June 2023
Formal Specifications and Guidelines for Seminar Papers,
Bachelor and Master Theses and other Assignments for the
Group Marketing, Management/Organization, and
Innovation Management
Title of the paper
Submitted by
First Name Last Name
Matriculation Number
To obtain the Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree at the Department of Economic Sciences and
Media at Technische Universität Ilmenau
Ilmenau, 12.06.2023
Supervisor: (Title. Name of supervisor)
Group: (Management/Organization/Marketing/Innovation Management)
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................... IV
List of Figures ................................................................................................................. V
List of Tables ................................................................................................................. VI
Summary/Abstract ...................................................................................................... VII
1 Preliminary Remarks ............................................................................................ 1
2 Size and Submission of the Paper ........................................................................ 2
3 Notes on Formatting .............................................................................................. 3
3.1 APA Standards ............................................................................................... 3
3.2 Deviations from the APA Standards .............................................................. 3
4 Notes for Citation .................................................................................................. 4
4.1 APA Standards ............................................................................................... 4
4.2 Direct and Indirect Citation ........................................................................... 4
4.3 Citation of Figures ......................................................................................... 6
5 Terminology Consistency ...................................................................................... 7
Bibliography .................................................................................................................... 8
Appendix (optional, only after consultation and agreement) ..................................... 9
Statement of Authorship .............................................................................................. 10
Non-Disclosure Notice (optional, only for practical work) ....................................... 11
Written papers should adhere to the recommendations in this document with regard to structure, page
numbering (Roman for indexes, otherwise Arabic) and formatting. Even the cover page is to be in
accordance with this document.
List of Abbreviations
CRM Customer Relationship Management
The abbreviations used in the written text have to be the ones that are common,
the ones that are customary within the field of study, and the ones in scientific journals.
All the abbreviations used in the paper have to be included in the abbreviations list. An
exception is for the abbreviations that are considered generally valid (“Can be found in
the dictionary”). These do not have to be enlisted in the abbreviations list (Examples:
“i.e.” and “e.g.”). You find an instruction to create a List of Abbreviations in Word in the
List of Figures
Figure 1: Individual Activities in the chair of Management/Organization ......... V
Figures and tables are to be integrated into the text. They must be labeled as
meaningful as possible and numbered consecutively. In the case of adopted figures, a
reference to the source is essential (see section 4.3). Figures and tables are not an end in
themselves, they have to contribute a useful addition to the text. Only such figures and
tables should be included in the paper that clarify the relationships explained in the text
and thus provide a clearer meaning and greater comprehensibility of the text. Therefore,
a particular attention should be paid to the embedment of figures and tables in the text.
Appropriate lists/directories must be created as soon as a figure or a table is added. You
find some instructions for Word in the Appendix.
Example Illustration
Figure 1
Teaching program Management/Organization Group
Notes. Please insert the notes and the citations here. For information regarding the citation
of figures see section 4.3.
See also https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/tables-figures/sample-figures.
List of Tables
Table 1 Title of the table.................................................................................. VI
Table 2 Volume and Submission of Assignments/Theses................................. 2
Table 3 Deviations from the APA Standards for Headings/Titles .................... 3
Table 4 Direct and Indirect Citation for English Language Papers ................... 5
Table 5 Examples for Citation Forms................................................................ 6
Table 6 Exemplary Citation of Figures ............................................................. 6
Example for a Table
Table 1
Title of the table
Lorem ipsum
Sit amet
consetetur sadipscing elitr
sed diam
sed diam
nonumy eirmod tempor
Notes. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod
tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.
See also https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/tables-figures/sample-tables.
For final theses, a short summary in German and English with a maximum of
2.400 characters each is to be prepared in accordance with the general provisions of the
bachelor’s and master's examination regulations of the TU Ilmenau. The abstract is
required for the registration of an evaluated thesis with the university library. The
registration is done by the author using the following link http://www.tu-
Keywords: Management/Organization, Marketing, Innovation Management
1 Preliminary Remarks
According to the examination regulations, a thesis is defined as an independent
scientific achievement. Therefore, we expect that your work meets scientific standards,
i.e., it creates knowledge. You can succeed in this if you, in particular, explore a question
using scientifically recognized methods on the basis of theory and take previous research
on the topic into account. Scientific papers in our fields are to be distinguished from
journalistic texts. While journalistic texts seek to provide information and entertainment,
scientific papers in our field should explicitly not entertain and only inform to a limited
This fundamental understanding of assignments and scientific papers, the
associated objectives, and the aspiration level underlie our fields as well as the
undergraduate and graduate research seminars, yet with lower aspiration level, especially
regarding the employed methods and originality of work.
We prepare you for writing your thesis in our undergraduate and graduate research
seminars. Anyone who has applied the scientific methods in their undergraduate research
seminars, bachelor thesis, and graduate research seminars is well prepared for the master
thesis. Conversely, those who still have not taken the first learning steps start their thesis
with a deficit.
To get an impression about how high-level scientific papers look like, you can
refer to articles in renowned international journals in the fields of marketing,
management/organization, or innovation management. Such level is to be strived for.
