
and adherence by 50% could lead to a 37% reduction in re-
hospitalisation costs. Partial adherence is also a strong predictor
of treatment outcome
and is associated with reduced functioning
and quality of life, even in patients who do not relapse.
Aside from relapse and re-hospitalisation, non-adherence
to treatment greatly compromises the efficiency, quality and
promptness of care of the community staff. It carries a major direct
cost of increased in-hospital treatment and an indirect cost of
patient or carer absenteeism from work.
Further, these effects are
borne not only by the mental health service, but also by the family
and wider community.
Almost half of these costs could be saved
through strategies directed at improving adherence.
the purpose of this article was to look at the various forms of
assessing adherence, the factors associated with adherence, and
ways in which to improve adherence.
Treatment adherence
M Y H Moosa, MMedPsych, FCPsych, MCFP
F Y Jeenah, MMedPsych
N Kazadi, MD
Department of Neurosciences, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Patients with psychiatric illnesses show a greater degree of
non-adherence than those with physical disorders. Adherence
to treatment may be assessed using biological measurements,
clinician ratings, patient self-report, pill count, caregiver reports
and side-effects of medication. Reasons cited for non-adherence
include factors related to the treatment, patient-related factors,
health care, and socio-economic circumstances. It is important
not to make prejudicial predictions of non-adherence based
on these factors, or the use non-adherence as an excuse to
blame the patient for an unfavourable outcome. Rather, non-
adherence should be seen not only as the patient’s inability
to follow treatment recommendations but also as the health
system's failure to provide adequate care and to meet the
patient’s needs.
Volume 13 No. 2 June 2007 - SAJP
Volume 13 No. 2 June 2007 - SAJP
Assessment of adherence
Adherence to treatment may be assessed using biological
measurements, clinician ratings, patient self-report, pill count,
caregiver reports and side-effects of medication.
Biological measurements
This is a direct method of assessing adherence through the
presence of the medication or its metabolites in serum or urine
samples. This method is reliable for measuring adherence to
medication but it is also inconvenient and expensive.
patients may object to giving blood specimens, regarding these
as unnecessary and intrusive.
Clinician ratings
The clinician’s subjective rating of the patient’s response to
treatment is another method of assessing adherence. This method
has not proved to be accurate. Outcomes of therapy may be
reliable only for certain forms of medication (e.g. anticonvulsants
that lower the number of seizures, etc.). For most other forms of
treatment this approach is not sufficiently sensitive or ineffective.
Patient self-report
The most commonly used method is an interview. Other methods
are daily records, charts, or graphs. Generally these methods rely
on the patient’s memory, e.g. a patient is asked how many doses
were missed in the last day, 2 days or 2 weeks. Non-adherence
rates are higher and often inaccurate where longer recall times
are used. Responses are also influenced by the patients’ desire
to provide socially acceptable answers, particularly when the
interviewer is a health worker whose role has been to exhort
patients to adhere. Other inaccuracies may result from imprecise
or inconsistent questioning.
Pill count
This method involves either a standard pill count or use of drug
packs with a built-in counting system. The pill count system
requires that patients co-operate in bringing their pills to the health
visits. Pill counts tend to show increased adherence as it may be
that patients dispose of their medication rather than taking it.
The medication event-monitoring system, with a micro-processor
in the cap of the drug container, records when the container is
opened. However, this requires that patients only remove one
dose at a time. Moreover, it is argued that the caps only measure
bottle opening and not actual medication ingestion. Both methods
require that the patients do not share their pills.
Caregiver reports
This method involves utilising the observations of relatives,
housemates or caregivers for the adherence data, and may be
Side-effects of medication
The presence of side-effects is a limited way of showing
adherence as patients are often unreliable in reporting side-
effects. This is supported by the occurrence of side-effects when
patients are taking placebo in double-blind control trials.
Factors associated with non-
The World Health Organization (WHO)
cited the following
reasons for non-adherence, viz. discomfort resulting from treatment,
costs of treatment, personal value judgement/religious/cultural
beliefs about the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment,
maladaptive personality traits, and the presence of a co-morbid
mental disorder. Factors influencing non-adherence may be
broadly categorised into factors related to the treatment, patient-
related factors, health care, and socio-economic circumstances.
Treatment-related factors
Adherence is influenced by the patient’s acceptance of the
the length of treatments, previous treatment failures,
frequent change of treatments and whether treatment is inpatient
or outpatient.
Patients usually respond to treatment with a single
drug, although the use of polypharmacology is acceptable when
switching drugs or in the case of augmentation.
Complex treatment regimens are less user-friendly
lead to unpleasant side-effects (extrapyramidal, sexual, and
metabolic disturbances) which cause subjective distress and
In the black population of southern Africa
cultural and social beliefs and attitudes towards treatment are
cited as reasons for non-adherence.
Strategies to address treatment-related factors
Clinicians must reduce the complexity, duration and the cost
to the patient of treatment regimens. This must be followed up
with education on the nature and possible untoward effects of
the treatment, and continuous monitoring and reassessment of
treatment to decrease the likelihood of missed appointments.
The general consensus is that depot antipsychotic agents are
more effective than their oral equivalents in that they increase
Volume 13 No. 2 June 2007 - SAJP
adherence and reduce relapse rates.
As depot treatment must
be given by a health care professional, any lack of adherence will
be detected immediately and with certainty. Further, as the rate of
decline in serum drug levels is lower with depot formulations,
missing a depot injection is potentially less serious than missing
doses of oral medication.