Conversely, you should explicitly not refer to articles in practice-oriented journals such
as the Manager Magazine or Harvard Business Review. Journals like this serve a
different purpose and often ignore scientific standards.
The following explanations serve as a guideline when preparing assignments
or scientific papers in management/organization, marketing and innovation management
groups at the TU Ilmenau. In cases of doubt about the formal requirements, the relevant
literature should be consulted.
2 Size and Submission of the Paper
The submission of undergraduate research seminars (for Bachelor students) and
graduate research seminars (for Master students) is determined individually. Bachelor and
master theses must be submitted in triplicate (three copies) to the examinations office of
the Department of Economic Sciences and Media. Additionally, on the submission date,
a digital version (either .doc or .docx or .pdf) must be submitted to the group by a data
medium or via e-mail. The volume of the theses depends on the type (conceptual-logical,
empirical, formal analytical etc.), see Table 2. In valid and justified exceptional cases it
is possible to ask for exceptions from this rule (in consultation with the supervisor!).
Cover page, title page, table of contents, any directories/lists, abstract,
explanations and notes as well as the bibliography and any appendices are not accounted
for as part of the volume of the assignment/thesis.
Table 2
Volume and Submission of Assignments/Theses
Type of Assignment
Number of Words
Number of Copies
Undergraduate Research Seminar
3.000 – 5.000
Graduate Research Seminar
5.000 – 7.000
Bachelor’s Thesis
8.000 – 10.000
Master’s Thesis
12.000 – 17.000
3 Notes on Formatting
3.1 APA Standards
The design of the assignments/scientific papers is built on the basis of the APA
standards. The specifications in the American Psychological Association (2020) apply
here. The information can be found online through the website:
3.2 Deviations from the APA Standards
Since the APA standards are designed for manuscript versions and not for the final
formatting of assignments, the following specific formatting and design requirements
The Times New Roman font should be used consistently in both of the body text
and the rest of the assignment/scientific paper (e.g., page numbers). Keywords can be
highlighted in either italics or bold. Use the automatic hyphenation and note the
requirements of (a) a left margin of 3.5 cm and (b) otherwise a margin of 2.5 cm.
For assignments and theses, a deviation from the APA standards is allowed in
respect of headings/titles. Decomposition is allowed up to four levels, depending on
subject and structure chosen. Further headings/titles and subdivisions should only be
added if they are necessary for differentiation. Headings/titles are also, unlike in the APA
standard, numbered. A format overview can be seen in Table 3 below.
Table 3
Deviations from the APA Standards for Headings/Titles
Heading/ Title Level
Level 1
1 Left-justified, bold, unified indent, 12pt
Level 2
1.1 Left-justified, bold, unified indent, 12pt
Level 3
1.1.1 Left-justified, bold, unified indent, 12pt
Level 4 Left-justified, bold, unified indent, 12pt
Justification, first line from the second paragraph indented with
unified indent (1,25 cm), 12 pt., line spacing 1,5 lines
Notes. Level 1 headings/titles may start on a new page (yet not necessarily).
4 Notes for Citation
4.1 APA Standards
The required citation follows the APA standard (7
edition) with a few
modifications. The associated book Publication manual of the American Psychological
Association (7
edition) (American Psychological Association, 2020) is available in the
library of TU Ilmenau under the number GWN CN 2500 P976(7).
General information is also available on the American Psychological Association
website: https://apastyle.apa.org/. We further recommend (a) the Style Guidelines by
Topic for a holistic overview of the topics to be considered and (b) the Quick Guides,
especially in respect of the citation: https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/reference-
Specific indications and examples for assignments/scientific papers for students
can be found in the following document, with the various forms of citation and
bibliography being particularly relevant:
4.2 Direct and Indirect Citation
Each adaptation of a thought or idea taken from external sources has to be marked.
You indicate this with a short reference in the written text, that refers to the complete
source in the table of contents.
Pay attention to the correct distinction between direct and indirect citations. A
Direct quotation is given if you use someone elses phrase verbatim. It is indicated by
quotation marks, followed by the short reference. Indirect quotation is used, if you adopt
someone else’s thoughts and ideas by using your own words
Deviating from the APA Style, indirect quotations have to marked with the
abbreviation “cf.(for confer) in the short references. Furthermore, the short references
must include the page number. We need the page number for reviewing your work and in
order to assess the originality of your work. For illustration see Table 4.
To differentiate correctly between direct and indirect quotation see the recommendations in the
Table 4
Direct and Indirect Citation for English Language Papers
Direct citation
(using someone elses phrase
word by word)
Indirect citation
(adopting someone else’s thoughts in
Short reference
(Chohan & Paschen, 2021, p. 2)
(cf. Chohan & Paschen, 2021, p. 2)
APA Standard
and Deviations
Add the page number and use
quotation marks
Add abbreviation cf. and the page
Example 1
When new technologies such as
NFTs emerge, they change how
businesses operate
(Chohan &
Paschen, 2021, p. 2).
The way companies operate is
influenced by NFTs, for instance (cf.