However, physicians have a number of misconceptions
about depot medication, viz. that they are old-fashioned and
that they should only be used to treat patients who
are considered ‘incurable’, and that they have a higher incidence
of side-effects than oral medication.
This is compounded by the
belief that patients will not accept depot medication,
and that
patients are fearful of injections and feel that depot medication is
‘controlling’ or ‘humiliating’.
These misconceptions have been
It must be highlighted, though, that conventional
depot antipsychotics are associated with an inferior safety
and are less efficacious in managing negative
than atypical depots. As a long-acting atypical depot,
Risperdal Consta has the potential to further increase adherence
and thereby improve the long-term prognosis of patients with
Patient-related factors
These include factors such as age, sex, and social status. The
non-adherent patient is more likely to be younger,
of lower
socio-economic status and to have a lower level of education.
Other factors include forgetfulness, anxiety about side-effects,
inadequate knowledge, lack of insight, lack of motivation, fear of
being stigmatised, lack of financial resources, and dual diagnosis
of schizophrenia and substance abuse.
The presence of
paranoid delusions, grandiosity, cognitive impairment and
disorganised behaviour also increases the risk of medication non-
Insight implies that patients judge some of their perceptual
experiences, cognitive processes, emotions, or behaviours to be
pathological in a manner that is congruent with the judgement of
involved mental health professionals. Patients with insight believe
they need treatment, perceive the benefits of the treatment
are therefore usually adherent to treatment. Alternatively, those
lacking insight have been reported to be highly associated with
Improvements in insight are linked to improved
adherence, greater expressed willingness to take medication and
less likehood of hospitalisation.
Stigma results from negative attitudes, separation between
‘us’ and ‘them’, status loss, and discrimination. The fear of
being stigmatised may lead the patient, family, caregivers and
neighbours to deny symptoms and illness and to search for others
explanations for the disorder.
Many patients with psychiatric
illness are likely to consult traditional healers before, during or
after the course of their treatment, making it important to explore
the cultural meaning and discuss patient concerns on these
Strategies to address patient-related factors
Educational strategies to improve adherence are based on the view
that poor adherence is linked to insufficient information. Psycho-
educational strategies aim to both motivate and educate patients
regarding their illness and treatment.
Patients must understand
what is expected of them because often written information alone
is insufficient in long-term therapy. Reminder schedules, pharmacy-
generated refill reminders and special medication containers or
packaging have been shown to improve adherence significantly.
Patients should also learn about self-management (behavioural
and educational). This requires a co-ordinated effort by the mental
health team and the other agencies and carers involved with the
patient. Evidence-based practice suggests that education must be
a responsibility shared by clinicians and patients.
Health care-related factors
Poor patient-health care provider relationships may cause poor
adherence. Failure of physicians to establish good rapport with
patients may determine much of the effectiveness of care.
good therapeutic alliance with a doctor who is enthusiastic about
treatment and its outcome will ensure better adherence.
patient’s perception of the physician’s interest in him or her as a
person is the best predictor of adherence,
and regular contact
is necessary. However, the development of negative counter-
transference may destroy the patient-physician alliance and result
in poor adherence.
Other factors that might impact negatively on adherence include
poorly developed services, poor medication distribution systems,
poor staff training, overworked health care providers, poor
capacity to educate patients and to provide continuity of care,
and inability to establish community supports. Long waiting
periods between first contact and initial appointment,
of continuity and poor liaison between the hospital and the
outpatient teams may be associated with aftercare and treatment
An active and interested attitude by all staff is essential
for success.
Strategies to address health care-related factors
Health care providers must be aware of and concerned with the
extent of patient non-adherence and its effects on quality of care.
Volume 13 No. 2 June 2007 - SAJP
They should be educated on the use of medicines, management
of disease in conjunction with patients, multidisciplinary care, and
should be trained in monitoring adherence. Early identification of
signs of aggravation of the condition or co-morbidities that affect
adherence is essential.
Attendance at initial and subsequent clinic appointments can be
improved by shortening waiting times, telephone reminders and
letter prompts.
The referring professional from the emergency
service should make the initial contact with the receiving agency
and, if possible, obtain an appointment for the patient.
and hospitals should have a flexible and accommodating intake
procedure to facilitate the referral process.
Aftercare appointments should be scheduled before patients are
discharged, and the time interval between the discharge and first
outpatient appointment must be minimal.
Treatment dropouts
could be reduced by orientating the patient on initial contact,
introducing treatment early and making the goals of treatment
realistic. For certain groups of patients such as the chronically
mentally ill, treatment may need to be delivered wherever they
are, such as in their homes or hostels.
Factors related to socio-economic
These include suboptimal socio-economic conditions, level
of education and literacy, unstable or poor living conditions,
access to clinics (long distance from the centre, high cost of
transport), support system, and stigmas and attitudes associated
with suffering from a mental disorder. The availability of support
in the form of family, friends, or caregivers to assist or supervise
medication is associated with increased outpatient adherence to
Strategies to address patient-related factors
Improving the support system by getting the family involved in
management of the patient, empowering them with educational
and behavioural techniques, and improving patient living
conditions will improve adherence.
It is important not to make prejudicial predictions of non-adherence
based on patient characteristics or to use non-adherence as an
excuse to blame the patient for an unfavourable outcome. From
a systemic point of view, non-adherence can be seen not only as
the patient’s inability to follow treatment recommendations, but
also as the health system's failure to provide adequate care and
to meet the patient’s needs. Adherence is a major health issue
with outcomes related to levels of morbidity, mortality and cost-
utilisation, and as such every effort should be made to improve
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