Chohan & Paschen, 2021, p. 2).
Example 2
A solution is a customized,
integrated combination of products,
services and information that solves
a customer’s problem” (Sawhney et
al., 2006, as cited in Tuli et al., 2007,
p. 4)
Suppliers create solutions for their
customers by combining customized
services and products (cf. Sawhney et
al., 2006, as cited in Tuli et al., 2007,
p. 4).
Take the citation very seriously! If you adopt someone’s thoughts and ideas
without giving the right references or copy the argumentation including the citations from
other authors, you will be failed.
You have to create your own argumentation based on the academic literature.
If you copy a sentence word by word and just change or phrasings minimally, it is still
not an indirect citation, as you can see in Table 5.
Citing secondary sources see https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/citations/secondary-
Table 5
Examples for Citation Forms
Example for …
Direct citation
When new technologies such as NFTs emerge, they
change how businesses operate(Chohan & Paschen, 2021,
p. 2).
Indirect citation
As Chohan and Paschen (2021) point out, new NFT
technologies will lead to significant changes in companies
regarding their way to operate (cf. Chohan & Paschen,
2021, p. 2).
Incorrect indirect
When new technologies like NFTs arise, they change how
businesses are working (cf. Chohan & Paschen, 2021, p. 2).
4.3 Citation of Figures
Figures can be very helpful for the reader's understanding. Therefore, they must
be embedded at relevant positions in the text. Figures are any kind of charts, graphs,
pictures, screenshots or other illustrations (except tables). Similar to sources in written
texts, figures also need to have a source reference. The source is given under the figure
in the notes. The correct citation depends on how much an original figure has been
modified. The possibilities are shown in Table 6.
Table 6
Exemplary Citation of Figures
Copy of a Figure
From Viio & Grönroos, 2016, p. 43.
Rebuild a Figure without modifications
(recommended to ensure readability)
From Viio & Grönroos, 2016, p. 43.
Rebuild a Figure with modifications
Based on Viio & Grönroos, 2016, p. 43.
Own Figure based on one or more sources
Based on Viio & Grönroos, 2016, p. 43; Quinton
& Simkin, 2016, p. 468.
Own Figure
No citation is necessary, even not “own figure”
Notes. In case of uncertainty, please consult your supervisor.
5 Terminology Consistency
In terms of formality and content, terminological consistency is essential for good
assignments/scientific papers. All key terms related to the topic should be clearly defined,
delimited, and utilized in accordance with the chosen definitions. Furthermore, it is
paramount to ensure spelling consistency (e.g., company or firm). Exceptions are
attributed to direct quotations. Use the tense in present during the whole paper, except for
the methodological part. To describe the used method the tense simple past or past
progressive are required.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association. The official guide to APA style (7
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Chohan, R., & Paschen, J. (2021). NFT marketing: How marketers can use nonfungible
tokens in their campaigns. Business Horizons, 66(1), 43-50.
Tuli, K. R., Kohli, A. K., & Bharadwaj, S. G. (2007). Rethinking Customer Solutions.
From Product Bundles to Relational Processes. Journal of Marketing, 71(3), 1-
17. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.71.3.001
Appendix (optional, only after consultation and agreement)
Here you can find some instructions for creating a List of Abbreviations, List of
Figures and List of Tables if you use Word.
Creating a List of Abbreviations
Mark the abbreviation in text References tab Index group Press the button
“Mark Entry” Choose “Cross-Reference” bullet point Insert the full terminology of
the abbreviation Confirm it using “Mark” button Update the list of abbreviations
using the right mouse button and then choosing (“Update field”)
Creating a List of Figures
References Captions “Insert Caption Label Choose “Figure”
Confirm by clicking “OK”
Creating a List of Tables
References Captions “Insert Caption Choose “Table” Click “Okto
confirm Insert a colon and TAB before the actual heading
Self-Study Course @University Library “What about… Citing and Plagiarism?”
Self-Study Course @University Library “What about… Information Search?”
Schreibwerkstatt wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
Statement of Authorship
I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this paper Formal Specifications and
Guidelines for Assignments and Scientific Papers, Bachelor and Master Theses and other
Assignments for the Group Marketing, Management/Organization, and Innovation
Management and I have not used any resources other than those listed in the
bibliography and identified as references. I further declare that I have not submitted this
paper, in this form or similar form, at any other institution, in order to obtain a degree,
and it has not been published yet. I also declare that I have taken a notice of the guidelines
and specifications for producing academic papers and I consent to checking this paper for
plagiarism via the respective needed means.
Ilmenau, 12.06.2023
Non-Disclosure Notice (optional, only for practical work)
This paperFormal Specifications and Guidelines for Assignments and Scientific
Papers, Bachelor and Master Theses and other Assignments for the Group Marketing,
Management/Organization, and Innovation Management”, including the appended CD,
contains, among others, internal confidential data of COMPANY. Publications or
reproductions of the paper - even in part - are not permitted without the explicit
permission of the COMPANY. This paper is to be accessible only to the correctors and
the members of the examination board.